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Hallo Freunde!

Ich habe mich in der letzten Zeit relativ viel, aber auch sehr oberflächlich mit NLP beschäftigt und möchte nun am liebsten ein Coaching Buchen was mich in meiner Tätigkeit im Verkauf (Bank, direkter Kundenkontakt) weiterbringt und meine Kommunikation verbessert.

Bevor ich allerdings nun Blindlinks "NLP Workshop Deutschland" Google und mich für den erstbesten Workshop anmelde wollte ich mich vorab einmal erkundigt haben ob ihr Empfehlungen im Deutschsprachigem Raum (am liebsten NRW) für mich habt, mit Schwerpunkt Verkauf/Business.

Die Suche hat irgendwie nicht das ausgespuckt was ich gesucht hab, falls es doch ein entsprechendes Topic gibt - Asche auf mein Haupt.



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Ist zwar etwas an Deiner Anfrage vorbei, dennoch



Hi Keskillia,

As part of my doctorate dissertation project I reviewed NLP material specifically related to sales. My research took me all the way back to 1975. There are several issues with NLP books written about selling, some of them being:

Books written by therapists based on their theoretical view of how NLP might apply to sales.
Books based on the transcripts of seminars that have you digging and digging for the magic bullet.
Books written by people who don't have a clue. Period.

I have been applying NLP in my sales and marketing career since the early '90s. I'm a certified Master Practitioner and Certified Trainer also.

In my research project, some (certainly not all) sales people were able to almost double their sales in seven weeks.

In the group that was taught only interpersonal NLP methods, The greatest increase in sales took place not after rapport building skills but after the buying pattern elicitation. This included the informal elicitation of values, criteria, simple metaprograms and the convincer strategy. Assuming you have rapport, get this right and the sale is all but yours.

I can recommend the following books:

Lakin, D. (2000). The Unfair Advantage. Illinois: Lakin Associates, for foundational work on using VAK through numerous business related mediums.

Moine, D., & Lloyd, K. (1990). Unlimited Selling Power. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., for hypnotic language patterns and "unfreezing" a decision (nominalizations).

Johnson, K. (1995). Selling with NLP. London, UK: Nicholas Brealey Publishing Ltd., a pretty good all-rounder with an interesting way to address objections through "psychological sliding" - having the prospect perceive their objection through a rep system other than their primary system and notice how things change...

Dilts, R. (1999). Sleight of Mouth. California: Meta Publications - the definitive guide to conversational reframing - an excellent approach for managing objections.

Rose Charvet, S. (1995). Words that Change Minds. Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company., a great book on metaprograms. You don't have to know all 60+ metaprograms to sell effectively. She includes a number of references to selling and a recommendation as to what metaprograms to focus on.

Bandler, R., & LaValle, J. (1996). Persuasion Engineering. California: Meta Publications. Bandler's account of his use of NLP in sales. EXCELLENT book! VERY entertaining, VERY interesting, and a transcript of a seminar that leaves me wishing I was at the live event.

I would also recommend an older book by Bagley, D. S., & Reese III, E. J. (1987). Beyond Selling. California: Meta Publications, a great foundational work to selling with NLP.

Hope this helps,


Wären da für Dich nicht Bücher im Bereich Rhetorik, Argumentation, Stilistik und Verkauf besser?

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