Do you want to be my Wing?

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Who likes to go out and meet girls? ;)

I like approaching girls during day time as well as in bars/clubs and am not interested in meeting with groups of bros (lair-style).

I do not at all have any patience for guys who treat women disrespectful or talk about them in such a manner.

If you are able to respond to rejection from a woman with a smile or at least absence of arrogance / aggression then you are welcome to write me.

I'd consider myself rather experienced (yes, several full-closes ...) and my "game" is intuition based / natural (meaning no canned openers or routines). Also I'd say I am rather direct and escalating fast.

If that resonates with you and you already have some experience, then please respond.

If not but you'd like to learn from me as your (professional) coach - you're also welcome to respond.

Kind regards

PS: I speak German btw

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