Worst night sarging...ever

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Saturday was by far the worst night I've endured in my week and a half stay in Munich so far. THe night started off with a fairly good vibe, I went into town around 10:30 to meet up with PUAno0b from http://wwv.themysterymethod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=43686 . I got there early so I decided to open a set around the Marienplatz fountain as I'm waiting, and I spotted a pair of 8.5's sitting on the fountain out of the corner of my eyes. Before I even got there however, some guy wearing aviators and a jacket (this is 10:30pm) walks up and started talking to them, so I decided to observe before moving in. He gets blown out under a minute. I decided to move. Walked up to the two girls, (now they're looking a bit young up close, but still very cute nevertheless). They're HB7.5(HBfreckles) and HB7 (HBshort)

Mage: You! *index finger points to each girl with both hands

Mage: You guys look like you're from around here.

HBshort: Yeah, we're from Munich...bla bla bla

Mage: Perfect, then you can tell me where's the happening spot on a Saturday night...

Girls: Bla bla bla, MIA, bla bla bla, P1, bla bla bla Optimal...

Mage: Optimal! Is that the place by ostbanhof? I don't think I have been to a sketchier place in my life before...

HBshort: *laughs, haha yeah, that place is pretty cheap, I think you're better off going to P1...there are alot of VIPs there (except rather than saying V-I-P, she pronounced it "wip") and since I was legitimately confused, I asked her what's a "whip" and started gesturing with my hand in a whipping motion

we chat for a bit more, asked them where they were going, they told me the name of the club but I wasn't paying attention, turned out they were 16, I made fun of HBshort for being short, at this point, I see PUAno0b sitting on the opposite side of the fountain, so I excused myself and wished the girls a pleasant night out.

Met up with PUAno0b, walked around looking for sets, ran into PUAredcap, walked back to the fountain to meet up with Maxim, saw a HB7 sitting by the fountain by herself, tried to get PUAno0b to open her, he refused, so I started counting down 3 seconds with my fingers very dramatically and told him if he doesn't open her I will. He turned around and opened her at the last count. She didn't seem very interesting, Maxim arrived, we rolled out for P1.

Arrived at P1, there were literally 3 people in the entire club, and some huge black bouncer dude wouldn't let us in (4 guys) so we bounced to Pacha. Thus my worst sarge night ensues.

When we first walked in, the club was somewhere between desolate-half full. It was a little sad, especially the venue consisted of no sets under 30, no targets, and I had to pee really bad. Walked around the club, couldn't find the pisser, so I opened a HB7.5 that looked like she was 30, but turned out she was 21, asked her where the bathroom is, and jokingly thanked her and told her I had to go pee so I'll be leaving her... unless she wants the honor of holding me as I tinkle. She laughed, I walked off.

Made another round around the club, sees Maxim in a 2 set, and PUAno0b standing there retardedly staring at Maxims back, so I walked into the set and engaged the obstacle. Isolated her behind Maxim so the lineup was Me---Obstacle ll Maxim---Target so that the obstacles back was facing Maxim while he's gaming away. Obstacle was a little chubby and I had no desire to hook up with her so I didn't care what I was saying, so long as I wasn't generating attraction. Unfortunately, I was and she started kinoing me while rubbing the top of her very exposed tits. I made fun of her for coming onto me, she gets a little embarrassed. By now, 10 minutes has passed, and seeing how no escalation was even made on the other side, I realized that a close wasn't going to take place here so I excused myself to grab a beer: it's going to be a long night. Before I even got the the bar (I was literally 3ft from it) the obstacle turns around, grabbed her friend, and extracted her to the other side of the club. ROFL.

Walked around a little more, started chatting the people around me up while I'm sipping on my beer, notices a guy walking in the most ridiculous flower shirt. Randomly grabbed a two set to ask their opinion on flower shirts (Hot, gay, or supergay) I got super gay. We made fun of the guy for a while, then I noticed a HB7(HBslut) standing there by herself, so I marked my next set. Excused myself from the 2 set I randomly picked up and moved over the HBslut. Before I got there, the guy with the flower shirt has already gotten there before me. He starts chatting her up, I enter the set by patting the guy on the shoulder saying something along the lines of, "I see you have already met my house curtains", she laughed, but I don't think she actually understood me. We talked for a bit, AFCcurtains kept trying to sneak in a word or two, I find out that the girl barely speaks English and had a retardedly greasy face up close, so I got her to say I'm the hottest guy in the club in Russian, made fun of her sparkly pants, and decided to exit. At this point, AFCcurtains is really furstrated, he begs her to buy her a drink, and I thought to myself, wow this guy reeks of desparation, so I stepped out just to see how he blows himself out. Interesting enough, they started making out at the bar. I was a bit shocked, since I've always associated drink buying with not getting laid. I did another round, but since the club was really small, I ended up on the opposite side of AFCcurtains and HBslut, and for whatever reason, he started walking away from her, and before he was even out of sight, another guy, AFCchubby starts talking to her, buys her a drink, and sure enough makes out with her in the next 5 minutes. I'm laughing my ass off.

