Razorjack: How do YOU want to PU?

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Dies war für mich einer der WICHTIGSTEN Texte.

PU so zu betreiben, wie ich selber will...

Wassup playas!

All right boys I feel like my game is about to take a giant leap to the next

level. I'm gonna share some stuff I've been working on to improve my game as

well as compare my game before and after these changes.

One word of caution to the newbies:

The stuff I'll be discussing here is WAY over your head. Go out, sarge, get

some field experience and a few notches on your bed post before trying this


The biggest key so far is that I've started to PU the way I WANT to PU instead

of how I'm supposed to PU. I bet a lot of you are thinking, "WTF are you

talking about, Razorjack?"

OK, what I'm trying to show you guys with this is how you design routines,

tactics/techs, PU styles, methods, etc to suit YOU, instead of you conforming

to someone else's methods, styles, etc.

All right, roll with me here boys. I used to PU with the notions that:

1. I shouldn't validate chicks

2. Not give them too much attention

3. I should be indirect, not show interest right away

4. I should qualify chicks before they get attention from me

5. I should kino chicks as a reward for their good behavior

6. etc etc

Now when I read this list, I just see a bunch of rules that I had to confine

to. Now even with these restrictions I did pretty well. I mean I got more pussy

in that 1 year then all of the previous years in my life put together.

But we all want to improve, become better than we are and of course have fun

doing it. What I realized was that this was a very restrictive way to PU.

Seriously guys read that list, it's so fucking negative and passive, at least

IMO. What happened was that I got a bunch of information in my head and I

CONFORMED to those restrictions without even realizing it.

Now compare that way of PU to this:

How about I PU the way I WANT to PU? What do I WANT to happen? OK here's a new


1. I WANT chicks to know that I'm a sexual being

2. I WANT chicks to respond positively to me

3. I WANT chicks to be attracted to me FAST

4. I WANT to convey value FAST

5. I WANT chicks to respond in certain ways to me

6. etc etc

OK this list isn't complete, but it's a good start. Now we all know that

there's more than one way to attract, more than one way to convey value, more

than one way to PU, etc.

The easiest way to learn IMO is by example, so now I'll go over what my game is

like today and the changes I made to get it to where it's at today.

If we take the first point, "I WANT chicks to know that I'm a sexual being."

I had to make some changes in my game to achieve this. Before I was very

indirect with disqualifying myself, the chicks etc, cuz I thought that was what

I was suppose to do to get the chicks attracted. Don't get me wrong, it worked

OK, but now I'm much more direct physically.

Now when I go in with an opener, I usually have my arm around the chick's waist

before the first word even comes out of my mouth. If there's 2 or more in the

set, I'll go straight up to the target and the chick next to her and get in

both of their "personal" spaces and put my arm around both of them. Now my

target knows right away, that I'm not afraid to touch girls, even those that I

haven't met yet.

Let's take the next 2 points on the list, "I WANT chicks to respond positively

to me" and "I WANT chicks to be attracted to me FAST".

OK when I used to take a more indirect approach and style, I'd crack jokes, use

interesting stories, ask opinions, etc to get chicks to respond positively, but

the attraction part was sometimes there, sometimes not. So what I do now with

kinoing chicks from the get go, the chicks FEEL great that a nice looking, fun

guy is interested in them. The majority of chicks out there including those

that have bfs, are married, etc are so fucking lonely and bored, it's really

very, very sad.

When I go in and kino chicks, I kino them and talk to them like they're already

my girlfriend. Guess what this does, boys?

The chicks FEEL great about themselves thanks to me, so they respond positively

to me. Not only does this attract the chicks I'm with but other chicks around

me see me with my arms around my targets and that my targets are LOVING it! Can

you say SOCIAL PROOF?!! :)

This is attraction FAST. Don't forget that my targets notice the other chicks

looking at us and they're LOVING the attention, so they don't want me to leave!


Next point on the list "I WANT to convey value FAST".

I know what you guys are thinking "This is easy, Razorjack, just DHV." Well

that's what I thought first as well, but IMO DHV is about you showing value

through stories, gimmicks, etc then not only does your story, gimmick, etc need

to convey value, but the chick needs to pick up on this. That's too indirect

for me, with a very small margin for error.

Let me give you another alternative.

I just love pleasuring chicks and making them feel good about themselves. So

this is what I do and focus on via kino, massaging, complimenting them on

things other than their beauty, etc. This is direct and conveying value

straight to the target. The best part is that some of this is also seen by

other chicks and of course the other chicks want a part of this as well. The

whole point is that SHE gets more out of the interaction with YOU, than you get

from her. Can you say higher value?

I bet some guys here are thinking, "Well isn't this just validating her,

supplicating and all that other bullshit?"

My opinion is that if you think it is then that's the way you're target will

interpret it. What I do is come from a 10000000 times stronger frame then her.

I actually get as much pleasure from the stuff I'm doing as she does. So in the

end, it's me doing things that I KNOW we both would enjoy.

OK, next point, "I WANT chicks to respond in certain ways to me."

I hadn't even thought about this before, this is something that I decided I

want to inject into my way of PU. I always want her being active and working

for my attention in the PU. I still don't have this down completely, but I'm

getting better and better at it every time I go out to sarge.

This takes a bit of calibration, but here's 2 ways I do it:

1. If she's the party type of chick, then I'll go direct physically, while

being indirect and disqualifying verbally. The whole time I'll be saying shit

like "You know HB, if we weren't so alike, it would be me and you baby, we'd be

like soul mates", while I got my arm around her waist. This occupies her

logical brain of trying to seduce you, but you still have kino going and

getting her comfortable with you.

2. If she's not the party type of chick then instead of qualifying her, I'll

GIVE her all the qualities and behaviors I want in a woman. Then the idea is to

make her live up to those qualities and behaviors. So this will keep her on her

toes and WORKING to stay valuable in your eyes. Of course the whole time my arm

is around her waist and we're close together physically building comfort.

So am I saying that direct is better than indirect or that you shouldn't DHV?


What I'm saying is that you need to figure out, what it is you WANT and design

routines, style, etc around that, rather than restricting yourself to other

guys' tactics/techs, style, etc.

If you look at most of the stuff I wrote about the changes I made, I broke so

many of the "rules" here on mASF, I should be banned! Shame on you, Razorjack!


Just kidding, what I'm saying is this boys:


How do YOU want to PU?

Keep on mackin' playas!


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