A letter from Red Priest

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International European Lair

Dear German PUAs,

this is RedPriest from Hungary. In Budapest Lair,

we've been thinking on a couple of projects recently.

The first and most interesting idea is to create a

stronger connection between PUAs of different nations.

It is very timely, as there are many travelling PUAs

around the world already, and we could form a group

called International European Lair.

It would be an independent lair itself, so it wouldn't

be in a higher position than any other lairs, and wouldn't

control them in any means. Its purpose would be to make

meetings with other PUAs easier, organize regular meetings

in your area, and hold an all-european summit each year.

Some of you have already heard about the project and support

it (thanks for the GREAT letters!), while I'm sure many of you

would love to be part of it. Once ready, the Lair will help

you on your travels, and lets you meet some of the best PUAs

(and some of your new best friends!) in life.

If you're interested in making it happen, please send a reply

to this mail, and you'll be informed on the current development

of the lair, and our other projects (depending on interest).

We already got an offer for making a website, if you can help in

this, or have ideas for the page, please include it in your letter.

More coming soon!

Happy new year dudes, keep on sarging!

Red Priest (organizing Budapest Lair)

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"If you're interested in making it happen, please send a reply

to this mail, and you'll be informed on the current development

of the lair, and our other projects (depending on interest)."

Wie soll man dazu jetzt replyen? Das ist ja nicht die original Mail. Ich würd gerne in diesem Lair dabei sein.

Lg Sven

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