Der Film über PU im November ist es soweit!!

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So Leute, bald heißt es sich warm anziehen für alle, die noch mit "wer lügt mehr" öffnen oder den ESP Trick machen :-) :-)

Im November startet der Flim über PU in den USA, mal schauen ob der auch zu uns rüberschwappt, jedenfalls

haben sie hammermäßige Schauspieler die mitwirken..... :-)

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Genre: Comedy

Da fallen mir dutzende Opener ein, die sich auf dem Film aufbauen lassen.

Toll, wenn nicht nur PUAs bei Wer-lügt-mehr anfangen zu lachen, sondern auch HBs.



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ich glaub nicht das der wirklich erfolgreich wird.

ich denke man muss sich schon bisschen mehr mit Pick-up auseinader setzen, um wirklich Erfolg zu haben

( beispiel: Neil Strauss hat fast 2 jahre gebraucht um so perfekt zu werden )



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2 Jahre um so zu werden wie Style??? sorry, 50Cent wenn ich jetzt deine Realität sprenge, aber Neil Strauss ist mindestens

seit 1998 in der Community und ist einer der größten Schlangen die da draußen rumlaufen. Er war einer der größten KJs die

es damals gab. The Game ist voller Lügen und Widersprüche...hab dir mal was herausgesucht, da wir letztin in einem

anderen Forum eine Diskussion darüber hatten.....

By most reports Style was in the game for 2-3 years. I'm not a guru-gossip junkie, but some interesting things can be learned about him from his [now deleted] archive. This might be of interest.

Note. I'm assuming this is the same Style, which it probably is as Mystery wouldn't have 'named' another guy Style, as described in the game, if he knew another one online.


By Style 06 September 1998 04:00:00 Newsgroup:

Subject: Mytery, meet the SSers and RDS

Dear Mystery, your posts are interesting, provocative, and fantastic. I, for one, believe you. Your positive attitude is refreshing. Let me fill you in a bit about It is populated by speed seducers and their arch enemies the stealies. R. Don Steele has been carrying on a flame war in a sorry attempt to sell his books He is failing, Ross Jeffries has convinced losers to part with 3,000 so that they can get laid [as supposed to 4 thousand:lol:]. You sound like the antithesis of these types. As a matter of fact you sound like a leader, not a follower. Can you learn something useful here? You can learn alot of what NOT to do. You learn that those who don't get laid talk about it alot. You can learn that flaming is a poor substitute for getting laid. - Now, don't get me wrong. Both Don AND Ross have some good ideas. Cherry pick the best of what they teach and continue your quest. You will find noone in this group to be a worthy teacher. I started reading this group to improve my skills. What i have learned would fit a thimble! BTW. save your money. Spend it on those 10s! Much better investment! - is a group of LOSERS, GEEKS and NERDS.- Anyway, thanks for the posts. Your information is welcome. Your ideas are new and fresh. This group needed a breath of fresh air. it was getting old and moldy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- We can deduce from this post that Style had been posting for a long time before this; this post was dated to 8 years ago.

-We can also deduce that he didn't 'stumble across these guys online' as a secret community, who bear knowledge concerning women.

-Style was probably a KJ for a long time before he started going in field, which should give hope to all KJs out there...:-)

-Style didn't ''penetrate'' anything. He found a group of Ross Jeffries disciples, and wrote on their message board.

So much for rapid development and stumbling across master-seducers, as is commonly perported.

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