Cliff's List Convention 2005 DVDs

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ich hab mir die Convention DVD's angeschaut und will hier meine Notizen von mir teilen, die ich mir beim anschauen der DVD's gemacht habe. Sie spiegeln nicht den kompletten Stoff wieder!!

Wenn es rechtlich bedenklich ist, dann lösch' ich alles wieder heraus!!!

Was ist Cliffslist?

Cliff's list ist älteste Mailing Liste der Community. Hier sammelt er aus unabhängigen Quellen/Authoren Informationen in Form von Newslettern. Tragt euch ein!!!

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Cliff's List Convention

Hier haben sich die Besten der Besten der Community zusammengefunden um ihre Theorien und ihr Wissen zu teilen. Der Stoff ist einfach MIND BLOWING!!!

mehr zu den Rednern und weitere Infos:

Die Notizen sind englisch!! Ich werde sie auch nicht übersetzen, da es für mich einen zu hohen Aufwand bedeutet!! Jeder sollte heutzutage dem Englischen mächtig sein!

Die Liste ist lang und unvollständig und wird fortgesetzt!! Es steckt einfach zu viel Information in den 10 DVDs und ich hab noch nicht alle durchgeschaut!

Bitte nur konstruktive Kritik, ansonsten TAKE IT or LEAVE IT!

Brent - Legendary Ladies Man

Power is something is everybody seeks.

  • Figure out what you want!
  • Figure out what you are willing to give up!
  • Everything you think is negative. You have to turn positive.
  • When speak passionate about something, it doesn't matter if it right or wrong, they respect you, because you stand up for something. That is powerful!
  • Figure out what is going on in the evening
  • It doesn't matter what you say than how you say it
  • Don't be attached to the outcome
  • Failure is the best teacher

Pushing you through paralysis

  • Don't take yourself so seriously, don't analyse too much!
  • You have just do it to achieve it
  • Don't be so stressed of it
  • You can walk away from every situation/anything in anytime
  • Be honest: "Say you have nothing to say now"
  • When you overcompensate, you come across as arrogant
  • You get it and if they know you get it, then you can you it to suck them in your reality
  • When you believe it's don't gonna work out, you don't gonna work out. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy
  • Give yourself permission
  • If you achieve something, there is a prize, there is something you must sacrifice
  • The only really thing is what you wish for is only real in the conversation
  • Answer machine message:
    • "Hey Susan. It's John. I have to congratulate you're hitting on me. You have a great taste in men. Call me back and we're talking to get together sometime"

    [*]When you walked up to girl where guy's fail, then go up an say

    • "Was this guy hitting on you"
    • "Yes"
    • "What did he say?"
    • "…"
    • "Oh my God. Thanks. I was going to say that"

    [*]When you only want to date 10's then only talk to 10's

    [*]The learning is in the doing

Sensei – Lance Mason

Opening Kino

  • It's hard sense something when you don't touch her
  • opening kino awakens her kinostestic mind that will generate stronger emotions
  • When you don't touch her, she's not feeling so much emotion
  • You have to touch a women early in the conversation
  • You have to touch her within 3s
  • High Five her/give her the rock
  • Never push a woman physically away – only psychologically
  • You are getting away with more cocky and funny when you touching a woman

Kino escalation

  • she must be attracted to you before you escalate
  • when a woman let you touch her doesn't mean she's comfortable
  • you can't escalate publicly/ in front of her friends

Touching guideline

  • woman hands never lies
  • you want to touch a woman as you're dating


  • women are a gift from men to me
  • women are searching for their prince on a white horse
  • you have to in vision your future every day
  • success comes from inside
  • someone who likes himself is attractive
  • woman are a high form of art

Retaining relationships

  • very thing of beauty must end, otherwise they are not beautiful
  • Enjoy it like a butterfly on your hand, enjoy it as long it last
  • Relationships are flowing, they don't last
  • Relationships are mutual respect and admiration
  • Never lie to a woman, woman will pick it up


  • Be in the present
  • Come from the heart and don't care people think
  • Don't seek approval
  • Don't give your power away – don't create a win- lose situation

Two Rules

  • Who cares what she/anybody thinks
  • The most important person in the relationship is me

  • the only way to stop caring what people thinks is coming from integrity
  • when you tell somebody something and they're defensive that means that it is true

Four types of people avoid

  • "Poor me"- people
    • they're sucking your energy

    [*]Aloof- people


    • They're trying to control you by asking


    • People that forces you through intimidation

  • You can only judge people that you see in yourself!!!

