Carbbackloading / Carbnite - Podcast Summaries

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Podcast notes:
1. Autophagy recycles unused or damaged cellular components.
2. Leucine or insulin shuts down autophagia process; ketones help regulate Carrier Mediated Autophagy (selective).
3. Cutting out PRO out fo the diet for 24-48hrs has been shown to increase autophagy and activate macro-micro autophagy.
4. Sugar alcohols may increase insulin and also decrease ketone production in the liver.
5. One must have sustained ketosis before autophagy to occur.

Samarai Diet:
1. Rebound hypoglycemia triggers increase hGH at night; keeping insulin spike short and high will increase fat burning potential at night due to high hGH
2. Pure Paleo dieting (low CHO) makes you skinny, but more often 'skinny fat'. Athletes need teh CHO to support training goals. Keifer commented that training w/o CHO is productive for most athletes, and then loading CHOs prior to competition time frame.

Jim Laird's 1st Interview:
1. Joint by joint training--T-spine, ankle, hips, stable core to mvnt patterns and incorporation of more pulling work.
2. MVNT patterns: going back to infantile mvnt patterns (ie. crawling, bear crawl, teaching diaphram breathing) serves useful for persons in sedentary positions or jobs.
3. Diet cokes slow digestion, destroy tooth enamel, and sleep patterns--suggest soda water or flavored soda water.
4. ACE-K spikes insulin levels, often found with sucrolose products.

Podcast #12
1. Adrenal fatigue or resistance?--Receptors are not responsive to adrenaline. Caused by diet and lack of cardio will increase recovery time. Running and endurance cardio shut increase adrenal receptor resistance.
2. Women and men differ in type of macros burned during exercise. Men burn increased CHOs during workouts, while women burn more FAT during workouts due to increased hGH. Men get hGH release after workouts.
3. Dietary fat intake more important than protein, since it is a primary fuel source (ie. animal fats to burn) to teach the body to burn bodyfat.
4. It is very hard to overeat on Protein:Fat diets, you can stall at a certain bodyweight; but it tends to be in the very high levels (ie. >600-1000g fat).
5. Least processed foods will get better results, as processed foods may have additives that hinder results.

Mountain Dog Podcast:
1. Clean CBL backload foods: sweet potatoes, cooked; white rice, potatoes, corn; (grapes, bananas-overripe, are some fruit options); cookies, turnovers, ice cream for later in backload.
2. LPL (lipoprotein lipase)--> pulls fatty acids into cells; CHO increase LPL activity, which decreases lipolysis; HSL (hormone sensitive lipase)--> breaks up triglycerides to release them into circulation
3. You backload to prepare the body for the days next workout, not recover from the days workout.
4. Peri/Post workout nutrition are 80% of the results; stay focused on workout window (ie. 2hour post workout period).
5. Workout protocol: Warmup muscle group with secondary exercise; Main exercise; Accomodating resistance (chains/bands--to help CNS to train explosively); Pump exercise to flood muscle group trained with blood (ie. DB flat bench; BB bench press; HS Iso press w/ bands; close grip pushups, elevated to flat).
6. The stretch shortening cycle is important to monitor if you have limitations in your level of flexiblity to fully lengthen out a muscle (ie. if your tibialis anterior is tightened, you may not get full stimulation out of your calve exercises).

Girls Kick Ass Podcast:
1. Choices (food) get limited closer towards contest prep.
2. Gluten may affect 50% of the population; may interfere with CBL results.
3. T3/T4 levels (thyroid) levels drop from heavy, long endurance cardio.

Just some things I took notes on from the podcasts.


This thread is to be used as a reference for tweaks not mentioned in the CBL book. Please only post in this thread if you have something to add. Please do not ask questions in this thread. If you do your post will be removed. These all come from Kiefer either from interviews, Biojacked, articles, or from second hand info (Naomi and others).
•Anytime you are ultra-low carb, keep fat:protein between .5:1 and 1:1 ratio. Use .5:1 for pure fat loss and 1:1 for re-composition. This is baseline and make adjustments from those starting points.
•Fructose can potentially be a problem in backloads. Sucrose (table sugar) and High Fructose Corn Syrup are both about 50% fructose, so for every gram of sucrose or HFCS that counts as .5g of fructose. Dextrose contains no fructose and regular Corn Syrup (Karo Syrup) contains very little.
•Consume mainly animal fats. A serving or two of nuts and avocado is ok, but do not make them a staple fat for best results. Do not make chicken fat a staple either.
•Do not fast for longer than 14 hours. Coconut oil (or any other pure fat) does not count as breaking a fast.
•For the best tGLUT translocation (what makes backloading "work"), the base of your training should be heavy weights (12 reps or less). Feel free to throw in higher rep sets in addition.
•Keep fat low in the beginning of the backload.


Here's a post Kiefer made in a member's log on how to do a bulk with minimal fat gain:

"Recalibrate: I would do this for the cleanest bulk possible.

Start at half your carb needs (300/2 = 150g) on training days; 5 grams at night before beg on non-training days , high glcyemic.

Keep the non-training day load stable and up the post-training carbs every 2 weeks. So, two weeks at 150; if fat stable (or losing), 200 for two weeks; reassess and increase until BF holds stable. At this point, you will be building mass without fat. Use the off days as "catch ups" from then on out. Some training sessions will require more carbs than others. The off days, catch up and do it right...blow it out. After about a month, you'll probably need to start doing these recalibrations. Oddly enough, when I start smoothing out is when I do a massive carb up on an OFF night."


•Fiber isn't a necessity, try to avoid excess fiber during backloads.
•Cheese is okay if tolerated, but avoid using any kind as a main fat or protein source.


Moderators Note: The information in this may be unique to Tanner Fox.

Interview with Tanner:

1. coffee with cream in AM
a. increases cortisol mobilization for fat; as long as no leucine or protein hydroisolate
b. accelerates fat loss in AM; providing the body with a burst of triglycerides as long as you are burning them will increase keton production
c. utilize 10g of why isolate (maximum) to avoid secreting insulin if Density Bulking

2. Starting point for CHOs in backloading: Go nuts...biofeedback is key. Go overboard to get BIG responses fast so you can compensate, plus you know what 'going nuts' feels like...

3. Backloading on off days (it depends)...
a. high volume training may have some benefit, since they may never get fully replenished with glycogen
b. ULC days keep under <30g; but sometimes larger guys can backload on off nights with one meal in the PM period
c. fatty acid transporters are active after training--which can make you appear flat from lack of triglyceride storage in the muscles; muscles want to store everything after training, including triglycerides; go by how you look in the AM to determine if you need more fat in your backloads, as well as CHO

4. Protein intake when backloading need not exceed 2g/1lb bodyweight, there is no need.

5. Tanner has a 2 hour feeding window; goal is to replenish CHO stores, so protein shakes are subsituted instead of whole, meat proteins to increase CHO consumption

6. The less viscous a food is, the less your body will sense satiety, so not so much fluid in foods (ie. dry potatoes vs mashed potatoes); that way you don't get full in the middle of a backload.

7. Supps increase glucose transporrt may be a disadvantage by making all cells (ie. muscle, fat cells) sensitive to insulin, which would stimulate storage in both areas. I think this is the deal with cinnamon and ALA. Unless there is some proof that muscle cells are stimulated more than fat cells! But that's okay, I don't like spending more money on supps, I'd rather have food.

8. Eggs, never eat without fat source. In PM eggs are acceptable.

Keifer and Laird Int. #2
1. When kcals are too low it shuts down systems that require too much energy. Your body becomes more efficient and utilizes less overall kcals. Higher fat, higher protein intake helps keep teh body running.
-Comparrison: Inner city driving (higher kcals) less efficient vs hwy driving (low kcals) more efficient
You want the body to have more of the right macros to burn inefficiently as heat production.

2. Endurance Athletes dietary manipulations:
a. END Athletes cut out CHO except for 1-2 days before race. Carb Nite type diet. Evening before race or two days before add CHO back in. Then load CHO day before race. Depends on how your body responds.
b. Body won't willingly use CHO until after two to three days prior to event; experimentation with CHO loading should be done to determine efficiency (ie. cereals and sweet potatoes work well).
c. Sprinters utilize more of a CBL approach; sprinting w/o CHOs to enhance epinephrine repsonse from the body, increases performance. Similiar to powerlifting b/f a meet.

3. Shockwave sets the body up for success in the gym by adapted principles to either Go Hard, Heavy or Not Feeling It, Go Home!
a. CNS can take up to 10 days to recover
b. insensitivity to adrenaline dumps can cause adrenal fatigue and halt gains in the gym and outside

4. Odd Chain Fatty acids (anybody know what the hell type of fatty acids are odd chained?) keep glucose blood levels at same levels as CHOs...

5. Strongman Competitors...
a. glycemic loading; AM low glycemic CHO; PM or Intra-WO start loading high glycemic CHOs
b. Before a meet, totally deplete glycogen Mon-Thurs; Backload Thurs night; Friday load CHO all day; Saturday go by feel

6. Rehabilitation and on CBL--> Start with DETOX Diet
a. repairs DMG to cells, supplies all critical nutrients to repair, and become anabolic
b. ketone prevent muscle loss (ketone production will stop MPB)--> NOT a form of ketoacidosis
c. antioxident levels increased
d. babies are born operating on ketone bodies (I need to research this...I've read about it, but never really applied it before)

7. Refined white products cause problems in all humans: flour, sugar, salt, and dairy!
8. CBL works better when applied through experimentation; everyone is different. Cookie cutter approaches just don't work for everyone. You need to experiment. Does having a pre-WO shake help me. Peri-WO start CHO consumption, or is Post-WO ideal...
-how many CHO are optimal for my body...blah, blah, blah...

9. Pursuing hypertrophy you need to experiment with different movements to increase muscle stimulation: pushups on the rings versus regular pushups, etc.

10. Motor Control Programs are based on feedback loops and can be retrained. Forward Feedback loops must be implemented to effectively solve issues with movement patterns (ie. multidifidi act to coordinate core movements...not stabilize). (I need more info on this).


From the Promoting Real Women Radio: MMA Moms podcast:
•On Carb Nite, protein intake should be 30% of total calories.
•A protein intake 50% or greater will make it difficult to become ketotic.
•Athletes however can tolerate and may require a protein intake greater than 50%, of course depending on the individual and their training regimen.

From the Garage Warrior podcast:
•Protein should be eaten later in the day
•Diet should be mainly fat, and most fat should be eaten earlier in the day.
•As ketoadaptation takes place, the muscle usage of ketones goes down due to down regulation of 3 beta hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase activity, preserving ketones to be used by other organs
•Heart muscle use of ketones goes up
•This is why ketosis is great for endurance athletes, but terrible for power athletes.
•MMA fighters are considered power athletes.
•Low insulin levels are more important for fat loss than ketogenesis.

