Jason Bournes Tinder Improvement Guide

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Dear Reader,

I’m using Tinder since over 1,5 years now with mixed results. I developed from matching not even any old hag or desperate down to fuck MILF to a guy meeting a few decent looking woman with fascinating personalities.
This guide is about the lessons I’ve learned, and while I’m writing this i consider myself maybe half way done, as i still don’t match absolute high class woman (models, pornstars, strippers and other hired gun hotties).
So if you want to improve on tinder, here’s my experiene (and opinion bout it, of course) and I’m open for input and improvement, as sucess on Tinder isn’t static, it’s the result of a ongoing process.

- Understand tinder
- get a decent set of pics. Most important: First pic- smiling, waist up or face directly. Be in shape, styled and groomed, get you pic photoshoped. Play around with pics, always mix another in.
- fix your swipping, don’t rage swipe it’ll ruin your rank
- understand how girls use this app
- improve your text game, be funny, unique and a cool guy
- go on a date and game as normal

1. Understand playing Tinder, Expectations and Goals
Tinder is using a attraction factor to rate people and show them people about the same attraction level. They use a kind of an adapted ELO rating (how good is a player agains others)  - there’s no need for a deep dive, it’s enough the understand, that there’s a number based on how many and how good looking girls swipe right for you measured against how many and how good looking girls you swipe (last must be discounted, certain hot girls get a right swipe by everybody, tested it with a few really hot girls – they match at least 8 out of 10 guys).
Tinder is making a secret on the exact ranking factors as it’s the core of their business, but the basic is how attractive you look.
This has a few implementations:
a) you must look as attractive as possible (haha, I know they won’t hand over a noble price for this piece of brainwork!)
b) you have to understand and manage your swipping behavior
c) you should understand how a stack works and how good looking girls use tinder.

If you want to understand more about how tinder works, start with this one - but be warned, I do not agree with some stuff mentioned in there, that part explaining how tinder works is the best one I've seen so far:

The expectations are usually much higher than results – there’s always loss on each step, let’s say you match 10 of 100 swipes, you’ll loose some just before the opener, some will not respond, some will unmatch, some won’t date at all, etc. Tinder is also kind of a Restefick sometimes, so expect some Weirdos, take it like a sportsman and have a laugh about odd things happening.

Than in fact, we all want to date those beauties – and that’s what this guide is written for.

2. It’s all about the pics – even worse, it’s almost all about the first foto
Simple truth: Your fotos suck – you suck on Tinder.
Like how Tinder is bringing dating down to just looks on pics or not, it’s  the main, no better the almost only factor that matters.
So you have to max out your picset at no matter what price.
If you have an unfair advantage having access to professional pics – e.g. you are a male model, actor, singer, sports player or anybody famous, congratulations. Put that in an you have tons of matches.
For anybody else, you have to go the hard way.
You need a decent foto set, and to be more detailed, you need a professional overworked (photoshopped!) version o fit. Don’t be shy about or say that’s lying, I’m just the messenger, so don’t blame me.
Girls do it too. I’ve dated girls looking completely different than on her tinder pics, having much more KGs or been X years younger.
Also, your pics are just the entry ticket for a conversation and maybe a date, to be successful and getting close to her or into bed is another fair share of workload.
Girls usually don’t sleep with guys just because of their looks (unless it’s a high energetic, high sex atmosphere like a club etc. or it’s one of that seldom girls being extremely open with her sexuality).
It’s they think about the possibility of having sex because the guy is good looking. And that makes all the difference in the world- it’s a entry ticket for a date, from there lots of factors join.

If you don’t have access to professional pics, you need to get a as decent set of pics as possible.

Read this guide and understand that you need at least on really good portrait (waist up or face) showing your face smiling!

Then It’s about to compose a set around it, showing you as an attractive guy doing cool stuff and giving an impression as you as a person.
For me it’s the attributes of Sport, adventure, travelling.
For an artist it might be flow, inspiration, expression, etc.
For a singer, a musician it might be different.

If you have a good body, show it in a sense full way, not a show of pic, but a pic which could have been shot in a normal situation (of course it isn’t, but that’s not what it’s about).

Ask close friends for feedback and pics, it always helps. Also, ask your date when you have comfort and a connection (or after sex with her).

Here’s what I’ve done:
Did look at my pals to get an impression what pics they use – best use a girls account otherwise you see all the gay guys
Made a plan what pics I do want to have, did read guides and how tos
I did ask a friend with a good camera to do some pics – if there’s none, find one via Facebook or go to a professional
Went to the hairdresser, checked out what length my beard had to have to look most attractive, did all the cosmetics to my body
Worked out and took a shower before I left
Didn’t eat or drink a lot, did have enough sleep.
Did the photos
Asked my female friends what pics the liked most
gave them to a graphic designer
got them photoshoped
Tested them
Replaced photos and play the set over and over – it’s a process and never finished

No gos are weired pics, all these „I’m so cool“ poser pics and everything that seems too set up.  Also be careful with selfies, group pics, pics with ex girlfriends and other girls, you name it.


