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So I've just experienced my first REAL blowout last night. I've been in the community for a month now and been sarging in Munich with a fair amount of success. Now I'm back at my college and decided to try my skills at this freshmen dance party last night. I haven't really been opening that many sets lately (roughly 5 or 6 a day) and they were all in friendly inquiry. Anyway, back to the dance party.

Girls were looking slightly below average, but I decided that was my brain trying to make an excuse not to talk to them, so I forced myself to open a couple sets. Forget what I used, but it got me in, but I quickly lose interest. I've been walking around opening random people at the very small dance floor, dragging one of my AFC buddies along trying to get him to open a set, but without success. So I told him he could have used anything to open a set, it really doesn't matter since I've personally field tested, "nice tits," "your ass is huge"...etc and they all opened and I even number closed a couple "nice tits". So I told him he can even open with "wow, you're really short". He said bullshit, so I decided to demonstrate. Walked into a 5 set, 4 girls, 1 guy. Told the shortest girl there that she's short. She got visibly upset. Her friends started backing her. I tried to get an out by talking to the guy. He was also siding with the girls. The short girl told me I should have told her she was pretty instead (rofl) but I told her I don't lie. She got more upset. The group started shit testing me by saying "you're short" is the worst pickup line ever and went back on the dance floor.

Keep in mind, my buddy was standing next to the me the entire time while I'm crashing and burning. Ohh well.

inputs welcome, I think I'm going to try direct approaches from now on.

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Ich hätte gesagt "okay du kannst noch mit reinkommen, aber nur kurz, ich will dir bla 'hier vorwand einfügen' zeigen. Aber denk nicht, dass ich mit dir in die Kiste steige."

Den Rest solltest du kennen ;)

Obwohl... das hätte Mystery wohl gemacht nicht ich.

I consider it to be very consulting, since short people know about their corporality.

The difference between the 'short'-line and the 'tits'-line is that the 'tits'-line is really sexual and rather considered to be meant in a funny way. Actually you are some kind of showing your sexual interest in the girl ;).

I once told a girl she would really make up a nice couple with a small guy and she blamed me for offending here though I knew her for just 10 minutes.

In my opinion the saying "Leave her better than you meet her" should be assumed to be elemental since anyone with a little knowledge about PU is able to harm girls psychologically. :S

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The short girl told me I should have told her she was pretty instead (rofl) but I told her I don't lie. She got more upset.

No wonder you crashed. Besides that your behaviour was really impolite: what was your intention to talk to this girl? You think and finally tell her she is not attractive. It comes across you were only approaching to show your buddy what a cool mofo you are. You should work on your inner game. And you should be more respectful to other people. How would you feel when a girl runs in your group to say you are a milksop and also an ugly one?

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