From the Propane Fitness podcast:
•The body appearing ‘full’ and amount of ‘water retention’ in the body can be used as a guide for increasing or decreasing carb intake

From the Lift Run Bang podcast:
•First off I just have to say that this was a pretty hilarious podcast and I actually laughed out loud multiple times. Things get quite a bit raunchy, and the damn podcast is 2 hours long! But it was 2 hours of pure gold! Also it’s probably the only podcast in which you hear Kiefer actually cut loose and really get comfortable, since he usually speaks with more decorum…. and it’s refreshing!
•Recommends Carlson’s Fish Oil 15 gm per day.
•Interesting discussion of a study in which they examined the different hormonal responses between a fast food burger vs a grass fed burger with same macronutrient content.
•They also discuss which super hero or villainess they would each choose to bang
•And of course they address the age old dilemma of who they would rather have with them on a desert island… a mermaid in which the upper half is human and bottom half a fish or one that is upper half fish and bottom half human…

From the Ben Coombs Show podcast:
•Galacto-oligosaccharides and fructo-oligosaccharides, which are both prebiotics, can increase ketone levels.
•Kiefer prefers those to potato starch when discussing resistant starch and the gut biome.
•Kiefer has backed off on his support of caffeine. In the Carb Back-Loading shakes he recommends up to 200 mg in both the pre and post workout shakes (since I didn’t want to screw up my sleep too much, I decided not to use any caffeine when using shakes).
•He says he only uses caffeine with super high intense athletes… which is definitely not me.
•Noticed that performance and fat loss improved with removal of evening caffeine.

From Kiefer’s own Body IO FM podcast interview with Ben Greenfield:
•Ben Greenfield discussed his recent participation in Jeff Volek’s lab examining the differences between high carb and low carb endurance athletes (people in documented ketosis)
•They ran at 65% VO2 Max for 3 hrs.
•Muscle and fat biopsies were performed throughout the day, before the run, after the run, immediately after a post workout meal, and then a few hours after the post workout meal, to analyze changes in glycogen and other enzymes and what-nots (biopsies are no joke! this a serious study!).
•Dexa scans were also done.
•They also collected urine samples to look at nitrogen utilization
•Stool samples were studied to look at microbiome and other gut stuff.
•They also measured RMR before, during 60 minutes after, and 120 minutes after workout.
•Of course they did blood draws to look at various blood markers.
•Cheek swabs were collected to look at membrane fatty acids and free radicals.
•One of the preliminary results for Ben Greenfield was that he was able to oxidize fat at 1.4 – 1.5 gm per minute (he was in ketosis for this experiment). Previously the maximal theoretical rate of fat oxidation was though to be 1.1 gm per minute, and it turns out the Ben Greenfield was only in the middle of the range for this study. This will literally change the paradigm for endurance athletes.
•Ben’s inflammation levels were low throughout the experiment.
•At least the preliminarily, the results show that ketosis is great for endurance athletes…
•and that we can oxidize way more fat than the current research states if we become fat adapted.
•They also go into the changes of Ben’s thyroid and how he addressed it with thyroid extract and organ meats.

From the Body IO FM podcast research review:
•They’ve noticed in a subset of people doing Carb Nite that it can be difficult to raise ketone levels above the 1 mmol/L, let alone the ideal 3 – 5 mmol/L range.
•Kiefer found a paper showing that ketogenic diets shut down the MTOR pathway, which is an important path for growing new tissue, especially muscle mass.
•MTOR is upregulated by resistance training, insulin, leucine, and nictoine.
•Aging suppresses MTOR.
•Intermittent fasting beyond 12 hrs also suppresses MTOR, which is why Kiefer recommends against fasts lasting longer than 12 hrs.
•He posits that this may be why it is difficult for people to become ripped and muscular when following a strict ketogenic diet.
•There also appears to be a feedback mechanism in which MTOR is needed by the liver to produce ketones, but once you are in ketosis for a long time, there is a down regulation of MTOR in the liver, which decreases the production if ketones.
•This can explain why it’s so hard for people to get their ketones up.
•Another highlight is their discussion on the Bulletproof butter in coffee thing.
•They first bring up the idea that casein can neutralize the catechins in coffee. Casein is a protein found in milk, cream, and butter. Catechins are antioxidants (the importance of these catechins are still up for debate).
•Kiefer thinks heavy whipping cream is the best thing to add to coffee for a few reasons, one being that cream mixes better with coffee.
•Cream mixes better because the proteins in the cream form a bilayered membrane called a milk fat globule membrane (one of the main components is phosphatidyl choline which is a precursor to acetylcholine).
•These membranes have casein bound to them tightly so when digested, the casein is released very slowy where as with butter, the casein is free floating and is released immediately.
•It’s the milk fat globule membrane that has been shown to be beneficial for digestion, brain function, and other stuff.
•When butter is formed, the churning process destroys the milk fat globule membranes, so of all things to add to coffee, butter should be at the bottom of the list.
•The homogenization process of cream will also increase casein content, so its best to use raw, unhomogenized cream (which has lowest casein content).
•MCT oil and coconut oil are also better options as opposed to butter.
•Another one of the purported benefits of butter is the ‘butyric acid’ which is a short chain fatty acid.
•The main issue with this is that all the benefits of butyric acid occur when it is produced by gut flora… not when it is taken directly as in the form of butter (gut bacteria digest fiber and resistant starches into butyric acid which feed other good gut bacteria).

From the Body IO FM podcast with Dominic D’Agostino part 2:
•Ketogenic diets can inhibit MTOR and may be a reason why it can be hard to gain muscle mass while in ketosis.
•Low carb diets suppress insulin secretion and it is the eventual depletion of hepatic glycogen that triggers ketogenesis.
•Muscles become more sensitive to resistance training while in ketosis.
•Muscles have been shown to recover faster between workouts while in ketosis with documented improvements in inflammation markers.
•D’Agostino has preliminary data showing that it is in fact possible to gain muscle and lose fat on a ketogenic diet.
•In the absence of carbs, muscles are more sensitive to adrenaline, enabling people to get stronger with Carb Back-Loading.
•Carb Back-Loading is also good for MMA.
•Ketones cause vasodilation in skin wound studies as well as in the brain increasing blood flow and oxygenation. This induced vasodilation may be the biggest benefit of ketones.
•Kiefer wonders if increased blood flow to fat cells when ketotic can actually help to burn more fat.
•To fund a study examining a specific question they would like to answer would cost upwards of $4 million!

And in the latest Body IO FM podcast summarizing their Paleo FX experience:
•They noticed a lot of paleo convenience foods and pre-packaged bars which Kiefer thinks signals the end of the paleo movement.
•He noticed this same pattern with the Zone Diet, Southbeach Diet, and Atkins Diet, when various pre-packaged bars and shakes were marketed to squeeze even more money out of the population and people became disenchanted.
•Andrea Jengle discusses a story where her avoidance of gluten caused her to become extremely sensitive to gluten… so much so that just cutting bread elicited a reaction!
•Kiefer believes you need some exposure to gluten to keep your body resilient rather than complete avoidance.
•They all think that there is now too much pre-occupation with measuring ketones, whether via urine dip sticks, blood ketones, or breath ketones.
•Instead the focus should just be in controlling insulin. They all agreed that having lower insulin is more important than having higher ketones.


Body IO FM #15 – Dr. Rhonda Patrick
•Importance of micronutrients and importance of multivitamins.
•Mistake of given folic acid to former cancer patients since folic acid can actually promote cell growth
•Very rarely hear Kiefer go all super fan boy on someone… and he definitely IS with Dr. Patrick!
•Glucose and insulin cycle interrupts mitochondrial autophagy and makes mitochondria susceptible to reactive oxygen species and interrupts normal healthy mitochondrial division, leading to accumulation of more damaged mitochondria
•Leads to disrupted metabolism which leads to more ROS.
•This will then will manifest as degenerative diseases and neurodegenerative stuff.
•Antipsychotics and brain atrophy have been linked.
•Branch chain amino acids competitively inhibit uptake of tryptophan which is precursor to serotonin. Serotonin depleted people are more impulsive and act differently. Impulsive gambling. Violence.
•BCAAs – I was very surprised by this correlation.
•Vitamin D also essential in serotonin metabolism.

Body IO FM #16 – Research Review 2
•Benefit of butter from grassfed cows was first study they discuss.
•Study examined butter from grassfed/pasteur cows and conventional danish cows (they use different grains and rapeseed which is what canola oil is made from, but not the corn that american cows eat)
•No difference in metabolic parameters in people who ate these things after 12 weeks (they assessed markers of metabolic syndrome) and LDL, CRP
•Grassfed butter vs conventional butter had content: saturated fat 59% vs 64%, mono un 31 vs 21, PUFA 3 vs 3%
•Conventional butter had 20% more lauric, myristic, and palmitic acid
•They concluded that grassfed butter may not be MORE beneficial over span 12 weeks.
•Second study the examined was the role of glycogen and exercise recovery
•Intramuscular glycogen stores are key factor in carb back-loading
•Insulin surge helps fight inflammation and stuff from training
•Glycogen that is trying to replete is needed for next days training session and critical for muscle protein synthesis and prevent muscle protein break down.
•Having full glycogen stores is trigger for increased muscle protein synthesis and ablate muscle protein break down.
•This is also why it’s difficult for hypertrophy on strict low carb
•Kiefer says Shockwave protocol designed to minimize muscle loss
•Applicability to Carb Nite – move bigger body parts / heavier workouts immediately after Carb Nite
•Kiefer’s optimal experiment – Carb Nite on saturday, take sunday off (because there is refractory period of when glycogen stores are being replenished), then Monday 2 hr shockwave session, then rest of the week just medium level cardio
•Third study they looked at was a Wheat study – Review – Invalidated a lot of William Davis stuff
•Gluten isn’t as bad as we think it is
•Its the carbs that’s bad!
•Next they looked at – Muscle memory – hysteresis effect of training – if workout and then stop, and then re-start, will be easier to gain strength and mass 2nd time around.
•Once you develop the nuclei in the muscles, they stay there, so when you stimulate them, they are there already and will make more protein easily.
•Muscles are unique in that they have multiple nuclei per cell.
•This effect of increased nuclei in muscles will last up to 90 days.
•So can have 90 day lay off and still retain strength.
•Next they looked at the effect of – Order of resistance and endurance training and MTOR
•MTOR interruption when resistance training followed by endurance.
•It is the last component of your training, per training session, that defines what will happen at the molecular signaling level in the muscle
•Cardio before resistance -> major effect is resistance
•Resistance before cardio -> main effect is cardio
•This is evidence against crossfit, which is mixed exercised, and not much programming, and may explain injury rates of crossfit.
•Lastly they looked at Whey protein
•Whey protein does not perform better than any other protein source for fat loss although there is greater amount of muscle gain (however this is barely statistically significant).
•What is most important when trying to gain muscle mass is amount of protein ingested, and whey protein may be more beneficil than other forms… by a small margin.

