LA FR: Wikipedia + Googlemaps = Blowjob

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This is Toby speaking, live from LA.

I just moved here about two weeks ago, and this is the first field report, which will be a row - you'll recognize this firstly at the title which always begins with "LA FR", and secondly at the language, all those FRs will be in English.

You can of course comment in German, but I think something different is nice, so I'll write them all in English.

Well, right now, I'm still looking for the perfect room in a shared apartment or house, and until I have found it, I'll stay at a youth hopstel.

For my stay at Los Angeles, which will last for one year, I set myself a rule: No porn, no masturbation. It's a huge difference if you say to yourself "I'll try to not masturbate and not watch porn as long as I can stay it and not get too horny, or if you say "No matter what, in this year, there will be no porn and no masturbation. And if I get too horny, I have to find a girl. Quick.

This may sound weird, but it's super effective. I run around and see only more asses and tits. And I like it ;)

Two nights ago, the following happened: I walked into the lobby and sat down at two Korean girls chatting at their laptop, asked them to use it. After some funny conversation, they teached me some Korean and i teached them some German, I left them because the internet connection broke down.

At the end of the room, there was a Japanese girl sitting with her Laptop, at least 21 years old. I sat down at the adge of the couch and approached her by "Does your internet connection work?" .. perfect opener.

By five minutes, i slid down the edge and sat beside her. While we were talking about Japan and Austria, she wanted to show me a Japanese dam, some pictures on the net. While that, i continuously grabbed her hand and pushed it away after a short time. We were sitting right beside each other.

I told her to look the dam up on wikipedia. She didn't know Wiki, so I twisted the laptop a bit, and while I was using the touchpad with my middle finger, I was circeling around on her Leg with my thumb. this was very decent, and we both just looked at the screen.

Then, the conversation ran on two levels. Level numvber one was a pretty nice, funny talk about places we visited on google maps, the other level was progressive Kino. longer handholding, handgrabbing, circleing fingers on legs, and stroking hands.

These two levels actually never interfered, means, we didn't spoke about what was happening.

I advanced to holdher hand for long, long seconds, or something like "here, I'll show zou the place we're now at" while grabbing her hand,putting it on my leg, and then using my free hand to navigate while her hand remained there.

We came to the point where I took her hand and directly put it on my dick. Well, there was still my trouser between, but she could definately feel it. And she did - I moved him up and down, when she looked at me, saying "Oh, there's something going on!" and grinned. I was doing a vague reply with low voice.

Yopu have to imagine a huge lobby room with some couches and aboutten people sitting there. She had her hand on my dick and rubbed softly. My following idea was pretty exciting, like in a bad porn: I took my backpack, put it on my lap, took out a map and looked at it. She wanted to know what was interesting about the map, and i said, that nobody will take a notice, now, that nobody can see what's goping on under this huge paper map.

"I think we have to get deeper", and while I zoomed in at googlemaps, she entered my pants. Nice. After some rubbing I was sure that I didn't want to mess up my good black trousers (I have to wear them at work), so I said "Time to go to bed, but I think we have five minutes left".

She said that I was crazy and shut down her laptop, to follow me upstairs on the toilet. She wanted to switch off the light, which I was okay with. And of course, after two weeks remaining like a monk, I messed the whole place up. But who cares... ;)

no itide

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HAHA! very nice! solid game. i liked the two layers of interaction. do you always do that?

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a very nice FR. i really love to read this in english. I think its much more interesesting and btw its a good training to flirt with woman from other nations.

Kinda cool what you did with this japanese chick =)

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Damn you've got a really good game

I like it.

The two levels-thing is very interessting and what mrenegy09 said is true. We gonna learn to flirt in English xD

greetz sYn

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Hey .. very cool .. i mean both - your field report and writing them in english.

I also like your task for the year .. maybe i will do the same thing in the U.S.A., sounds challenging.

So what do you actually do in L.A? Do you study abroad?

In August i will start my study abroad in san diego .. i will stay there 3 month and after that i will travel through california. I think we should start something together in time - i like your style.

stay cool.

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You lucky bastard :wub:

You should definitly keep on writing all your experiences here, cause Im also planning to go to LA this year,

if youre still there maybe we may meet up there somehow.

Have you been to a lair meeting there already or had some other contacts to the local scene?

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Is ja mal wieder typisch, Herr Rippe...

Wohnung hast Du noch keine aber Weiber anbraten bist Du =)

Warst Du schon sargen am Sunset Boulevard? Klingt so klischeehaft, würd ich mir aber als erstes geben ^^



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hi guys,

@no itide

Nice FR! I like your game. You get what you want and you are dominant...

I have some special questions to you. What do you think, are there some differents between the behavior of girls from europe and

girls from america? Do you think american girls are more self-confident?

Thanks for your answer.

greetz daniel

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Thanks for the many replies.

So I'll try to answer your questions:

@Darkraider: Hm, hard to say. Actually, yes, because my Kino has not always something to do with the content of the conversation, in this case it was specifically nonsense what we talked about. Mehow once modelled this Idea as "Microloops", describing how to run conversation on different levels - in fact, it's just a more specific explanation of Kino principles.

@J.: No. But first you have not that many LA chicas in an LA hostel, and secondly I thoughtit was exciting to get the dick rubbed in a room with ten other people not noticing.. it doesn't really matter where the girl comes from as long as she makes me horny ;)

@suy: Definately. Just write me a PM when you arrive, then I can give you my american phone number. Mh, no, I don't study here, I am doing a kind of exchange program and work in a huge museum for one year.

@marc: Well, I met some PUAs in the supermarket, they were kinda approaching every girl they saw. Pretty funny guys, they said, the don't go out much with other PU-guys. Here in LA there are so many different lairs, I just don't know which one to choose. But I'll definately hook up with the community here.

@Tomen: Not really. I was just going by car through Sunset Blvd. It may be pretty nice to pick up some girls there, definately check that out for you ;)

@Cooperx: Yap, altough many people disagree, there are HUGE cultural differences. People here are very open, very friendly, and it's totally common to approach strangers. When you say Hi, they ask How are you. Always. People here in California are very laid back and cool. I think I haven't yet met somebody arrogant.

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  Kinderbier schrieb:
Wieso reden hier alle englisch? :wub: :wub:

Weil einer von den ausschließlich Deutschen hier im Thread gerade in LA haust :wub:

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macht meiner meinung nach keinen sinn in englisch zu posten, da du nichtmal einen richtigen dialog zitierst

mit pick up hat es auch nicht allzuviel zu tun

nette story dennoch

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