FR: WTF? Advise needed

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This is my first FR in quite a while, but I'm seriously confused about this one.

Background: I spotted a seated 3 set on the lawn outside my dorm and approached without really thinking. When I got there, I bantered a bit with all 3 in an overall high energy level, and it turns out that the dude that was with the 2 girls was someone I already opened earlier. The two girls, HB9.5 (HBwtf) and HB7.5(HBearrings) really enjoyed my company, and the guy (AFCfriendly) was already on friendly terms with me so everything went pretty smooth. I ejected after a while. Two days later, I walk by the girls' room and spotted AFCfriendly chilling there so I walked in and started chatting everybody up. #closed HBwtf, scheduled a day 2 to go hiking with my buddies (mistake #1).

The Hike: My buddies and I didn't really know where we were going so we ended up driving for well over an hour and stopping at some random trail on the side of the street and went hiking there. The whole trip screamed of sketchiness. HBwtf tried flaking a couple times by saying she has to do all sort of shit but I told her she was coming, so she came. Nothing eventful happened during the hike, I was tired, she was tired, and when I'm tired, I tend to lose the tightness in my game so I was 100% AFC. FUCK! I would also like to note that before we even started day 2, while she was in the process of kinda flaking, we scheduled a day 3 for golf, but by the end of the hike, I didn't think day 3 was going to happen.

Golf: Everything worked out beautifully, I was doing some direct gaming and she was being very receptive. We bantered, escalated kino, I was pretty sure she was mine. After golf, we decided to hang out and drink before going out partying, but I had to go eat with my buddies and she had her own thing to do, so we scheduled a meet up after dinner. I didn't want to come off as needy, so I didn't call her. She calls me around 1:50am saying I ditched her and didn't try to call her. I told her I left a message (which I may or may not have done because at this point I was very drunk) I told her where I was, she said she was coming over. I hung out for a bit, then decided to bounce back to my room. She showed up to my friend's room, I wasn't there, so she came to my room to look for me.

My room: I was lying on the bed watching a movie, and she came to sit on the side so I wrapped my arm around her waist and started bantering. Everything seemed to have gone pretty well, she was IOI-ing me, but tells me she didn't bring her keys and that her roomates were going to bed so she had to go. I told her fine, and pointed to my cheek for a kiss (I've done this pretty often in clubs while I was sarging in Europe and it always ended up in a make out) but she goes, "I don't kiss on the cheeks". At this point, I assumed she meant she wanted to make out with me, so I stood up and tried to go in for the kiss. She turns away and says she "essentially has a boyfriend" back home, even though she told me she broke up with her boyfriend earlier in the week, and they broke on a good note. She leaves, tells me that she'll see me in the morning, and I proceeded to pass out on the spot.

WTF? I know I might have come off as a little needy in my weakened AFC moments, but I'm pretty sure I made a fair recovery during golf, even though she kicked my ass.

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I don't kiss on the cheeks". At this point, I assumed she meant she wanted to make out with me, so I stood up and tried to go in for the kiss.

Hätte ich auch gemacht. Schwer zu sagen. Was bei diesen Mädels immer im Kopf vorgeht...

She turns away and says she "essentially has a boyfriend" back home, even though she told me she broke up with her boyfriend earlier in the week, and they broke on a good note.

Ein Shittest? Ein ganz massiver?

Schwer einzuschätzen.

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