Body IO FM #17 – Rachel Guy
•She does caloric restriction for mma guys trying to make weight for 5-6 weeks and then reintroduce carbs.
•She cuts out cardio for some girls right away.
•Perils of too much volume. Kiefer story of cutting back his biking leading to improved time and feeling after race.
•Kiefer talks about how easy it is for him to maintain.
•People have a lot of guilt with what they eat. Important about not feeling deprived.
•Anti paleo pre-packaged things now with tons of ingredients. Paleofying previously unpaleo things.
•More important to eat single ingredient foods
•Better not to obsess over things especially where eating becomes an additional stressor in life.
•Need balanced diet especially for micronutrients. When young can get away with just paying attention to macros but when older micronutrients are more important.
•Importance of cooking, especially like with slow cookers. Not having enough time to cook is a cop out.

Body IO FM #18 – Q&A No. 2
•Carb cycling in pregnancy – not much research available. Carb restriction shown safe in Inuits.
•Bikini Competitor who did carb night pregnancy and continued after pregnancy, successfully. She won 3rd place. Child meeting normal milestones thus far.
•Rocky states caveat to make sure enough calories are ingested
•Acute interference hypothesis. You cannot achieve maximum results if you are trying to achieve multiple modalities at once. Like if you are training for strength and endurance at the same time, you won’t be able to max out on both at the same time.
•Therefore important to have periodization in training. We don’t know what periodization model is best, but we know what’s worst, and crossfit is one of these since it’s too general.
•Increasing anaerobic capacity in mma fighters without training… Secret is to don’t eat carbs.
•Also will need reduction of training volume to 40% of normal when cutting out carbs.
•Don’t eat carbs applies to all ethnicities too.
•Research for carb back loading is not based on diabetics. The research was done in healthy human beings and mammals. The diabetic research was gateway to lead kiefer to look further into research
•Ideal macro starting point for larger body fat individuals like 40% body fat – Start off 2 gm of fat per gm of protein.
•The larger you are, the greater caloric deficit you can endure while preserving muscle mass.
•Rocky checks thyroid function tests on carb night and sees no thyroid dysfunction. That’s one of the reasons carbs are added into diet to ensure proper thyroid function.
•Can see decreased levels if weekly caloric load is too low.
•Kiefer adds Splenda into his coffees. Trains in morning. Has protein powder post training with mct and carb shock (his supplement).
•Then eggs and bacon few hours later. Then goes through rest of day.
•He never cooks.
•He takes an ‘animal pak‘ and some D3.
•Carb nite 2.0 will be focused more on health, like how to heal gut, how to protect against cancer, etc..
•Worrying about including fat that can blunt insulin response is something you should only worry about if you are performance athlete.
•Only thing to worry about is the extra caloric load from fats like eating an entire pizza.
•Rocky rarely sees people who gain weight from carb nite.
•If you’re going to eat carbs at nite, will glycogen stores replenished already when you wake up.
•In first 24 hr your body tries to protect those stores.
•Should wait about 24 hrs before working out ONLY if goal is optimizing hypertrophy.
•Best to workout within 24 hrs if goal is to control blood sugar and burn through glycogen.
•Confusion of this because of context.
•Pros and cons of super high protein diet like 2 gm per lb of body weight.
•Strong genetic component to this. Most people who thrive on super high protein diets are genetic freaks!
•Mismatch of some science and anecdotal. Not much performance on diet. May be good in aesthetics because being in gluconeogenesis has diuretic effect.
•Carb nite plateau – either lower calories or add resistance training. If still stuck maybe an additional carb night the week.
•Kiefer believes that you don’t need to optimize gut health. But if you optimize your health, your gut health will follow. Because bacteria adapt with you. If you are eating too much and become obese, your gut bacteria will also become obesogenic.

Body IO FM #19 – Bret Contreras
•Occlusion training and mechanical damage and metabolic stress.
•Or blood flow restriction training.
•Rocky Patel, thanks for bringing discussion back to the average joe when these guys go off the geeky deep end

Kiefer on
•Carb Nite hard to do with resistance training that’s why he created shockwave protocol which is designed to prevent overtraining.
•Ketosis isn’t the goal in carb night. Insulin control is.
•Also rare to get into ketosis with carb back loading – Yes, this is my experience also!
•Hard to eat too much fat. Story of person eating 10k calories of fat and not gaining weight.
•Protein is what should be watched. If not training, then 100 gm is upper limit.
•CBL people say they eat 10% more calories and still losing weight – Not quite my experience.
•Carb Nite should not be an issue if you are meeting requirements on ULC days.
•Purpose of fat in diet is to force metabolism to be efficient at burning fat, to keep insulin levels as low as possible from the protein load. Especially important in a high stress setting, because cortisol can help burn fat in the setting of a low insulin.
•Cholesterol going up when eating LCHF. Even when going up, can see reversal of markers of arterial damage. And everything else gets healthier – Definitely saw this happen with me
•Ideal fasting blood sugars in 50s to 60s. Can bring it down further with eating more fiber. Sometimes eating too much protein and not enough fat. Sometimes the glycerol released from triglyceride metabolism can cause increased blood sugar, and actually signals improved fat mobilization – I was never able to get my sugars that low.
•Prefers real foods like bacon rather than processed foods and snacks.
•Splenda fine. Stevia fine. Aspartame for most people fine.
•People who smell something sweet can sometimes have an automatic insulin response! Powerful psychological effects – I was very surprised to learn this. Smelling good food can stimulate insulin secretion! WOW!
•If gaining too much weight on CBL steps are
•1 – Make sure eating enough fat during ULC portion, 2:1 gm fat to protein.
•2 – Cut back on frequency of back-loads.
•3 – Cut back calories.
•Carb Nites – quality of carbs is no big deal.
•If plateauing on Carb Nite can cut back amount of carbs on carb nites and/or cut back protein during ULC portions.
•For maximum performance for endurance athletes, want to rely on stored glycogen in muscle, not glycogen from liver, and not from ingested carbs. Optimal to carb load 2 nights before to make sure muscular glycogen replenished.
•Kiefer’s big ass smile when he describes what turnovers are and how they are made is classic… that’s true love right there
•Coconut may or may not help with keto-flu as that is due to body trying to up regulate mono carboxylate transporters which is needed to bring in ketones and fatty acids into brain.
•NO ON QUEST BARS – Same conclusion I arrived at
•Kiefer Becoming more of a fan of Multivitamins. Says he never thinks to recommend these because it’s so obvious, until he realizes that no one is taking them.

Dean Dwyer’s Make Shift Happen Ep 6 – Making health super simple and profitable
•Kiefer’s goal is to make it stupid simple for people to get healthy.
•Kiefer’s Origin Story
•He first started for aesthetics, no matter how much he exercised, never looked how he wanted to look… ie low fat low calories.
•Turned onto scientific journals and turned onto a program that worked for him, that he started helping some people.
•Had banana titties, stretch markers, love handles as a kid.
•Started doing own research when in high school, and has been doing research until now.
•2 undergrad degrees, one in math and one in physics
•Grad school in physics.
•Went to college for a year on scholarship.
•Then took a year off and started commercial warehouse painting company. Ended it. then started network installation company for small businesses.
•Went back to school for 2 years and finished 2 degrees!
•Grad school funded with stipend.
•Taught highschool for a year. Hated it.
•Did some work with software companies.
•Self published Carb Nite in 2005.
•Carb Nite designed to strip body fat while preserving muscle mass as fast as possible. ULC during week, and on weekend on one night, need to eat carbs in window of 6-8 hrs.
•Depasquale wrote book about cycling carbs, didn’t work for Kiefer, but he found that ULC worked for him. He broke down ate a dozen donuts, threw it up, then ate another dozen, and found this worked for him.
•Looked into insulin and thyroid and other hormone rhythms and put it all together.
•He stumbled upon this concept accidentally.
•He tried promoting his book at expos and wearing promotional hats!
•Popularity of CBL was what brought Carb Nite into main stream, and now CNS sells better.
•Kiefer actually had already given up on CNS. Decided to focus on internet projects as a software engineer.
•Working as a software engineer wrecked his body working 90 hrs a week. So he quit doing that and focused more on his health business.
•That’s when he accidentally discovered how CBL worked, which helped him grow an audience.
•He tried a few equity plays with internet startups that didn’t go anywhere and worked a bit as a contractor.
•He was cyclist, bodybuilder, raquetball player, and stopped all that when he was software engineer.
•When he quite is software engineer job, he looked the worst than he had in a few years. He went back to gym and doing CNS, but had trouble gaining muscle mass.
•Read about diabetics and how type 2 diabetics can clear glucose with resistance training which helped him come onto CBL.
•People started noticing the changes in his body as he gained more muscle. Then people started demanding a book!
•He started both these diets to solve his own problems.
•CBL – High fat, low protein diet during the day, then exercise, then eat carbs at night.
•Came up with name of CBL, carbs and back-load them during the day, so that’s where the name comes from.
•Power of CBL as a verb, “back-loading!”
•Kiefer also now focusing on brand creation and brand titling.
•When he was creating CN, he tested it out on groups. He was dating massage therapist at time that had a lot of female clients. He worked with around 40 women from pamphlets and fliers. Ran it for 60 days and got their feedback, and used that to mold final product.
•CBL – he used it first with friends at gym and then on athletes, tweaking it the entire way. This also ended up spreading the word.
•CBL published 2011. Idea was generated 2009.
•Had a good friend die from dietary problems. Wanted to help with big obesity problem.
•CNS – Geared for people struggling with their health
•CBL – For people who are exercising or trying to improve their performance. Athletes.
•He separated with his wife, was couch surfing, didn’t have a car, had credit card debt, and was bankrupt. Used his friend’s conference room and wrote CBL from start to finish. It was do or die at this point, if this didn’t work then he would have to go back to software engineering.
•Wrote a lot of guest posts and actually writing in print magazine was big for getting his name out.
•Wanted to build an audience to collect data for his software program that will formulate diet plans for people and change along with them.
•His goal now is to change public policy with a 5-10 year plan.
•He now has to force himself to stop and do things he enjoys. Hard for him because he was always a workaholic.

Body IO FM #20 – Alex Navarro and Mary Gines
•Topic is ULC recipes.
•Mary and Alex both have experience in fitness/bikini competition
•Base of ultra low carb ice cream they use is heavy cream
•Kiefer suggests adding MCT oil instead of lecithin to ice cream
•Stevia is primary sweetener they use.
•Trying to avoid splenda, sucralose and truvia because of potential of ‘insulin response’ – ??? Kiefer’s view on artificial sweetener’s lately has been that they are all ok!
•Kiefer likes Torani syrup because just pure sucralose since some have a mix of maltodextrin
•Obesity is negative correlate with how often you cook.
•Cooking a good way to help kids understand food quality.
•Kiefer asking awkward questions of how friendly they get when they are cooking together or if it is a friendship building activity…. met with a little bit of awkward silence.
•Body can sense sweetness, salty, and spicy throughout entire digestive tract, and will adjust accordingly depending on how much you eat.
•They like pork rinds!
•They all don’t like liver - I can relate.


