Opening the whole club

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OK. this post was so horribly written I've decided to grammar check it now...

After staying out until 7:30 am yesterday, I really wasn't planning on clubbing today but I promised two Dutch PUAs (Martin and Hank) that I'd go do some club games with them tonight and my buddy Twitchy said he wanted in too so I figured, since I can probably still get back by 2 or 3 am, I wouldn't be in that rough of a shape. The night started off at the beerhall (as usual) and we're all just drinking and shooting the breeze to our customary liter of beer before heading out to the Max Suite. As soon as we got the the club, Twitchy tells me that he's gotta go home because this HB5 (but we'll call her HB15 because I'm convinced she's either 14 or 15 years old but claims she was 16) that he brought along wants to fuck so my plan of returning home at any reasonable hour is instantly shot. Since I have made prior morning plans for the next day, I literally had to take a chick home in order to get any sleep, so I'm fucked if I close, and I'm fucked if I don't close(in the sense that I'm stranded in the city until the first train home at 5am).

Martin, Hank, and I walk into Max suite and it was more empty than Twitchy's tank of moral reservoir so we decided to jet. Walked a little way down the street and came across a bar with a maximum of three sets. Decided to stop in, get a drink, and plot our next destination. While we were drinking, I walked around and opened the two sets that had girls in it and while I was opening them, I opened the other two set of guys, and got invited to go clubbing with the girls at the "Milk Bar", a popular college club on Wednesday nights, so the guys and I decided to grab a cab and check it out.

By the time we got to the "Milk Bar" we saw that there was a line of roughly 20 people outside waiting to get in so it's looking promising. As I'm waiting in line, I grabbed one of the girls that got opened from the bar we were at and started opening everyone in line starting from the beginning by asking them how long they've been waiting for/if they know if its good inside...etc. When I got back to my buddies at the back of the line, two HB8's were standing behind us chatting amongst themselves so being the obnoxious prick that I am, I interrupted their conversation to introduce this chubby AFC (we'll call him AFCsuit) that decided to tag along with us from the bar we just came from, but since he was a complete AFC but kind enough to pay for our cab fare, I figured I'd get him some play too. The girls were instantly hooked and started asking me where I was from, what I was doing in Germany, will I dance with them after we get in... and by now the bouncer was ready to let my boys and me in so I walk in with my buddies while the girls got stopped by the bouncer (sucks for them).

Got in the club, AFCsuit paid the cover, even though I offered to pay him back but w/e free entrance. Made a circle around the place (it was freaking packed as hell) and decided to open a cute HB7.5 brunette (We'll call her HBgoodhead) as a warmup set. Instant hook. We talk for 10 minutes. We started grinding. Kiss closed. Asked her, "shouldn't you be getting back to your friends?" as a false disqualifier that I was hoping to shift into a pull, but she went, "yeah I probably should, I'm such a bad host" (turned out her buddies from out of town were here to visit her) so I told her I had to go find my crew too so we parted. Found my guys standing around watching the interaction so I opened a 3 set (3 sisters...actually) 2 blondes and 1 with black hair, but oddly 1 of the blond was the twin of the dark haired girl (I couldn't believe it but apparently it's true) and they were HB8, HB7.8 and HB7.5 so it was hardly a bad family set. I started negging the HB8 about standing next to a wall (shows you how little content counts in this game) while Hank worked the HB 7.8 and Martin went to work on HB7.5, it was the perfect solution. Unfortunately HB7.5 wasn't biting so she tells my target to go pee with her... after a bit of convincing my targeted agreed to go, but HB7.8 Hank was with decided to stay, so 2 of the girls left, and Martin and I decided to give Hank some alone time and we walked off.

Opened another HB8 in red that was pulled in by my spiffy Bavarian hat, but apparently it's a spectacle because I'm Asian and oddly enough I'm actually pulling off the peacocked look. Kissed closed in about 5 minutes because the interaction started with very heavy kino. Made another round around the club, opened every guy that eye contacted me with a pat on the shoulder or some words of encouragement to get a woman/drunk/dance and noticed that the 2 sisters have returned from the restroom and Hank needs some winging so we returned to the 3 set. Started talking to both HB7.5 as well as my original target the HB8 but not even 2 minutes pass before my first set HBgoodhead pops up and starts kinoing me and asks me how I'm doing, while I felt obligated to wing my buddy, I felt more obligated to escalate HBgoodhead further, so I decided to attempt a pull and brought her outside. Once we got outside the club, I immediately started searching for a dark corner, but the most isolated spot I found was on a semi secluded flight of stairs with a street lamp in the middle of it. Since I had to work with what I got, I settled for the location, talked to HBgoodhead for about another 10 minutes, started making out with her again, got my first blow job since my arrival in Germany a week ago, and just chilled there for another good 10 minutes. Since her out of town buddies were staying with her, a pull back to her place wouldn't have been possible so I took her number down and went back inside to meet up with my buddies.

Went back to the 3 sister set. Started working the HB8 and HB7.5 again while Hank tries to isolate the HB7.8. We're dancing and all the guys at this point are rather curious to see what I'm up to because in the course of the hour at the club, I've walked into 3 of the hottest sets and seemed to have been relatively successful, and at the same time, I'm parading these girls around to meet other people for DHV and a funny looking asian kid with a peacocked Bavarian hat is hardly difficult to spot when he's in perpetual company of a different blond every 10 minutes. At this point, a friend of my second kiss close (KC) runs up, grabbed my hat, and started walking away thinking I'd chase her but instead I just re-opened her two friends and started kinoing them while she walked away. No worries, while she has my hat, I have her 2 HB8 blond friends...not too bad of a trade. Hung around for a bit and decided I wasn't really digging the two girls so I went back to the sister set once again to entertain HB8 and HB7.5 while Hank is still trying to work up to a pull.

I danced a bit with the two sisters and started them with lets make funny faces at the guys that are checking us out routine, and was just having a laugh at the poor smucks that were sulking around us not making a move to approach the girls even though the two of them were left mostly unatteneded. Some HB9 comes grinding up on me had her arms tangled closely around me before I turned around to realize that what I thought was an HB8 from waiting in the line outside was actually a hot as shit HB9 with a smoking body, nice firm tits, very defined ass, slender but well toned back,and a very very cute face when she wasn't wearing her hat. We danced for a bit, kissed closed, number closed, dumped her back on her girl friends, started them making out with each other, and Martin asked me what did do to initiate the make out and how did I swap myself out and start the girl on girl, I wasn't even sure because all I did was pushed her away from me, pointed to the girl next to us, and told her to kiss her. It was pretty hot. The club photographer saw the whole thing and wanted to get a picture of me, so I grabbed HB9 back and had some pictures taken.

The HB8 from KC#2 comes up at this point and asks if I wanted to go out on deck to dance with her because apparently the sun is rising soon and it was going to be amazing, but I was tired so I told her to go on first and I'll join her in a bit. The 3 sister set decided they were too tired so they left, and I was tired as shit by this point too so we gathered up the boys and jetted too *from the opposite side HBsunset was waiting.

Overall, I think the night was pretty entertaining, I pushed myself through the kiss close sticking point which has been bugging me for a good while, and realized that club game is actually a lot more entertaining than street or bar games. Either that, or because I was motivated to seek a place to crash for the night, I was on a higher level of game. Not sure, but the night went pretty smoothly with 0 shoot downs and an ass load of sets opened.



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Yeah dude, seems better than our club-visit the day b4;)

But it wasn't a business-bash

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