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Hey boys !

Im a 23 year old danish guy, and Im moving to Basel in mid July.

Im an experienced gamer and have been doing it for 2 years now here in Denmark.

I was wondering if there are any gamers near Basel who are interested in meeting up to do some gaming? Im thinking about Night game and also Day game if anybody is up for it?

About me: I like chilling and hanging out with friends, meeting new people, being social, doing fitness and sport (skiing and surfing) and Im motivated to develop my pick up skills even further than I have already done :)

So if you are a friendly person and have an ambition of getting better at picking up women and have fun meanwhile then comment below or send me a private message and lets meet up !

All the best


bearbeitet von Casano

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  Am 15.6.2014 um 15:21 , Casano schrieb:

Hey boys !

Im a 23 year old danish guy, and Im moving to Basel in mid July.

Im an experienced gamer and have been doing it for 2 years now here in Denmark.

I was wondering if there are any gamers near Basel who are interested in meeting up to do some gaming? Im thinking about Night game and also Day game if anybody is up for it?

About me: I like chilling and hanging out with friends, meeting new people, being social, doing fitness and sport (skiing and surfing) and Im motivated to develop my pick up skills even further than I have already done :)

So if you are a friendly person and have an ambition of getting better at picking up women and have fun meanwhile then comment below or send me a private message and lets meet up !

All the best


Hey man,

Im also a 23 year old, moved back to Basel last week. I started "Pickup" 3 months ago in a big City and I got quite a lot of references. It seems little bit more difficult here, I cant convince other guys to do pickup too. Are you still looking for a wing?


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Hi there!
I am 32 year old, live in BL, all day on the streets of Basel. Started Pickup 4 months ago, having some good experiences. Doing daygame every day, now looking for Wingmen here in Basel.

Still interested? Let me know


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