Looking for English speaking Wingman in Berlin

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Expat here, relaxed, fun-loving, easy-going, and pretty chilled out. 
Living in Berlin for about a year now. Love the city, the vibe, and the women 🙂

Looking for an English-speaking wingman who can spend some time during the evening for some game, doesn't matter if you are a pro or a beginner, everyone is welcome. I have done a few pick-ups myself and looking to improve.

Send me a message and lets hang out

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Hey @shaan1991,

im gonna push to 10 posts then send you a message j

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hey there, I am unable to send PM right now, but I'd like to wing with you. 
Traveling to Berlin to remote work for a while. 31 yr old.
Feel free to hit me up


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Am 3.3.2023 um 09:19 , shaan1991 schrieb:

Expat here, relaxed, fun-loving, easy-going, and pretty chilled out. 
Living in Berlin for about a year now. Love the city, the vibe, and the women 🙂

Looking for an English-speaking wingman who can spend some time during the evening for some game, doesn't matter if you are a pro or a beginner, everyone is welcome. I have done a few pick-ups myself and looking to improve.

Send me a message and lets hang out

Hi, I can't send messages yet but are you still looking?

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Hi mate, can't send you a message at the moment, but would love to be your wingman. PM me if you want to. 

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