The One

  • Be comfortable in your own skin/who you are! – Everywhere/ everytime
  • You are conveying in your own skin through
    • Body language

    [*]emotion and logic

    • stop analyzing !!! analysis goes paralysis
    • when you're analyzing, you're NOT in the moment
    • logic doesn't attract, emotion does

    [*]every limiting beliefs comes from social conditioning

    [*]5 attributes for personal change

    • non- verbal- attributes
      • 93% is conveying non- verbal
      • 36% is voice tonality
      • 57% is body language

      [*]verbal attributes

      • How interesting are you?
      • Story telling
      • Conversational frame control
      • Conversational leading

      [*]the ability to relate/ social calibration

      • Who are you talking to?

      [*]living in your own reality

      • Go out there and live your life!!
      • Where are you going?

      [*]Confidence and a strong belief system

to be continued



PS: Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet darf sie behalten.

PPS: Wenn Klärungsbedarf besteht einfach posten.

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SEHR netter Zusammenschrieb!

Die Videos sind tatsächlich im Moment so mit das Beste was man sich reinziehen kann, is wie Double Your Dating, nur mit weniger DDA und mehr geilen Gastsprechern ;)

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Coole Zusammenfassung, hab die DVDs schon vor einiger Zeit gesehen, war ziemlich gut, nur manche Redner bissschen langweilig und machen viel Werbung für ihr Produkt, was verständlich ist.

Häts irgendwie cool gefunden wenn Ross Jeffries noch dabeigewesen wäre, einfach nur um zu sehen wie er sich neben seiner Konkurrenz so verhält und ob er was gutes zu sagen hat. Aber danke nochmal für die Zusammenfassung.

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Gut, daß du dir die Arbeit gemacht hast. Nicht nur für mich bzw. uns.

When you only want to date 10's then only talk to 10's
Never push a woman physically away – only psychologically

Weißt du etwas darüber, was Wegschubsen/Sanfte Gewalt mental bei ihr bewirkt ?

You are getting away with more cocky and funny when you touching a woman
Du meinst wahrscheinlich You are getting away with more touching when using cocky and funny ?!
when a woman let you touch her doesn't mean she's comfortable

Das ist ein mentaler Trojaner. Nimm den Satz lieber aus deinen Ausführungen.

woman hands never lies
Was ist damit gemeint ?
Never lie to a woman, woman will pick it up

Damit hängt auch das "Ich streite nie mit einer Frau, ich verliere eh immer"-Denken zusammen. Nicht empfehlenswert.

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-->Never push a woman physically away – only psychologically

Damit ist gemeint, dass du wenn du eine Frau z.B. wegdrückst nicht sie mit den Händen wirklich wegdrückst stattdessen drückst du dich von ihr ab d.h. sie bewegt sich also nicht von ihren Platz nur du.

Das ist echt schwierig zu muss es gesehen haben. Also anderer Versuch:

Du hast z.B. ein Mädel im Arm und willst dich von ihr lösen. Dann drückst du nicht sie/ihren Körper nicht weg sondern stößt dich ein bißchen ab und gehst nen Schritt zu Seite. Das hat also keinen physischen sondern nur nen psychologischen Effekt.


-->You are getting away with more cocky and funny when you touching a woman

Nein, wenn du mit einer Frau Kino machst, dann kommst mit krassen c+f- statement durch als wenn du eine Frau nicht anfassen würdest, dass ist damit gemeint.

-->when a woman let you touch her doesn't mean she's comfortable

Mentaler Trojaner?

woman hands never lies

Und zwar wenn du die Hand einer Frau hälst, dann fühlst du sie ja. Ist sie starr, drück sie zurück, wenn du drückst, spielt sie mit deinen fingern, hält sie dich fest. Sensei sagt halt, dass sie dir was vor spielen kann in dem sie lacht und trotzdem keine Lust auf dich hat usw. Er meint aber auch, dass man das mit der Hand nicht fälschen kann.

