Hey! Vorweg: Dass es in egnlisch geschrieben ist, ist eine absolute Ausnahme, da ich meinen Thread aus einer englischsprachigen Community hier copy/pasten möchte und ja, der Herr möge mir vergeben, halt nicht nun alles kurz vorm Schlafen gehen übersetzen mag - ich hoffe, dass dies ausnahmswesie kein großes Problem darstellt und versichere, dass dies einmalig ist - ok, nun zum Report: Hi! One of my regular beach-clubbars made a big openair-party last night - obv. I was there. I came with a fuckbuddy... But she partied with her friends, so I have ejoyed myself and danced a bit - next to me, there was a hot girl who danced straight on like she would have taken something before... After a while dancing next to her, our looks have crossed each other and we clincked our dringglasses (I pushed for it obviously) - after our looks have meet later again I have smiled and asked if she would get never tired - she smiled back and said "no". I said something like "yeah, that`s a good attitude for being on holidays...." After this we have continued to dance and i could not continue anything cause my fuckbuddy came back and has thrown in some unexpected jealousy... - so i went over to her.... How you would have continued from this point, if my fuckbuddy would not have been come over? After this the evening ended in some drama cause my fuckbuddy was away and I have met in the meanwhile a cute girl I already have known before and I have known that there was some attraction... so we have drunk something together and have already started to make out a bit by kissing.... Then she went shortly to the toilett and came back full of anger and yelled at me why the fuck my gf pulls her hair and why I do not tell her she was my gf (both girls know each other) - I wanted to explain that she is not my gf, and that im sry for what happened, but that its obviously not my fault, but I even had no chance cause suddenly somebody hitted me on the back of my head - it was my fuckbuddy... Suddenly some friends from the cute girl wanted to fight with my fuckbuddy and her friends - it was rly crazy and I was in the middle of everything - lol:) finally some staffs have finished the drama and i went little upset home - my fuckbuddy fololowed me and then we had some sex, though I was not in the mood and hence acted kinda hard during the sex -for sure no big fun for her, I guess... anyways, more important is that the cute girl which got hitted is almost every day at my regular clubbar where Im like 3-4 times/week to practice and just to socilaize while drinking hardly (up to 2 drinks as my strict rule) or no alcohol at all to not bring my new wished lifestlye in danger... This cute girl is there befriended with lots of other hot girls and has a super-hot sister with who I also had already some first positive contact few days ago... Actually my plan was to socilaize more with them in the future and see what happens... I guess this plan is now dead cause it seems that theyre all angry at me and give to me the fault for this drama?