Body IO FM 21 – Research Review 3
•Gut biome research ◦Kiefer believes that our gut biome is sick because we are sick. Our gut biome is trying to do what it can to help us out. He believes that when we become healthy, our gut biome will become healthy.
◦This paper believes, that we are sick because our gut biome is sick, so we should find ways to target the microbiome which will then make us healthy.
◦(Thanks Rocky for bringing up the merits of fecal transplants and gut biome research)
◦(Alex clearly did not understand point of fecal transplants in use of Cdiff, and gravity of cdiff. Did he read the article?)
◦Kiefer really continuing to trash paleo for being too bogged down in the minutiae

•Quality protein intake is inversely related with central abdominal fat ◦The more often you eat higher quality protein (essential amino acid threshold) throughout the day the less central body fat you will likely have.
◦In this study, the subjects were consuming around 250 gm carbs and 75 gm fat!

•Actions of short term fasting on human muscle ◦Fasting at 15 hrs and 40 hrs on different gene expression of human skeletal muscle, tested via muscle biopsy
◦Demonstrated no change in gene expression.
◦Last meal before fast was 61% carbohydrate meal, which is possible confounder.
◦Limited by small sample size
◦Study did not specify if this was a training population
◦Kiefer and co, argue that this study doesn’t really tell us much useful information other than support that in specific population (standard American diet) who fasted for one point in time, will not suffer loss of muscle

•Increasing muscle mass review ◦Went through impact of increasing muscle mass and health, and the different things that skeletal muscle can effect.
◦So much current focus on fat tissue as an endocrine organ, good to see this paper directs focus to skeletal muscle as endocrine organ also.
◦Muscle cells produce myokines – which can have systemic effects on the body.
◦Resistance training can produce myokines which increases production of ‘brown adipose tissue’ which is our thermogenic system.
◦Supports Kiefer’s disdain for vegans and vegetarians because they’re all emaciated.
◦Massive implications on insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial content.
◦Muscle is major disposal site of carbohydrates, other than fat tissue.
◦More muscle mass means larger disposal sites for glucose.
◦Resistance training leads to down regulation of myostatin levels which can interfere with fat storage throughout the body. This did not make it easier to decrease body fat… but it DID make it more difficult to put on more body fat!
◦Resistance training is GOOD. Muscle mass is GOOD. And probably essential!

•ATP depletion and Glut 4 Activation in rats ◦Rats were exercised and had muscle tissue examined
◦Exercise is important modulator of glucose uptake
◦Use of adrenaline-like drugs
◦Hard to follow this study
◦In CBL they frequently use caffeine prior to working out, but would be helpful to use creatine WITH caffeine prior to working out
◦Kiefer re-iterates that he’s been backing off of the use of caffeine prior to working out.
◦Kiefer uses 12 splendas with his coffee!!!! (Bleagh.)
◦He says splenda is the best sweetener.

Body IO FM 22 – Nina Teicholz
•She is an investigative journalist.
•Her book started off as an article on trans fats.
•Story now about how nutrition authorities have gotten it all wrong on fat
•Pluggin her book called: The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet
•Evidence on how saturated fats are not healthy.
•Story about how we came out to believe saturated fats are bad for heart disease from the 1950s
•How our policy came to be pro-low fat and anti-high fat
•Trans fats are byproduct of hardening of vegetable oils, called hydrogenation.
•Now FDA poised to ban trans-fats.
•Kiefer saw research in rodents that showed trans fats in setting of carbs can caused cardiac disease.
•Kiefer likes to emphasize that body makes trans fats “conjugated linoleic acid,” these are naturally occurring healthy trans fats.
•The bad trans fats are the plant based trans fats.
•According to Kiefer – do trans fats cause disease? depends on what else you’re eating with it.
•Natural trans fats have same chemical formula as vegetable trans fats, except for a different location of the double bond, but FDA is poised to ban ALL trans fats based on the chemical formula
•Food industry had hit team that would harass scientists who studied trans fats, since they sponsor conferences and research
•Now after removal of trans fats, restaurants are using vegetable oils, that are not hydrogenated, peanut oil, soy bean oil, which are highly unstable and go rancid easily at high temperatures over prolonged period of time, degraded into oxidation products, that can cause a lot of damage and inflammation, and are linked to oxidized LDL cholesterol.
•Our current experts are backed by food industry now… so lots of shady goings on
•Women’s Health Initiative – largest clinical trial ever on low fat diet, was a failure in terms of ability in reducing women, fight heart disease, cancer, etc.
•Response of experts, even the leaders themselves, were convinced that there must’ve been something wrong with their study.
•Animal proteins are perfect packages for human nutritional consumption.
•(While I haven’t read either book, from what I’ve heard, I’m not quite sure what the difference is between this book and: Death by Food Pyramid: How Shoddy Science, Sketchy Politics and Shady Special Interests Have Ruined Our Health)

Body IO FM 23 – Clinical Applications of Carb Night and Carb Back-Loading
•Rocky Patel’s origin story
•Rocky was obese, coming out of residency was weighing 260 lbs, at 5’10.
•He played soccer and was suffering in performance on the field.
•Did standard low fat, weight watchers, low calories, with yoyo results.
•Has family history of coronary disease and was well on his way to being almost diabetic.
•Had a sedentary lifestyle
•Big driver was crappy performance on the soccer field
•Got down to 215-220 lbs.
•Read Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes in 2005, and leaned more towards low carb diet
•Went low carb, had induction flu, then started feeling better. This was a ketogenic diet that transitioned into raw food thing
•Carotid scan in 2006, around 36-37 years old, vascular age at 47, with a small plaque in his left carotid bulb
•Despite lab work and imaging, soccer was still his primary motivator
•Came across Carb Nite in 2010-2011, from tweet sent out by Dave Asprey
•Carb Back-Loading is written for athletes, not for general population, which is why it didn’t work that well for Rocky Patel
•CBL 2.0 basically how to use carbs for performance, mix of carb night and CBL currently, where as new Carb Nite 2.0 will be mainly for health
•Rocky Patel is a fat kid at heart (I can relate!)
•Got under 200 lbs and then 190 lbs, and now is under 180 lbs using Carb Nite while satisfying his inner fat kid.
•(Dude… Rocky Patel ate cake batter and cookie dough…. on some of his Carb Nites)
•Found that on low carb his cholesterol went through this roof, and LDL-C north of 250, LDL-P’s above 3300 (hmm where have we seen this)
•Feeling good, dropping body fat, so he checked a calcium scan of his heart and found now plaque. Then he checked his carotids and saw that the plaque was gone. His vascular age was that of a 16 year old.
•So he saw reversal of disease state, not just mitigation or halting progress, but actual reversal disease
•There is a question, is that reversal can also be seen with weight loss, so this is confounder of these results… is that was the diet responsible for the disease reversal? Or was it the weight loss? Still hard to separate the two.
•He did this all with a LDL-P greater than 2500 over the course of 2-3 years.
•He had very low systemic inflammation.
•Kiefer states that with our current state knowledge on cholesterol, we just don’t know enough, and don’t know what they mean, which is why it’s more important to assess disease state rather than just following markers is more important
•Rocky Patel states that there is a big genetic component affecting cholesterol absorption and synthesis that plays a big role in this.
•Rocky Patel says he is a cholesterol hyper-absorber —(Wondering if he checked Lathosterol / Desmosterol levels. I checked with him via twitter, and yes, he did measure these)
•Rocky Patel sees that in people with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) with LDL-P has disease in the setting of high cholesterols. So how does diet, SAD vs low carb affect this?
•Kiefer has trouble understanding our current story of cholesterol and cholesterol levels can be used since it’s based on a flawed premise.
•Triglyceride levels and waist levels correlate more with disease rather than cholesterol numbers.
•With cardiac disease, medical community currently treating risk factors, not just disease. Unlike with cancer, would never treat risk factors of cancer, until there is actual cancer itself, then will treat it. But medical community prescribing statins etc for risk of disease, regardless of side effects.
•Now they are discussing our current health insurance system….
•Now will discuss some of Rocky’s success stories and his ‘on ramp’ programs.
•He is now affectionately known as the bacon diet doctor, and because of his effectiveness, cardiologists are now sending him more patients
•Rocky’s on ramp program is first starting 75-100 gm carbs per day without counting calories. With one patient, she came back in 10 days, lost 7 lbs and feeling great! Then decreased carbs to less than 30 gm carbs.
•After 90 days she’s lost 25 lbs and husband lost 20 lbs, with improvement in all of her blood markers. Now cardiologist cutting down her statin dose
•Next patient was a fat, chronic Cross fitter. Started on Carb Nite, stopped Crossfit, after 2 weeks and lost 8 lbs, felt better. Then added Crossfit in for 2 days a week, on day after Carb Night and second day after Carb Night. Now continuing to lose weight.
•2nd part of onramp is shifting carbs back into end of day.
•People have hard time giving up their morning ‘creamer,’ which is almost like people giving up their first born!
•Now have data to conclude that Carb Nite can be done past 6 months and pretty much indefinitely.
•Rocky has done it for 3 years so far
•To manage expectations, Rocky advises that first week will lose 7-10 lbs which is just water weight. Then afterwards about 1/2 pound per week.
•Rocky went to Wayne State Medical School in Detroit, Michigan.
•What Rocky’s doing down is completely different from what he learned in Medical school and residency. Med school is just a foundation, but need to keep studying.
•Before, Kiefer just wanted to make money. Now that he’s more focused on wanting to help people has lead to him making more money.
•Kiefer sees biggest problems people do with Carb Nite is that people are over thinking it. People have hard time letting go that fat is bad for them.
•Biggest mistake with CBL is the same. Or people not assessing what their true level of athleticism and muscle mass is.
•People having a hard time listening to their body and tweaking their diet to that.
•Took Kiefer 8 years to finally understand his body