-->Never lie to a woman, woman will pick it up

Der Satz stammt von Zan. Der hat ganz anderen Ansichten über PickUp. Er ist aber halt ein Verführer/Romantiker. Er bezeichnet sich selbst nicht als PUA. Er vertritt eine ganz andere Philosopie. Die anderen PUA respektieren ihr dafür.

Was mit dem Satz gemeint ist, dass wenn du eine Frau anlügst, sie es merkt. Frauen sind 10mal besser in senden und interpretieren von Körpersprache. Wenn du nicht das Lügen professionell betreibst, dann kommst auf die eine oder andere weise inkongruent rüber.

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Weiter geht's:

Dr. Alex

Three principles

Abundance – wealth and consciousness

  • there are many opportunities

Enlightened self- interest

  • be flexible
  • go to for the win- win- situation
  • search for long- term- success
  • take care of yourself first, then the others

Be, do, have philosophy

  • Be the kind of that person you want to be
  • Do the kind of things that persons do
  • Have the kind of things that person have


  • Everything in this world was first a thought of somebody

Beliefs about the Universe

  • abundance in the universe
  • the universe is the reflection of yourself
  • the world is complete as it is
    • accept the moment as now

Beliefs about Yourself

  • You are as complete as you are
  • “I am the cheese”
  • Upholding your importance is a waste of energy

Sex Strengthen your muscle that stops the flow of urine. You can also use so that you don’t ejaculate, so you will be able to have multiple orgasms and your dick remains hard.

  • Diligent Method

  • flex the muscle, hold it -> make it ten times
  • flex and release the muscle, twenty times

  • Lazy man’s method

  • when you have to go pee, stop the flow of urine about 8 times

Notice the point of no return, don’t pass it. Figure out where it is. Notice it and breathe.

DJ – Mystery Method Instructor

Attraction up to 30 min

A1 Opener

A2 Demostrating Value – Male to female attraction

A3 Qualifying the girl/Why do you like her? – Female to male attraction

  • Attraction requires a strong command in the environment.
  • Attraction is every thing that separates you from her
  • Suck her in your world. You better have a interesting world

Comfort 6 h

C1 Friendship

C2 Trust

C3 Intimacy

  • Pacing her world/ connecting with her
  • Conveying who you are!
  • Beeing comfortable who you are à have a strong Identity
  • You have to have value for her, so she can be with you
  • The girl have to figure out if she’s comfortable with you
  • Story telling
    • You really figure out what you want/are!
      • What are you core value?
      • Tweak your personality to project that!

      [*]Ending of stories

      • Punch line – any story with humour ending
      • Moral – learning from the story
      • Sag way to another story
      • Bait her to ask you for more information

    [*]Rapport 4 Types

    • deep rapport – connecting with some topics
      • Same Music, Movies, values

      [*]emotional rapport

      • same experiences
      • bond on a emotional level

      [*]familiarity rapport

      • built trough time spending together

      [*]neutral rapport


- leading to the escalation-

S1 Arousal


S3 Sex

David DeAngelo

The secret of the naturals

  • naturals have no reliance on techniques
  • they are principle- based

  • What is the game you playing that prevents you from success?
  • Where are you deceiving yourself?
  • Who are you really?
  • What is your deepest insecurity? What are you ashamed of?
  • What part of you do you hide from somebody?
  • What part of you do you have contempt for?

->Keep these things of you and integrate them and transcend

Irrational thoughts and motives

  • it’s normal to have these things
  • What are your irrational thoughts and motives?

  • Build a live that brings joy to you!
  • Share your wisdom!

Conflict and being a man

  • you have to deal with conflicts logically, emotionally and physically
  • the issues that haunts you must be identified
  • stop saying “I am right and you’re wrong”
  • maturity + experience = sexual confidence
  • the boy must die and allowing the man to live
  • accept death

Teil von David D. wird noch vervollständigt.

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