I ran this by a giggle of girlfriends who ALL, UNIFORMLY agreed with me - but this ONLY works with REAL friendships... not girls whom you've only befriended because you couldn't get them to sleep with you.... Here goes: Women want to have fun. Women love to have Sex! This may include Recreational-Only Sex with MEN THEY KNOW THEY CAN TRUST! Naturally, anyone they consider truly a friend would fall into that category - BUT NO ONE WANTS TO RISK LOSING A FRIEND! Therefore most women won't chance beginning a Sexual relationship where there is currently a solid friendship. THEREFORE IT IS ESSENTIAL that the girl understands she absolutely won't lose your friendship either way, and that YOU ARE OFFERING HER SOMETHING - NOT ASKING FOR ANYTHING! The decision is ALWAYS in her court. Most women have learned the hard-way that IF they sleep with a guy whom they respect, appreciate, and admire - BUT ARE NOT OVERLY TURNED ON BY - it will end badly, when the guy begins to wish to become their 'Boyfriend'. They will lose their opportunity to be 'Just Friends' with that guy once things sort themselves out, because HIS ego will be bruised and he won't be able to forgive her for the 'rejection' he feels. IF YOU COMMUNICATE TO A FEMALE FRIEND IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS: A ) YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED IN BEING HER BOYFRIEND, nor do you want her as 'your Girlfriend' -- 'cuz while the respect/friendship/admiration is there in abundance, the chemistry isn't a fit - there's no 'Romantic Crush' aspect for how you feel about her - Just true, real, justifiable appreciation, and that's enough! B ) YOU ARE ALREADY HER FRIEND which makes her much more important and interesting than just someone you'd like to have Sex with - and you wouldn't change that for the world; BUT.... You are a boy, and she is a girl, and that's a nice arrangement. Try saying something like this to her: "You know I would NEVER fuck-you-over; ...But I'd gladly fuck you over-and-over!" (I have used this line for a decade with fantastic success - it's light and cute and funny and reassuring all at once) C) YOU DEFINATELY DON'T WANT TO INTERFERE WITH HER PURSUIT OF 'MR. RIGHT' nor would you stop persuing and sleeping with other girls... in fact, you'd appreciate any pointers or suggestions which would help your Game, and of course you'll be more than happy to hook her up with new guys you think might suit her... D) YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE THIS WITH HER - and there's truly no urgency at all - nothing will change between you either way; at least, not negatively ...but you know you'd be a fool not to let her know that you'd enjoy having friendly-fun-without-strings with her, and that she can rely upon you for non-judgemental acceptance. That last bit, the 'non-judgemental acceptance', is a FANTASTIC OFFER for any woman. It guarantees her the security she craves, and relaxes the fears she may have about her reputation's being damaged by her taking you up on your offer. REMEMBER, that's what's happening here: YOU ARE OFFERING HER SOMETHING SHE WANTS, and at a price she can afford! (ie, fun Sex with someone who will stick around, be loyal (though not exclusive!) and trustworthy, and IS her friend-for-real.) My comfort in this Frame, the notion that WOMEN LOVE Sex, and would have lots more of it if they felt confident that their partners weren't going to disappear OR become Cling-ons, is absolute. One caveat, again - YOU CAN ONLY OFFER THIS IF YOU TRULY WILL REMAIN FRIENDS WITH THE GIRL, EITHER WAY: She might not immediately accept your offer; she might not agree for months, or until someone she's seeing flakes on her, breaks up with her, or whatever; or maybe NEVER. But if you are SINCERE, and nothing changes either way between you, you will rise in her esteem and SHE WILL consider it, subconciously as well as conciously. If you are faking, if you change your behaviour towards her once you make the offer, if you are trying to GET HER rather than offer yourself TO HER, she'll sniff it out, and you'll seriously drop in her estimation. Maybe costing you the friendship. Johnny Soporno Worthy Playboy