Body IO FM 24 – Dr. Steven Gundry
•Cardiothoracic Surgeon
•Wrote: Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution: Turn Off the Genes That Are Killing You and Your Waistline
•Had patient who lost weight and took a bunch of supplements that caused 50% of the plaques in his heart vessels to go away
•Turns out the patient was using the same supplements he was using in his own animal research
•Dr. Gundry was also obese, and then put himself on the same supplements and diet and had the same benefits, and found same benefits with many of his patients
•After he saw the effects of this, he quit his position as a cardiothoracic surgeon and created clinics and centers focused on his diet and supplements as treatment for heart surgeon
•Got fat when he was on a vegetarian diet
•The American vegetarian and vegan diet is primarily a grain based diet, this is not true internationally
•Rocky Patel asks Dr. Gundry what his opinion is on people who are on a ketogenic diet and develop high cholesterols. Should they be on statins?
•Dr. Gundry says that statins primarily work as an anti-inflammatory. The lowering of LDLs is only a side effect. In his work, they ‘fractionize’ LDLs and see that the bad LDLs improve with the paleo/ketogenic diet along with decrease in inflammatory markers. If small dense LDLs are low and low inflammatory markers, then the cholesterol numbers don’t matter at all.
•Rocky then brings up the case of people doing ketogenic diet who also have a high amount of small dense LDL particles (like me!! THANKS ROCKY FOR ASKING THIS), and Dr. Gundry says that these folks are mainly cheese eaters from casein A1 cows. When cheese is removed, then these numbers go down! (not sure if this applies to me since I’m not really a big cheese eater).
•2000 years ago northern European cows suffered a mutation, Casein A2 (which we do not react to) became Casein A1 which is transformed in human gut to Beta Caseomorphin which is a potent lectin, and has high mimicry to beta cell in the pancreas. Casein A1 cows are heartier and make more milk, so that’s why most of our cows are these sort.
•Incidence of juvenile Type 1 diabetes has interesting correlation with Casein A1 cow milk consumption (My Notes – Type 1 diabetics suffer from an insufficiency in their pancreatic beta cells, so this relationship between the molecular mimicry of the A1 cows and type 1 diabetes is very interesting)
•Dr. Gundry has most of his patients avoid Casein A1 dairy products.
•Buffalo mozzarella is safe, goat is safe, sheep is safe, swiss cows are safe, french and italian cows are safe, spanish cows are not safe
•Provides these patients with maps of what cheeses and butters they can and can’t have.
•Butter only from french and italian cows!
•Heavy cream, sour cream, and cream cheese is allowed from any cow because there aren’t casein in these products
•Exposure to A1 dairy products can promote insulin resistance
•Kiefer brings up the small amount of casein in heavy cream milk fat globule membrane, and Dr. Gundry says that there is very minute amount of casein in heavy cream.
•Dr. Gundry prefers heavy cream from grassfed cows
•He has several patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, now off meds, get symptomatic flare when they eat grass fed yogurt form A1 cows. But they are ok with heavy cream
•Dr. Gundry says there is a whole science about lipemia (elevated fats in blood) is a good thing for transporting lipopolysaccharides (LPS) safely around body
•Dr. Debakey, one of the fathers of heart surgery believed that cholesterol had nothing to do with heart disease and that cholesterol is just an innocent bystander. He believed there was an underlying infectious cause. He believed that cholesterol functions as an ambulance that shows up in a warzone (inflammation) whose job was to cart away dead bodies (broken down cells from inflammation). When lipemia of sepsis (massively elevated cholesterol in blood in the setting of a systemic infection) was discovered, we are now beginning to suspect that these fats are here to transport lipopolysaccharides (pieces of bacterial cell walls) through the blood to be presented to our immune system.
•These lipopolysaccharides (LPS) jump through our gut wall onto the blood cholesterol
•APO E4 gene – Dr. Gundry checks this on all his patients, and 25-30% carry 1 or both of the alleles, and these people Dr. Gundry feels animal fats are not good for. These people should be based on a coconut fat, olive fat, macadamia fat, and sesame oil fat. And they track the LDL small particle count as they fall with removal of animal fats. Fish are safe for these people.
•He also measures Omega 3 status on these patients and increases their DHA
•Important to decrease inflammatory cytokines in these people.
•Moving on to intermittent fasting, Dr. Gundry believes that some of the main benefits of IF come from stopping the release of LPS into the blood stream
•He quotes one of his rat studies comparing rats that ate x amount of calories daily vs rats that ate same amount of calories, but they fasted on one day and ate 2x calories the following day. The rats that did the IF lived 30% longer, despite calories being the same.
•Kiefer asks about autophagy and Dr. Gundry agrees that this is also a good part of it.
•Anecdote about one of his patients, a ‘god’ in India that he placed on a ketogenic diet. On the road to a 5 vessel bypass, had an HbA1c of 9.3%. Had feast days when followers would bring lots of feast food, his blood values would go to hell after these feast days. He was vegetarian. Dr. Gundry convinced him to make all of his feast days ketogenic also, since as a ‘god’ he could make the rules. Now him and his followers are following a ketogenic, vegetarian diet.
•HbA1c fell now to 5.4% with a fasting blood sugar of 70. Now with no more chest pain.
•Rocky points out that these probably weren’t feast days, but were feast weekends… and Dr. Gundry clarifies and says that these were actually feast WEEKS.
•Dr. Gundry cautions against Carb Nite because he has an addictive personality, that just one indiscretion would cause a collapse
•Dr. Gundry steers his carb intake to help his beneficial gut biome
•Rocky tries to get him to be more specific about these carbs (THANK YOU ROCKY)
•Dr. Gundry takes generous balsamic vinegar daily, says this has highest bioavailability of resveratrol of anything out there (way more than red wine or dedicated resveratrol capsules) and changes pH of what your gut biome sees. Few times a day he’ll have a tbsp of balsamic vinegar. The gut bacteria, bacteroides can metabolize this better than some of the other bacteria (fermicoites), the cell wall of bacteroides isn’t as reactive for us than the other ones. And skinnier people have more bacteroides than fat people.
•Peter from hyperlipid believes that we should starve all these bacteria (with carb restriction)
•Dr. Gundry never answered question about what carbs he eats (maybe it’s in his book?)
•They talk about anecdotes about cancer patients who undergo remission on ketogenic diet.
•They plug his book, a longevity book disguised as a diet book. Next book is on the way.
•Jenni’s Ice Cream – based out of Columbus, Ohio – all milk from grassfed cows, these are 85% A2 cows and going to 100% A2 cows.
•(Had the pleasure of checking Jenni’s out for myself, pretty good… though I couldn’t tell the difference between this and normal ice cream… I’m just happy whenever I get the chance to eat ice cream!)

Body IO FM 25 – Dr. Bruce Ames
•Dr. Ames is Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s mentor
•Importance of getting necessary 30 vitamins and minerals.
•Came up with 4 assays that looked at mitochondria markers that declined with age
•Saw in literature that feeding Acetyl Carnitine in old rats improved 3 of the 4 functions they were assaying
•They also saw that with age, mitochondria start pouring out mutagens and toxins that damage cellular structures
•Found another metabolite, lipoic acid, that solved the 4th assay.
•When they gave mitochondria lipoic acid and acetyl carnitine made mitochondria really happy and ‘do the macarena’
•His company, juvenon, sells a supplement combining those two metabolites
•(Here is the link to his Juvenon supplement, conveniently sold on amazon)
•(Turns out they have a whole line of supplements)
•But currently, the research is still in mice. Need research in humans.
•Best ways to prevent cancer is to eat a ‘really good diet’ and not smoke
•The whole thing about organic food and scaring people about pesticides is all distraction from the important stuff, which is to eat your veggies and avoid junk food.
•Don’t eat refined foods, because it’s just pure sugar and doesn’t have any vitamins and minerals. So you just fill up on these carbohydrates and don’t get enough vitamins and minerals.
•Drink water instead of soda. Don’t eat cake for dessert, instead have fruit.
•Important to get your ‘vitamins and minerals’ to prevent cancer
•Both synthetic pesticides and natural pesticides can cause cancer, the thing is 99.9% of the pesticides we are exposed to in our diet are natural pesticides.
•Eat more fish. 1/3 of our brain is made of Omega 3s, and fish are high in Omega 3s.
•Even minor deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can lead to aging and premature damage.
•Kiefer against the organic movement because of some evidence showing that it’s worse for the environment, and that some of the organic plants that are grown have more natural pesticides compared conventionally grown plants.
•Dr. Ames believes that a lot of obesity is caused by deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, the mineral that he mentions is Magnesium.
•Whole country is deficient in magnesium which is important for DNA.
•Give up white bread for whole bread. Give up white rice for brown rice. (Not sure I agree with this…)

Body IO FM 26 – Christmas Abbot
•Christmas smoked, drank, did a lot of drugs… over and over and over again.
•She worked over-seas as a contractor in Iraq.
•Funny story, when she first got to Iraq, the truck she was riding in stopped, and she asked if she could get out to smoke a cigarette. The driver gave her a funny look and explained that they were stopped because they were clearing an IED (roadside bomb)… and she still wanted to smoke because she didn’t know what an IED was!
•Eventually had a come to Jesus moment in Iraq an eventually got into working out and found crossfit.
•With Crossfit, she liked the changing workouts. Sense of accomplishment.
•She made recent shift in training for longevity, instead of wrecking her body for competitions.
•Training smarter. Recover more.
•Kiefer hates Crossfit because he feels that it’s all about putting people through the grinder without regard for longevity.
•Watching her grandfather progressively becoming more and more physically disabled with age despite a vibrant spirit helped her realize importance of training for longevity.
•Also recent back injury while training… Which took her out for 3-4 months
•She thinks it’s important to have a coach to make sure she’s not overtraining
•Importance of rest, sleep, massage, foam roller, supplements, and vitamins
•Kiefer feels that youth itself allows you to push your body and get away with things that you can’t as you get older
•Analogy of Nascar race car. After every race, they look over every detail and part of the car and replace what needs to be replaced and fix what needs to be fixed. Proper maintenance is a necessity!
•Maintenance is critical if you want to be a performance athlete.
•Rocky asks her about her supplemenents – She advocates for recovery shake. Fish oil. Anti-inflammatories (needs EPA and DHA). Magnesium at night. Zinc in the morning.
•Kiefer clarifies that have a 1-2 hr window post workout for protein recovery needs, but glycogen has a 2 phase recovery model: 30 min there is non-insulin mediated glycogen recovery, and then for the next 2-4 hrs is the 2nd phase that depends on insulin.
•If Crossfitting, it’s important to pay attention to the first phase of response.