Walked around a bit more, re-opened my first set, turned out she came to Munich with 2 of her friends, one of which was a HB8, but was already making out with some dude, so I didn't try to steal his target. Walked towards the dance floor. HBslut is now back at her original post where I found her by herself. I continue walking to get some air outside, and saw the most ridiculous jacked guy. This kid was a monster, wearing suspenders and a wife beater. I chatted the body builder and his buddies for about 5 minutes (so I wouldn't get my ass kicked) before using his ridiculously ripped arms as an opinion openers on a 5 set of girls behind them. The girls told me his arms were too big, and that the perfect amount of built would be like mine (I'm digging the set already). I decided to join the girls and started chatting them up. Stuck with them for about 15 minutes. Started making fun of them for coming out to clubs only to sit around like old women in a knitting circle outside the action. Asked them about their age, they told me. PUAno0b conveniently shows up at the exact moment, walks into my set asking, hey how old are you guys (right after they told me). The girls turned to him, and gave him shit for asking for their age, but not in a joking manner and was literally like who the fuck are you to ask something like that you rude bastard, he gets pillaged by the girls and doesn't know what to do so he turns to me looking for a rescue, at this point I tried to dissociate myself from him as much as possible but the girls immediately caught on that he was with me, so the energy of the conversation instantly turned sour, and there's no way in hell I'm about to stay in a set of legitimately pissed off girls. I walk back into the club with PUAno0b giving him the death glare the entire time. Sees HBslut sitll in the same corner but making out with some 40 year old in a yellow polo shirt. Laughs to myself and thanked god I didn't try to hook up with her.

By this point, my frame for the club: complete shit-hole. Walked on to the dance floor, saw the bodybuilders in a cornder and they waved us over. Joined up with them and started talking about weight lifting. They didn't really speak English, but were very friendly and are also on steroids. Which was even more intriguing to me because these guys were REALLY friendly even for guys that aren't shooting testosterone up the ass. We talked for a good 20 minutes, sees a two set on an elevated bar area near by. HB8 and HB8.5. My energy level at this point was pretty much completely gone, so I felt almost an AA when i thought about opening them. When I realized this, I decided now I HAD to open them, me with AA? wtf is that! Opened the two girls, they were very receptive. HB8 kept kinoing me, but she looked a bit older up close, and her friend the HB8 was a blond and up close: 8.5 so I wanted her. Unfortunately, the PUA gods were not smiling down on me on this particular saturday night. HB8 was fascinated by me, and HB8.5 didn't speak English. As a cruel joke of the gods, HB8.5 doesn't even act disinterested as I'm chatting up HB8, instead she asks for TRANSLATION for what I said and was genuinely VERY interested. Ohh well, some things just aren't meant to be. I wished the girls a pleasant evening and moved on.

At this point, I've pretty much opened every set in the club under the age of 30 and above the HB rating of 6, so there was really nothing left here. I tried looking for the guys, but not even the 30-35 year olds Maxim tried to close knew where he was (ohh and earlier he tried to have me wing him on a 32 year old HB4 while he attempts a takeaway with her 30 year old HB5 friend... fuck that I'm not making that kind of sacrifice especially when all I want is to bounce from here). After walking around a bit, I realized that I've lost PUAno0b, Maxim, my first set, and not even HBslut was at her post that so steadily provided me amusement, so I decided to see if they're outside.

Outside the club, I came across Maxim making out with some girl, so I was like, YES! good job man, at least the night wasn't for naught. Walked a bit closer and Maxim moves his face out of the light that was blocking the girls face, and there she was, our trusty HBslut. Didn't want to bust his bubble, I walked on and behold, PUAno0b was sitting next to him entertaining a 38 year old HB0 and what could only have been her daughter, HB6. Started talking to HB6 for a bit, got no interest, and I wasn't about to expend my precious energy in my tired state to entertain some HB6 and her mother, so I pretty much kept the chit chat down to a minimum. Overall the night sucked, and in comparison to my last club night http://wwv.themysterymethod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=43686 , where I landed 3 K close and a blowjob, this night was a joke.

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Like i allready wrote u in the Munich-Lair. It wasn't HB-Slut but i dont want to start this Discusion again. So maybe your next night will be better. Maybe its me and im ruining your State or Sets or what ever.

Wish you good luck next time;)

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