Pick up songs

3 Beiträge in diesem Thema

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Gast Dakota


Ich weiß nicht ob es schon so einen Thread gibt. Wnn ja kann der gelöscht werden und es würde mich freuen, wenn mir einer den Thread schicken könnte.

Also ch suche songs deren Inhalt aus pick up Geschichten bestehen. Keine Ahnung ob es sowas gibt aber wäre cool.

Einfach mal ein paar Sachen posten. Am besten in Richtung Rock/Alternative.



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"Hey, I just met you, and this cräääzy, but heres my penis, can I put it in your booty? " TimothyDeLaGhetto2 - Call me maybe (dirty parody))

"It would be nice to have a blowjob, it would be nice to have a blowjob, it would be nice to have a blowjob would be nice to have a blowjob from your mum" (Blink 182- Blowjob)

" I can´t have sex with your personality, and I can´t put my penis in your college degree, so why are sharing all this information with me?" (Jonlajoie - Genitalia)

" Nobody loves you, like your mama loves you, but whos loving your mama? I am ! I am !" (Your Mama - Kennedy)

" Women are like dog doo hear me through don't interrupt It's just the older that they are the easier they get to pick-up" (The Bloodhundgang- 3.14)

Und mein Lieblings O- Game Song:"

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Mambo Nr.5

Und natürlich der Alpha der Alphas:

All the girls around the world,

i wrote this song for you...

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