Unleashing Potentials in Training & Life – Kyle Davies
•(My first time listening to this podcast… is almost like a couch / therapy session with Kiefer)
•The importance of emotion
•Kiefer never paid much attention to his personal relationships, despite his focus on performance
•Kiefer’s first real friend had terminal cancer, so this made him come to terms with his emotional world
•The devastation from having to deal with this and how this affected the rest of his life, exercise, and other relationships showed him how powerful his emotions were.
•His romantic relationships were always a lot of stress…. and always ended terribly
•Every time he repeated the same romantic relationship patterns his academics and performance in the gym went to crap
•Once he figured this out, it was a game changer for him
•Stress would manifest as jealousy or anger
•“Introspective intelligence” is something that is important to develop
•No analysis, instead automatically just going to response
•Need to have an idea of what you want in your life, and then fit things into it, rather than being reactionary to everything.
•Kiefer attracted to same type of woman, they have the “push pull dynamic”, women who were sweet and loving one moment and then be super angry the next moment
•He would feel excited and passionate and loved it, then feel anxiety, and then addiction. Like he couldn’t go on without that person in his life, until breaking point
•Emotional Intelligence – First have the awareness of what’s going on and what are triggers, then develop hypothesis, and then have the courage to test it, and hopefully come up with a solution
•When Kiefer was most susceptible to illness were periods when he was trapped in relationships causing him emotional hell
•No question for him how much his emotional state affected his well being
•Dating for him is easy now, since he knows what he’s looking for now. Same for his business
•He can now see how emotions affects his training clients, just one off hand comment from a boss that can be inadvertently denigrating, can affect someone for a week!
•(Sometimes hard to follow Kyle Davies… he seems to talk in circles… and my attention span just can’t take it)
•Kiefer is now better at being in the moment instead of overanalyzing things before. Going to parties used to be super anxiety provoking for him
•Making fun of himself now makes things much easier for him
•Now Kiefer has lifelong friends because of these changes and him not giving a crap about what other people think
•Before he used to have doubts about a lot of people and would assume other people had the same doubts about him
•Kiefer feels better emotionally when he’s low carb.
•Emotional well being and psychological well being are tied intimately with dietary choices.
•Future projects from Kiefer:
•Software that gamifies diet and exercise for kids and adults
•CBL 2.0 end of 2014
•Pregnancy book first quarter 2015
•CBL for Women in 2015
•Supplement line

Underground Wellness Radio – Sean Croxton
•They met at paleo fx
•If eating classic american diet, eating lots of carbohdrates, and try to eat less and workout more to lose weight (decrease energy intake, increase energy output), your body goes into emergency state where it tries to conserve energy. The body downregulates metabolism and even down-regulates thyroid hormone decreasing thermogenesis.
•On top of this, there is stressful environment so catecholamines go up which can degrade protein tissue if there are not enough glycogen stores. In the presence of insulin, this is the preferred pathway.
•(Kiefer likes to say ‘degradate…’ and I’m not sure that’s a real word)
•Cortisol also goes up. In absence of insulin it helps mobilize body fat and tap into liver glycogen stores. In presence of insulin, cortisol increase storage of fat and stimulates satellite cells to become fat cells to store even more fat. On top of that it ‘degradates’ muscle protein.
•In this emergency state, body does whatever it can to conserve energy, increasing fat storage and breaking down muscle. Can actually cause increased body fat % despite losing weight due to loss of muscle tissue.
•This is how people can actually get fatter despite cutting calories and eating more
•This is why the law of thermodynamics is incomplete in describing what’s going on.
•CBL talk now – when waking up Ghrelin is elevated which stimulates release of growth hormone, cortisol is elevated, actually in prime state to mobilize body fat. When eats carbs, this raises insulin which derails the entire process.
•If going into training state, you want to do what you can access energy stores within the muscles themselves, intramuscular glycogen, which are the most effective source of energy for producing mechanical work in the muscles, and to fully access this glycogen, you need adrenaline. When insulin levels are high, muscles are desensitized to adrenaline and we decrease our response to stress hormones.
•Insulin then prevents mobilization of body fat.
•People who do CBL in one week notice their strength and endurance improve, because body is learning how to mobilize it’s own bodyfat.
•Difference between mobilizing body fat and burning fat. It’s important to allow the body to mobilize fat out of fat cells rather than just burning fat that you just ate.
•Important to allow body to access intramuscular glycogen first because it is most efficient way. What happens in presence of insulin however is that body first tries to use up the glucose in the blood stream, and that takes a while to get into the muscle cells themselves, and once that’s used up then it accesses the glycogen stores in the liver, which is an even more complicated process.
•It’s far more efficient to be able to access the glycogen stores in the muscles
•Sean Croxton does a good job of summarizing things
•Heavy cream, coconut oil, or coconut cream are good to ingest in AM
•Eating carbs at night helps reset the leptin cycle to be high during the day. This is also true of adiponectin which helps mobilize body fat.
•Working out at 5-6 pm ish helps people sleep.
•Even under stressed conditions, a strong trigger for sleep is a drop in body temperature, so if you workout, even right before bed, cool yourself down first
•Recovery shakes – (he likes low carb?? in CBL all the recovery shakes have carbs!) Low carb protein + MCT Oil/Coconut Oil
•Glycogen – there is 30 minute recompensation window that is non insulin mediated, which is one reason eating carbs at night amplifies effects of CBL
•Glycogen – for the rest of the day there is a longer window of recompensation
•If working out in the morning, 0 gm carbs before workout if possible. After workout to about 5-6pm keep gram total below 20 gm. When carb back-loading, doesn’t need to be donuts or cherry turnovers, just need to find high glucose based carbs, high glycemic, whatever suits your taste buds, not a lot of fructose. Since glucose is primarily used to recompensate muscle glycogen and is really poor at recompensating liver glycogen
•This is important because you don’t want the liver stocked up with glycogen ready to be released throughout the next day, we want to keep this to a minimum.
•Sean Croxton asks when is the line crossed between sacrificing health eating all that junk food so often in order to get ripped. Kiefer responds by saying that’s why he moved to Arizona to work with Dr. Rocky Patel to learn more about this. And they’ve found that patients are still healthy, and in fact even healthier eating like this. All of their blood markers have improved.
•There is even improvement in performance. No downsides have been found so far.
•Sean asks if they are screening for heart disease, gluten sensitivity, leaky gut, trans fats, celiacs?
•Kiefer responds yes in terms of heart disease, with the Carotid Intimial Media Thickness test, and have found improvement in measurements
•Kiefer says most peoples understanding of trans fats is limited since it has always been in the context of a high carb diet.
•According to Kiefer, transfats are first fat to be stored and first fat to be released, and are easily processed by the body.
•The problem is when we eat trans fats continuously, with insulin, the body starts to incorporate these into cell membranes, and because of their unique structure they can cause dysfunction to membrane permeability and susceptibility to oxidative damage. But when eaten in limited quantities, the body actually burns them up really effectively.
•Kiefer and Dr. Patel have not looked at leaky gut or celiacs stuff.
•What does workout intensity have to be? Heart rate above 60% max. NMR studies on muscle showing good time course data on the type of exercise you can do and how susceptible muscles are to soaking up glycogen after wards. There is not big difference between running and weight training (?? Really??). The intensity doesn’t have to be extreme but you still have to work.
•If you don’t workout for a day, you don’t eat carbs for that day, because you didn’t empty your glycogen stores
•When eating ULC, caller says he has a hard time eating enough, and wonders how to eat more?
•Kiefer answers that this is actually very common since the longer you’re on the diet the less you have ghrelin swings (ghrelin is the hormone that drives hunger). Kiefer uses macadmian nuts and keeps bacon around helps him to eat more.
•Interesing hack from caller – go to wholefoods in morning to eat pre-cooked bacon! 7.99 per lb. Usually out there until 11 am.

Body IO FM 27 – Scott Paltos
•Quest Bars currently undergoing a lawsuit (hmmm could it be because of what happened to me?)
•Scott Paltos owns Crossfit Performance in New Jersey
•(Audio not good for this podcast, lot of background noise and talking, probably from Scott’s end. Kids screaming… and dogs barking… stuff slamming)
•Scott Paltos was former Crossfit competitor
•Kiefer says super-slow training doesn’t over time really produce exceptional results
•Time under tension, tempo, etc.. in literature, all have one thing in common, that they are highly dependent on power production
•Power production is where all the benefits in training come from.
•Power = amount of work you do and the time you do it in
•The more power each repetition has, the more benefit you have.
•The faster you move the weight, the more power you produce, actually causes an inefficiency in the muscle making it produce more power, which causes a higher training effect
•Scott Paltos has developed a power based training system that Kiefer calls genius and briliant
•Scott likes doesn’t like soft big girls or soft skinny girls… he likes girls with more muscle…
•Fitter people have a healthier mentality, and can think better
•People who are more sedentary and sit more, have a lower IQ
•The more you move, the more in tune you are with your body, will help you increase your IQ
•Power production is wasteful = it will force you to burn more calories than running, which is a low power activity
•Endurance also increases with power training due to increased capillary-ization
•Kiefer been geeking out on thermodynamics of biologic systems. The whole calories in and calories out and first law of thermodynmaics says absolutely nothing. Doesn’t tell you what your body did internally. It doesn’t tell you if you absorbed the food, or if you used it to make muscle or to make fat. It’s actually a completely useless statement in the context of biologic systems.
•Kiefer disses Alan Aragon.
•It’s the second law of thermodynamics that actually is applicable…
•Scott Paltos – Dinosaur Training Camp – Created with his friend Mike Jenkins who passed away ◦Proper lifting form
◦Proper nutrition to complement lifting
◦Having fun
◦Weekend camp
◦(Still not clear what this training system is about…olympic lifting? normal lifting? strong man? crossfit?)

•Kiefer gives him a big endorsement
•Scott calls it ‘cross over…’ benchpress to overhead, or benchpress to clean or snatch
•Or deadlift to a clean
•There are a lot of ‘cross over’ movements
•Give people right cues… (hard for me to follow what he’s saying…)
•Kiefer describes cross over between incline bench press and pull up, because at bottom of pull up, pecs are engaged… so training one will automatically ‘cross over’ into helping the other
•How seemingly unrelated activities will ‘cross over’ and help each other
•You will not get t-shirts, towels, or even AC at the camps…
•Kiefer asks him to discuss what nutrition topics he goes over at the camp
•Scott has talked about paleo, Carb Nite, Carb Back-Loading, in as simplistic way as possible…
•(definitely not one of the better podcasts)


Body IO FM 28 – Jimmy Moore
•Promoting Jimmy’s new book Keto Clarity
•Kiefer is one of the guest experts in that book, Rocky was a guest expert in Jimmy’s previous book, Cholesterol Clarity
•Jimmy started experimenting with nutritional ketosis after reading Volek and Phinney’s work
•Purpose of book is to cover: how to get into ketosis and what the benefits of getting ketosis are, a practical guide
•3 legs in the stool to get into ketosis, ◦1. Low carb.
◦2. Low to moderate protein – ■You need to find your protein threshold level. If you’re sensitive to carbs, you’ll probably be sensitive to protein as well.

◦3. High fat.