3. How to Swipe & Search settings
Depends a lot on the time you have. To understand tinder, you need to know that each person has a stack of profiles. If you are on top of these stacks, more people see your profile and so there will be more right swipes. This depends on your attractivity rating.
So swipe right only if you can imagine sleeping with her, she’s interesting and be aware that your mood plays a role.
I try to see more pics than just the first one and never swipe right for over 50% of pics, to not damage my attractivity rank.
My search setting as a 30 year old man in a city is 30km radius (whole city) and age 20 – 35.
I would assume it’s your age minus 10 years max, but that brings it down to 20, so I just set it to 18 sometimes cuz these 2 years don’t make a huge difference. I won’t go over 35, don’t expect too many attractive girls in there and think most woman older are odd and not attractive. -10 and +5 seem to be viable as maximum range.

4. How girls use tinder
A hot girl will usually match almost every guy she swipes right. She doesn’t have to invest and write guys (why should she?) she can just wait and see what guys bring up.
I’ve asked some friends, the standard procedure for a woman on Tinder is: She’s on, playing with the thought of sleeping with a guy. Playing Tinder, matching a handful guys.
Usually, my friends said they have 1-3 favorites, and they start a few chats.
Mostly they date one of these guys when they want to, and put the rest on hold. If she ends up sleeping with him, she’s of market for a while till it starts again.
A lot can be learned from this:
a) you are never alone and 1on1 - she’s almost always matched with at least a backup
b) if your are not her favorite, it’s though
c) be quick – when she’s tangled up with another guy and he sleeps with her it’s most probable that you are out. This is easily explained by her own slut detector – sleeping with one guy via tinder is ok, but imagine her about matching 3-5 guys on one day, chatting with em and meeting em over the next 5-7 days. Of course her own mind tells her she’s a slut.
This information is gained of a small sample size of my female friends, N <5, and 3 of them are from Munich, so no guarantee this ist he same in other places. Though I assume there’s not a huge difference.

5. It’s a match – text game
So, It’s a match. Yeah, time for a beer and wait till she makes the first step….shit, doesn’t work out.
Step one: Categorize. Believe me, it’s not possible and worth the time to write personalized to every match. I’m at 80-20 or 90-10.
If she’s a super hot girl and I like her profile, I go creative and write a personal message.
If she’s one oft he range girls – usually you match girls that are average but ok till good more often, I refer to them as range – just sent her a standard message.

Timing is important. When you swipe and match – write your messages right afterwards, don’t let it wait for days.

My opener are all constructed and standard, as most first parts of text.
Usually the contain a statement, a joke (being funny is important, as Tinder sucks it should be some fun anyways) or a question with a preplanned script behind.
The aim is to get yourself out of that X other guys she has matched, figure out if she’s a person worth dating – it happens often enough that there’s no connection at all, she’s not responsive, doesn’t get your joke, etc.

I try to pull her of Tinder asap and switch over to Whatsapp, phone call or any other messenger, and go for a date as quick as I can.
I want to get it serious and a switch of media is the first hoop she has to jump thru. Some girls don’t – I don’t continue then, how should it ever go for a date? And I won’t date someone without having her number (this might be age dependent, if you’re in the range 18-23 those might not want to call anyway and chatting is fine).

Overall, in text game i try to be a challenge and funny. I’m not the best guy here.

One thing I’ve learned and makes sense for me: Many conversations run dry after a while, or fall asleep- I wasn’t her favorite then, she did date another guy, we didn’t connect, etc.
So after a few days till the conversation has run dry, I write some short message, like:
Hey, what happened to you?
Or any other story to catch up.


Tinder functions, integration and plans

Tinder is not a social project – so there’s the money involved.
All plans are senseless as long as you don’t have a good working picture set. So think about spending first when you get matches.

Tinder Plus let’s you swipe unlimited, set your location and gives you a few super likes a day and a booster a month for about 10 bucks.
Superlikes: You get on top of the stack oft he profiles from that girl whom you super liked – so she sees you, but you gave her a lot of value with this. I didn’t see any better results out of them.
Unlimited right swipes don’t make any sense in terms of your attraction rating, and if you don’t match some girls out of 500 free right swipes a day you won’t get any more with unlimited. So, fix your profile pics first.
Overall, Tinder+ makes just sense if you change your location often and want to match not on the location you are.

If you have a great Insta account with cool pics, connect it.
Also put in Spotify for your favorite song.
Tinder is plain enough, add something about you but don’t expect wonders, it’s your pics that matter.

Boosts are senseful, i didn’t get significant more matches when using booster due to better visibility.
Overall, with a good profile, you can get laid without paying.

Tinder in your region
While travelling and living abroad I figured out there’re huge differences between the places.
For me Tinder was running extremely well in Asia, even in touristy places like Bali (where I matched a lot of beautiful caucasian girls). I heared the same story happening in South America.
There’s not a huge take away from this, as location isn’t something that can be changed easily, just understand that there’s a local factor.


Profile Text:
Not much to say but you want to have one. There’s a study that you want to have a bio, so add one.
Same for this: Tinder is plain enough, add something about you but don’t expect wonders, it’s your pics that matter.

Outline & quickhelp:
Tinder is a cool app, in the end it’s all about the pics you have and how much effort you want to put in.
If you don’t get matches: Reinstall the app to get a new neutral rank. Fix your pics. Try again.

If you get unmatched often: Check your textgame. Same for when you match but don’t get dates.
If you are not successful on dates, fix your game.
Always make sure your Tinder account is personal and shows your personality.

I’m happy to discuss and add to this guide, as said I’m maybe just halfway done, so a lot of room for improvement.

Cheers, Jason


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