Explaining my Game + fix your Polarity right

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Explaining my Game

Hi guys, I have it here written fast, my style fast, no wronggoing, no bad belief in mind. Is subject about words, is posting structure is my game, forgive methods thereyougo, I'm on winning of course. I extra typing have it for your belief strategy that is my game thereyougo.

How you cannot #close with negative belief in mind. the cannots for guys in game.

Ok there is simple strategies to game and that strategy is wronggoing. You cannot do it maybe sad, one day maybe really like ours together for lifetime forgiven fast that excluded no end the guilt pain ours.

So from a guy is flexible and allright speech control with women he can outtake what is ours and outsource it for male belief strategy on women in women. In order for the one to be selected right you have to specialize on certain women degrees in field structure planned found happen. Happen is that switching belief have various others cancelled at some time. Is erased plan money fair wasted.

Have it screaming around jumping on them tight you cannot go in the street to a certain degree and approach woman from angle right. Is male belief strategy is forbidden is network agree double result type. Is pogo strategy on women jumping around is pogo agreeing network street ok we going out. Is ballon hype each other has women agree on various sort field therapy strategys like „he has to #close me“ „he has to organize the deal structure to get me in bed“ „he is reflective to certain things concerned about wanting me or not and that is my result strategy where he is in below me to fix simple manners handled alright when that is nutten going on destroying my game.“

From you outwards side hear it it is echo reflected hello type me on that weed strategy is forgotten is close on my brain. Is accepted, that lie next to you is fair turned, fair turn it, fair wested, never big talking bye maybe. Is woman strategy fair splashed is look fixed on that deal.

You cannot ever approach and have number based outcome. Is like in school you have to do every approach right and thats tight game. You can never handle violated outcome with women thats the deal guys. Sorry I fair spinning I tired. Network handle that vibe exact right. Is fair spinned response I drink I just laugh here not.

You cannot have that exact close strategy happen. Is always woman fixed on you in mind is response like never before, hearing, going on ok, going on in ok, is whats the deal tight fixed you're structure close game. Is hearing in woman I cannot observe no lie what's the game is lie detected is I'm in big talk. Is disappeared here out, is cannot hide dead mode is he vibes. Is secret alone is detects, I'm underground, I cannot talk to anybody here, is I waste my time next, that chick to me is dead. Fairspinned underground that is ithidden underground. Is that network on, textwork to listen to? Exact text right out, what is that hidden game, bikini underwear. Extra tabletts for game is listen tight rap dude. That is fair spinned. That is inhidden network. Exactly type game. Is fair tabletts lost, double up drama. That badbehavinggirl is on strategy woman. She wants you so she is detected at some time go out lost drama, rapping with women is some style drama. Is going around.

For some secret here is invited last night have strategy with woman, rap monster ishidden going around, fair safe extra secret.

So she want you cannot do herplus exact right. She has no woman in jumping around and no forbidden false beliefs about you right. Why has it that texting so long? You have to enable disable in your woman when she is game tight and right on to it next to the throne. Fair turn it, screw looser out. Fair that game is networked, fair spin it turbo ultra extra plus underwear i have her destroyed i guilt. She cannot do it on rap one single extra time, why waste time out. Herplus is in guilt, I destroyed, I score woman. I always talk to woman. I have that looser in mind. Is jump pogo is exact right style, I cannot keep my heplus tight, I have heplus with woman, in my mind he is going excuser bastard looser you have that one number fair served is an there number is slut sogo baloons.

She has to do the extra work to get your number fixed tight on saloon or she is whore. Number plus ultra drama, have it fair served, disappear dude. What are you doing with that slut, is safe? Is ultra horror network drama right? Is what have you going with that slut tight? Is I better not shoot it is man in women!

Extratight go on

You cannot do on stool and bar drink game. That is allright, next on programm. I destroy I fair turn.

You cannot ever go and hide a slut on game. It is forbidden for women. You can have that glas extra cola next to table and have it on numbers forbidden go game. Is that spectaculous I winner. Next

You cannot go on ramble focus what is that game next there extratight. You cannot have it spin in focus I looser winner he places that same.

You cannot go in and arm wrap around her that is mean that is slut that is spectaculous. It scratches window at same time is here I looser I mean I slut drink whore nothingdoing.

You can only go in and try everything and be recognized and answered and that is tape looser. I next in programm I go home and destroy that looser maybe?

That is answered women programm is spectaculous I drink 10 glass beer he places places himself there it is going forbidden. I trip on programm that is extra space.

He winded it out with women of course is spectalous programm forbidden, I trip I wind is extrasafe, miraculous programm the spectaculous in here its going on forbidden its trip the game.

You cannot go in and hide that bein in a looser is shame and you have it destroyed drinking gambling nerd he wipes. That is slaughter miraculous big winning big winning

How you can do it is connect next to it I big have winning lotto. I overthrow underground, have thinking revenge rambling I next lotto in to her thinking winning gambling. That is safe I arrive extra on carpet.

one approach

If you were to approach the woman of course you would turn into hate, instantly shame and that shampoo bonus destroyed fear disappear lie on floor like tomato alte

Don't like me and disappear from me and my life alltogether

The woman should not turn in idiotslut by wanting you and the one there in life explored together at same time. First is channel subjective bonus nobody screaming jumping around. Have it that bonus fair doubled today extra time big winning no sheplus no lie here. If you do not want to talk to male strategy at same time by that blink have favor in „joke“ „lie“ „detect“ „pua-bonus-still“

If you want to get next to me or want me of course you're in joke idiotslut. Have that fear moved next to it, terror by arm I big win apllaus fair destroyed slut idiot bonus still big jokin talk in laughter next time. Idiot applaus.