•Kiefer says that in some research studies, some people need to cut protein down to 40 gm!
•Jimmy’s threshold is 80 gm protein.
•Fasting for 48 hours will guarantee ketosis, no matter what! People who can’t get into ketosis can try this! (No thank you. I know that I personally don’t need to fast to get into ketosis)
•Rocky asks if Jimmy has ever experimented with lowering caloric load while keeping proteins up to see how it affects ketosis… but Jimmy did not.
•Kiefer thinks that in this scenario, body would start increasing gluconeogensis and making ketosis harder…
•Jimmy lost weight doing Atkins fat fast at 1200 calories… despite losing weight, he felt terrible with brain fog and severe hunger pangs
•Kiefer points out phenomenon that people feel worse when eating severe low calories, like 600 calories, compared to not eating at all
•Ketones are preferred fuel for brain, heart, and diaphragm
•Myth of muscles liking to burn ketones, after a few weeks of ketosis, muscles down regulate enzymes needed to process ketones
•Brain upregulates ketone transporters in ketosis (Mono carboxylate transporters), ketones also upregulate those transporters which can also transfer short chain and medium chain fatty acids, which can be metabolized by astrocytes in the brain.
•Jimmy says using artificial means to increase ketones (MCT oil and ketone salts) better for athletes, but for average Joe, doing it nutritionally will have more benefits than with artificial means
•Kiefer reiterates that while ketones are beneficial, it is not just the ketones that provide the benefits, but also the removal of glucose from the system
•Kiefer says 90% of the benefit is limiting amount of glucose
•Kiefer mentions researchers, like Dr. D’agostino still focus a lot of effort on the ketones, and would favor methods of increasing ketones without decreasing carbs, and Kiefer disagrees with this
•Rocky chimes in and says that Dr. D’agostino is using those methods specifically for Navy Seals and improving their performance.
•South Africa now offering “Banting” options on their menus
•Bashing of Dean Ornish, which they all seem to revel in.
•Jimmy Moore comments that there is big divide being people researching ketogenic diet for epilepsy and the people researching it for performance (Volek and Phinney), and are currently not collaborating with each other, which is a big shame!
•Ketosis can be panacea for many of our diseases, cancer, alzheimers, etc.
•People still confused between ketoacidosis and ketosis
•Ketoacidosis = high blood sugar and high ketones (15-20 mmol), in setting of type 1 DM or type 2 DM with loss of pancreatic beta cell function (no insulin produced)
Ketosis = lower blood sugar with moderate ketones
•Kiefer mentions a friend of his who is a Body IO coach, who works at a hospital (Could this be Jeff Fry?) and had conversation with a doctor who seriously believed that ketones are combustible, and being in ketosis can increase risk of spontaneous combustion. And she wasn’t joking…
•Kiefer says – carbs cause degradation of cells and mitochondria with prolonged exposure.
•When you finally do start to feel affects of this, the damage is done already.
•Glucose can be ‘degradating’ over time (man, he really loves that word.. degradate!), ketones are restorative and triggers repair processes over time
•Keto Clarity has 185 scientific references, which was one of the criticisms from his prior book.
•Dr. Patel is incredulous that some of his patients complain of being sick of eating bacon… ( I can’t relate… I love bacon. My favorite is Wellshire Farms Black Forest Bacon… yumm)
•Dr. Patel also reports patient with mental status improvement in span of 6 weeks with low carb diet.

Body IO FM 29 – Jason Seib and Sarah Fragoso
•Rocky called Kiefer by his first name John… and it really freaked him out
•Kiefer made his wife call him by his last name… (he has/had a wife??)
•Hates being called by his first name
•Addressing calories in and calories out – Jason says at end of the day, calories matter, but is never the first thing they address. If they get their diet straightened out, the calories will work themselves out.
•Majority of female clients Jason has actually aren’t eating enough calories, and he can’t remember the last time he had to tell someone to cut back on their calories
•Kiefer quotes an Atwater study where they examined calories from macronutrients alone and in combination with others, Fat had a calorie range of 7-11, Protein from 2-4, and even carbs had a range. So he just averaged everything.
•So even the values that we have don’t mean anything.
•It is a fallacy to think our bodies operate like bomb calorimeters
•Kiefer now talking about his issues with paleo: “paleo approved coconut flake cereal.”
•Jason says “paleo is a mess right now.” The idea of using an evolutionary approach to eating, sleeping etc., is actually still sound.
•Paleo community is so broken and convoluted now because everyone is trying to make it solely a diet thing with a certain/specific macronutrient ratio, ignoring all the other stuff including sleep and exercise etc.
•Sarah is grateful for how much paleo has grown especially bringing awareness to people’s own health, however when anything grows problems develop. People are extracting from paleo ideas what they want in order to market it.
•People are prescribing what works for them thinking that it will work for everyone else, when it’s more important to figure out what works for each individual
•Kiefer says paleo diet is unscientific from his perspective because we don’t KNOW what evolutionary people ate. It’s based on a premise that is flawed because our genetic code is changing faster than we initially thought.
•And paleo people are selective about what science they select based on their narrative.
•“There is a focus on grains rather than overall carbohydrate load.”
•Kiefer brings up his thoughts on the gut biome. The research is great, but we also know that when we take carbs out of the diet, it causes a decrease in overall amount of gut bacteria we have, however it also causes shift towards the beneficial species.
•Kiefer feels that paleo is ignoring a lot of good science that is already out there because of the focus on the paleo narrative.
•“Maybe it’s not so much the gluten in the wheat but it’s in these FODMAPS instead. What if that turns out not to be true, what if its not FODMAPS but its some other chemicals. It’s gotta be wheat because that’s what the story says.” (Seems like Kiefer really focused on paleos anti-wheat thing)
•Jason counters that including the ban on wheat helps force people avoid a majority of a lot of bad products without forcing them to calculate all the macro nutrient content
•The thing that scares Kiefer is that as they get evidence that grains and wheat aren’t as dangerous as previously thought it gives Ammo to the ‘other side.’ Which then leads to a backlash and can potentially cause paleo to fade into the background.
•Kiefer states that paleo has overall positive effect because it’s helped so many people in so many ways, brought the environment into the conversation, even raising awareness to how we distribute food in this country.
•When Jason first started out he was hardcore paleo and avoided all rice, starch, and dairy… but now, he’s not has rigid and those are all part of his diet. We have amylase for a reason… meaning we are supposed to have some amount of starch in our diet. There was also a gigantic fish oil prescription that has now been rescinded.
•Rocky hits nail on the head that the paleo name has now been hijacked, which is how we end up with paleo coconut flake cereal…
•Sarah feels like the ‘paleo grandma’ seeing how far things have changed from when she first started.
•Kiefer likes how paleo was about supporting local farming and local agriculture
•Everyone now going on an anti-Mcdonalds rant, Kiefer says the burger meat comes from a soft-serve machine and needs to have beef flavor added.
•Kiefer still attached to his McDonald’s filet-o-fish.
•Obese 300 lb people are sensitive about their weight because they feel like there isn’t solution for them and just feel defeated. Jason says he sees this a lot in his clients, there is a name for it, ‘learned helplessness.’
•Rocky talks about how things for him are still a struggle and he is constantly tempted to go off track (sounds like he has an inner fat kid too!)
•Plug for Sarah’s newest Paleo Thai book
•Kiefer soon moving to Sarah Fragoso’s part of the country… (I think it’s in Oregon)
•Kiefer feeds his dog paleo food…

Body IO FM 30 – Research Review 4
•Topic is calories in vs calories out – Do two diets with same caloric content (isocaloric) but different macronutriet produce different weight loss and or different type of weight loss?
•First Study – Meta Analysis ◦Macronutrient profiles of the different trials, only 1 was low carbohydrate, and it looks like this group actually had better weight loss than the other diets. But as the study progressed, this group had poor adherence and went to 40% of calories from carbs.
◦This study didn’t even address the poor adherence
◦This study considered diets less than 45% calories from carbs as “low carb”
◦Kiefer emphasizes importance of clarifying what “low carb” actually means
◦That’s why Kiefer came up with “ultra low carb.”
◦This study also only looked at weight loss, but didn’t even look at changes of compositions
◦Kiefer discusses origins of the whole “calories in calories out” concept.
◦Goes back to Atwater when he was studying the caloric content of food, putting people in calorimeters. Over 10,000 human subjects.
◦Despite different life styles of the subjects, they had similar average of overall caloric expenditure
◦Atwater wanted to find a way to construct plant based diet for poor Americans that would mimic an animal based diet (mainly food of rich Americans), using calories as a way to convert one from the other
◦In Atwaters papers he makes reference to the fact that there can be big difference to the physical value of food (how much energy it generates when physically burned) vs physiologic value of food (what your body actually does with food.

•Second article – Is a calorie a calorie? ◦They presented evidence that went against their claim that calories are all equal, and then concluded that they just didn’t know why that evidence arose, but that it didn’t violate the calorie is a calorie rule
◦Gluconeogenesis is a very wasteful and costly process expending a lot of energy
◦Production of ketones is also wasteful although some of the energy waste is offset by the increased metabolic efficiency of the heart and diaphragm.
◦From one of Feinman’s papers, they found that with removal of carbohydrates from diet, the initiation of gluconeogenesis and nutritional ketosis will cause the body to expend 10% more calories than normal.
◦This current paper didn’t think this 10% extra caloric expenditure was “significant.”
◦Kiefer says there are already a lot of papers supporting this increase in caloric expenditure when carbs removed
◦This study is the first time
◦Kiefer goes on long rant about how it is bogus to apply the first law of thermodynamics to the human body UNLESS you are able to account for every little thing coming out of the body including hair growth, food that is not absorbed, heat generated, how each molecule of what is being consumed is utilized and what it’s being converted to… etc… which given what we have now is impossible to measure all of this stuff
◦We know that if you introduce insulin into the system, you create a favorable environment for fat cells (consequence of second law of thermodynamics ) to accumulate extra tissue internally. More likely to absorb fatty acids and glucose and esterify that combination into triglycerides for storage.
◦When insulin is removed from the system, all the lipogenic systems are turned off, and amino acids and fats are shuttled into ketone production. These are all facts and have been studied in detail!
◦For some reason, people still want to stick to “first law of thermodynamics” despite all of this other evidence.
◦Kiefer talks again about story about guy consuming 10,000 calories in olive oil and staying the same weight after a month. This happened because he wasn’t absorbing all the calories, and this is NOT addressed by the first law of thermodynamics! This can be explained however with the 2nd law.
◦Rocky says that everyone agrees that in order to lose weight, or rather to lose body fat, there has to be some sort of energy deficit (Love Rocky… always the voice of clarity!), according to their Dr. Feinman podcast, a lot of physiologic processes are rate limited by enzymes, and these enzymes can be upregulated or downregulated depending on what diet you consume.
◦Rocky continues to say that they aren’t trying to deny that a unit of energy isn’t a unit of energy, but that unit of energy can have different physiologic effects on these different enzymes, which can then produce different effects at the end of the equation. This explains why some diets create greater than fat loss compared to others.
◦Kiefer says that at a 10,000 ft view, if the goal is weight loss (which he says is a nonspecific target because it can be loss of water, muscle, bone, or fat… apparently when you go on a carb restricted diet for a long time you can actually lose bone mass!!!), then you need to create a deficit as to what is coming into the system.
◦Different macronutrients introduce different ways to get that energy deficit. If on a high carb diet, the way to get that deficit is to cut calories. If on ultra low carb diet, instantly making this shift while eating the same amount of calories, has given you a calorie deficit (as described above). The calorie deficit has been introduced in a different way without decreasing food intake.
◦Kiefer quotes Feinmans study showing that the Zone diet has highest attrition rate of any diet. Ultra low carb easiest for people to stick to. High carb diet somewhere in the middle
◦Kiefer quotes study in NEJM that if you introduce testosterone to a male with low testosterone, with no change in diet, this will stimulate increase in growth of muscle mass as well as bone density with decrease in bone mass… again with NO change in diet. All the naysayers would agree with this.
◦Kiefer quotes studies where people injected with cortisol for long period of time, will cause decrease in mass of muscle tissue and bone tissue and an increase in fat mass… WITHOUT dietary changes. All the naysayers would agree with this.
◦The minute you ask if there is a hormone that can increase body fat faster as it’s introduced into the body, aka Insulin, and you say, we have enough evidence that if you keep your insulin perpetually high, you will create an environment that favors fat accumulation… people instantly go bonkers and disagree and say this is the dumbest thing ever!
◦Example of if type 1 diabetics consistently inject insulin in same site without rotation they get localized fat accumulation in that region because insulin causes growth and accumulation of fat locally.

