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Haven't been sarging much since I got back to school, but I have been threading five HB8.5+'s along for shits and giggles and that has pretty much taken up all my weekend/week nights. I'm currently in the middle of one extended freeze out for HBwtf, which is starting to show some effect (her room mate told me I should go have sex with her this weekend... IOI? =) Anyway, this LR is about my one-itis who essentially broke me so hard I had to find GAME. When I first came to college three years ago, I met this gorgeous girl during my first week, and being the inexperienced AFC that I was, I tried everything in my powers to become her entertainment monkey and eventually got LJBF-ed after trying to make a move on her several months into my one-itis. Needless to say, I got shot down by a big fucking cannon. Since I was essentially in the same social circle with her by this point, I essentially had to pick up my shit and find a new circle. That's how badly my ego was raped.

Fast forward 2 and a half years, Hb1itis and I have essentially fallen out of touch. I ran into her one day on campus and invited her over to catch up on life and what not. While I wasn't consciously gaming her, I was keeping the conversation playful and she was a great banterer herself so we eventually ended up talking for 4 hours. At one point of the conversation, I think we were talking about our summer, I ended up telling her about the Community and how I spent a month over the summer sarging 40+ hours a week, and told her some of my adventures. She was devastated and kept telling me how awful a person I was for being in the community and now I have ruined her "movie moment" of meeting some hot guy at a cafe on a rainy day and what not, then I told her about the movie moment routine that I ran with rather significant amount of success and she just got pretty destroyed.

Since our initial reunion, she came over probably 3 times to hang out, and essentially kept picking my brain about the game, so I've kept her pretty well informed on my progress on the other 4 girls. She even made a bet with me to lay HBwtf by last sunday night, but I fucked myself over by min-oneitising over the girl so I ended up going on a mini ice cream date with HB1itis. Funny thing is, while we have great fun together, HB1itis has literally, 0 attraction for me as a mate. But that's about to change.

Last night, in our best efforts to procrastinate actually doing work, I decided to take HB1itis with me to go sarge at Barnes and Nobles. While the actual outing wasn't very eventful since nobody there was remotely attractive other than hitting on the starbucks lady, and getting hit on by some gay guy ahead of me, nothing eventful happened. We ended up back at my place. Comfort talked for 3 hours, she reiterates how she finds 0 attraction for me. 2 more hours later, it's history.

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