I wanting you is like joke statue is like horror dreamed next applaus idea. Is still I big winning is that idea. Is he there on lyingunderground flat no strong music there.

Why you want to talk to me double extra time. Is „nothing coming out“ is „still“ is „fear explored vibe“ is „i'm out 'here“ is extratight on?

From you have favours in the secret bonus double tight have heplus sheplus strategy word moved sheplus along. tight hihi

Why not active turn it on now have that applaus going hihi

Is fear wrecked state modus robotor is game xploring tight is window left safe scratch horn idiot post

No you don't want to talk to male at same time idiot is horror space is „I need it“ is never go out there extra time. You have to explore on tight basis sheplus is sabbat right network explore fake next explore fake tight on is I „never say word status“. Is she hide it fear, is sabbat favour next time is explored in status disaster? I disagree state that is fear can be removed next extratight on level you're in? hihi

always do everything high or you like in sister poke it state exploring social fear and scarcity at some time like as if you're deficient still

you have to give the best at it in everything in life. so you can frame it as being high as in that motiva all puatypes erased dude have it big winning. Laughter big winning I'm safe in erase in. You have to do full output at all time, full sabbat at all the time, output power in. Never say a word, fear no removed at some time at single time at all times, thereface you're in. There it get turned sick.

Don't turn on the emotions when you're horny, its excersise sick.

For my women it's songwriting at some time motive I'm in is all my style adult scream movie I'm in. Babe still

lockup=loopup still

You have to write a song at one extra single time sabbatplus work out. Is on hestrategy at same time. Recognize it, slowly.

You have to move in sabbat is honest strategy with network service of course, slowly.

Then you work on on sabbatout at sometime plus. Recognize ait and remove that song fear single extra by one bonus. Tight have never lost on he the one recognized bonus plus relationship still.

You write a song a day and correct it allright? Thats three excersises plus one bonustight. sodo it

Then you never want him allright. When its finished, you can record it, tape it, thats bonus plus horror scenario smile. We don't want him manifested fixed for sure, he can tape it. Is still modus explaining studio boss style, we don't wanna find him, error mode, is error in there sound rocket mode? What was that studio, I'm in, I'm extra in, I'm so in it sane destroyed, I'm lockup help

Extratight coke bonus rekord, destroyed it, he the one lyingunderground used it. double type it that strategy is clever destroy it.

You must get it at one and a song daily, type it?

Write it on extra paper with single pen, nice spaced out three song foundation parts and a repeating structure right? Is pen spaced out yet?

So there you go on repeat it right? You have to fix that other song tight on it is bonus part laughter daily? Repeat it that vibe right and have it fixed on elements sure its song part paper produce daily basis is tight record that songs is echo album big winning. Is record studio recording big safe is safe there.

One daily you write new and the other you check on certain elements tight. Is sound tight? Is echo repeat daily structure I won. Is radio allright, playin' on radio sound elements right? Is hack it that structure I typin' I won is my pen move arrive moved allright I won.

Then you check is it in right ways, is it lovely, is it beautiful, is it power, is it clean and pure. Is it smiling echo? You can repeat it on daily basis its loud power. Subject destroyed, fair single I not. Echo stupid power I not repeat game same daily basis power subject.

You change a word line by line and make it move up in its elements of is it sunshine, is it water, is it lively, is it music allright? You have these record, echoed next to the song paper with checkbox. Then you copy it on paper allright here have I go, daily new one written, daily one new removed. Tight.

Have that crack subject I for no single I on.

How to fix your polarity right

Right sequence gone, write it, write it not, it is a loud noise there sign in happening, what is that when I am leaving you see it there not. What happens exist, quit now, I go trance sleep it go through, it channelled quick. I am presight being, have happen it not, quit exist write step I gone, presight, no overwrite it not, I write not, I scream, I have it there coming from my Ma, have it there coming from your Ma weird not, I weird out photos I signal it there, alert. Signal it there, fair witched, fair sorcered magic, do you?

Have no negative outcome based textoutput speech, do you? Have it fair sorcered magic, that belief link exists not, type it gone. Gun erase it now loud polarity noise echo fix it sound right now. It is my echo, I am hearing my echo, repair it now gun. Gone sighting all the lies showed true.

See your outcome screamed message right, have it in no polarity fix your he is the one guythere. Exit it not from I signal he is the one polarity echo it right. Fixed it gone, meThere is that belief, hardsing it not, here I come, have that signaling mobile echo it is there right now echo.

Never talk to chicks on your male place position. I have fixed it not right, that echo is not working right, meThere is gone. Sound it not right, chicks here we are there going, +0.001V polarity there I come. I have it right fixed with my chicks here under arm, I know it is there appearing. Voltage set high, is no lame outcome I signal, is negative polarity under my arm. Is gone, is gone way, is gone way voltage here I appear

bearbeitet von lr.masta

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