•Next study – Energy balance or fat balance? ◦Looked at taking macronutrients in an isolated manner and determining rate of metabolism and where they end up.
◦Alcohol, fat, protein, and carbohydrate
◦The study alludes to the fact that we have such limited glycogen stores, but our fat stores are immense, and how the variability of this effects the oxidation of the macronutrients.
◦Rocky says, with regard to the insulin hypothesis naysayers the disagreement, maybe from the concept of looking at it from an acute stand point: you eat a meal high in carbs, the carbs turns into fat, and the high insulin causes the fat to be stored. Rocky says him and Kiefer are actually approaching it from the chronic view in that the chronicity of an elevated insulin environment causes the excess storage of fat.
◦Kiefer says only in past few years do we have the scientific ability to explore the 2nd law of thermodynmics on a biologic level
◦It’s not one specific meal, it’s the chronicity of the exposure.
◦When you eat a fat + carb meal, you create the perfect environment for fat storage. Carbs provide glucose for the glycerol backbone, fat provides fatty acids to attach to the glycerol backbone to form triglycerides, and the carbs also stimulate insulin release which triggers fat storage.
◦Kiefer quotes studies that show over a long term, physical activity does not necessarily equate with caloric expenditure. The more active you are over a prolonged period of time, you body seems to settle down into a basic, universal rate of energy use. When other populations in the world are examined, like Hadza tribe who were walking constantly all day, running and hunting, and very active. When compared to their metabolic needs with a typical office working overweight American, when body mass was corrected, energy needs were identical.
◦The only thing that determines how many calories you need is body mass (lean mass is better correlate).
◦The more you exercise, the more your body becomes efficient at doing that exercise!
◦The whole exercise more and eat less to lose weight is BS.
◦Kiefer also thinks that if you stick to ultralow carb over long period of time your body will adjust, and will eventually lose the metabolic ineffeciencies/advantages over time. The best time to take advantage of metabolic ineffeciencies is in periods of transition from high carb to low carb, or even from high fat to low fat.
◦This is one reason Kiefer is strong advocate of his diets, because it keeps the body inefficient for longer period of time (CNS and CBL)

Body IO FM 31 – Dr. William Walsh
•Specialty in brain science, helping people with natural therapies for things like depression, ADD…
“advanced nutrient therapy”
•Rocky listened to the audiobook, Nutrient Power, and was intrigued by what he heard
•Within the past 5 years we are learning about the epigenetic effects of things we eat. Genes encode proteins (enzymes, structural proteins, etc).
•Methylation is a process by how genes are expressed: people can be under-methylated or over-methylated which has a lot to do with mental and physical health.
•Under-methylaters make up most of the world great athletes, and has to do with the formation of creatine.
•Most cancer forms are ‘epigenetic’ in which environmental insults change these methyl switches, the regulation that turns on or off certain genes.
•Almost every aspect of our existence has to do with gene regulation
•We are now at the point where we understand what certain nutrients can do to things like regulating neurotransmitters, or enhancing GI heath or immune function
•It now looks like autism, schizophrenia, cancer, and heart disease are epigenetic diseases.
•Once a gene is ‘methylated’ it’s stuck on like concrete and can’t be changed. This determines your characteristics for the rest of your life.
•Fortunately there is a second epigenetic mechanism called “histone modification” which is what we can use with methylation therapies to help people with mental and physical problems.
•In a fetus, the most important time is between 19 and 22 days of gestation, which is before most women know they are pregnant. This makes it too late for women who try to clean up their act (ie quit smoking and drinking and start eating healthy) AFTER they find out they’re pregnant.
•Hopefully there will be time in a future where you can test a newborn baby to see what their genes and epigenes are and then tailor treatment to prevent epigenetic disorders like schizophrenia, autism, etc…
•Kiefer asks about a theory he’s heard that our current obesity epidemic is a result of an epigenetic effect when these people were exposed to an environmental dietary thing at the early ages of 2-3 years old, causing people to be obese the rest of their life.
•Dr. Walsh confirms this theory. We’ve known for a long time that depending on their nutrition as very young children, that people with a tendency towards obesity that by the time they’re 3 or 4 already have a much greater population of fat cells, that are also larger fat cells, and a lot of experts think this is epigenetic, and may have occured in the first 20 days of gestation!
•We’ve also learned that methylation has a lot to do with proper diet for example, if you’re under-methylated (22% of the population) you need a high protein diet. If you’re over-methylated (8% of the population) will thrive on vegetarian diet. Carb tolerance also.
•About 70% of the population don’t have a methylation problem
•Part of being under-methylation leads to competitiveness, strongwilled, perfectionists
•Over-methylated people tend to have more muscle mass but don’t have the mental desire and competitiveness as the under methylated
•Many of the very tall basketball players were found to have an amino acid disorder. A couple of his 7 foot basketball players had poorly functioning fast twitch muscles making it harder for them to grab rebounds and react quickly. Arginine is one of the reasons why they’re so tall, but is also why it’s sohard for them to put on muscle mass. They called it Manute Bol syndrome. They were so under-methylated that they couldn’t create creatine and therefore have low muscle mass.
People that are over-methylated are very good at mathematics, better at music, very artistics, unusually friendly people, make wonderful neighbors. They care more often about other people than themselves and frequently work as nurses and counselors. As opposed to the under-methylaters that are driven perfectionists trying to be the best. CEOs, doctors, lawyers, scientists… people who have this kind of podcast
•Funny part where Dr. Walsh says he would bet anything that both Rocky and Kiefer are under-methylated. He says most people that are under-methylated sail through life rather well and have high accomplishment. Usually have a family history of high accomplishment.
•About 1 out of every 5 under-methylaters tend to run into trouble, typically obsessive compulsive disorders, hooked on smoking, alcohol, illegal drugs, gambling. Women might develop shopping disorders. Anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder.
•We also need to look at metal metabolism. Zinc deficiency has a lot to do with physical and mental health. A lot of athletes became dramatically better once their zinc levels were normalized. There are a lot of nutrients that because of genetics, people are deficient in, and can probably benefit from multiple times the RDA of those nutrients… the hard part is just figuring out which ones they need!
•On the other hand, people can also have nutrient overloads because of genetics. We’ve learned that clinically with depression, anxiety, learning disorders, violent children, it’s really the nutrients that are in overload that cause more problems rather than the deficiencies. So when people ask him what multivitamin he would recommend, he thinks the answer is none of them because you can do as much harm as good if you stuff someone full of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals some of which could make things worse!
•The key is knowing what works for that specific individual.
•Things can get complicated, for example, folic acid or any form of it including, folinic acid, or methyl-folate has dramatic impact on epigenetics. It is extremely good at helping people who are under-methylated normalize their methylation, the problem is that folic acid tends to lower serotonin activity. So one of the complications is that if you have someone who has anxiety, depression, or behavior disorder, and are undermethylated… their methylation will improve, but their condition will worsen (because they have conditions that have low serotonin)!
•There are only 6 or 7 nutrient factors that dominate mental health.
•Nutrient therapies take 2-3 months to take effect
•Can allow tapering of psychiatric medications to find optimal dose
•With depression, they’ve found that depression is currently made of 5 different disorders each with different neurotransmitter abnormalities, and there are now blood tests that can be done that will help determine which medications to use to address the specific sort of depression! For example, under methylaters will respond well to SSRIs, but folks that are over methylated will get worse with SSRIs and become suicidal and homicidal…
•Psychiatrists are starting to get excited by this…
•In post partum depression… they’ve found this is due to over abundance of copper!
•Kiefer brings up the evidence that a low carb ketogenic diet can have extremely beneficial effects on people with depression and anxiety disorders, and help to decrease and sometimes altogether stop some medications. He asks if Dr. Walsh has seen anything between relationship of glucose and if it can exacerbate methylation problems in these cases?
•Dr. Walsh says yes. Especially with people who have glucose control problems, even with schizophrenic and depressive who tend towards low blood sugar, if you clean up their diet, will help them a lot. It’s especially important for children with ADHD, they are easiest people to help, making sure they have a good diet.
•The only people who need a high carbohydrate diet are athletes.
•Some athletes run into problems from guzzling too much gatorade before an event and throw themselves into low blood sugar.


  • TOP 1

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Kannst mal bitte verlinken?

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Quelle und weiterführendes Material bitte.

CBL werde ich nach meiner Diät ebenfalls wieder einführen.

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Hab relativ fix mal drüber geguckt, einige Punkte sind leider absoluter Bullshit. Unter anderem, dass man in Ketose sein muss, damit Autophagie passiert, ist kompletter Blödsinn.

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Ich dachte, nach dem kurzen Hype ist CBL wieder out und aktuell durch IIFYM abgelöst :)

  • TOP 2

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Hab relativ fix mal drüber geguckt, einige Punkte sind leider absoluter Bullshit. Unter anderem, dass man in Ketose sein muss, damit Autophagie passiert, ist kompletter Blödsinn.

ich habe es so in Erinnerung das Autophagie Prozesse im Fastenzustand passieren, der Fastenzustand aber durch FETT nicht unterbrochen wird (also die Autophagie Prozesse)

steht es da anders?

Ich mache kein CBL mehr, aber informier mich doch ab und an noch darüber... Kiefer driftet immer mehr ab, CARB SHOCK

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One must have sustained ketosis before autophagy to occur.

So stehts da. Stimmt aber nicht. Es stimmt, dass Fasten dafür gut ist, aber sustained Ketosis sind 2 Tage vollständiges Fasten oder länger, bevor das anfängt :D

Richtig ist einfach, dass Insulin bspw. Autophagie Prozesse hemmt.

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ist ein Typ der die Podcasts zusammenfasst, nicht Kiefer selbst..., daher können sich Fehler einschleichen.

Ich hab den Autophagy Podcast anders in Erinnerung (siehe oben)

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