Saturday Night Club Game: Munich

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A couple weeks ago, I watched a video on youtube entitled "How to Lord a Club" and my initial impression of it was: That's completely bull, it'll never work. You can find the video here

and decide for yourself. Tonight however, I just disproved myself for how very wrong I was. The posse for the night included Me (Mage), PUAno0b, my buddy "Twitchy" (his contacts were bugging the hell out of his left eye so he kept scratching it), and Twitchy's AFC buddy. We started the night off drinking at the Hofbrauhasue (they have amazing beer there) and moved on to some party sponsored by the Munich surf shops at Zerwirk(sp) in some used to be royal family servant quarter building thing... Anyway, we walked into the "beach party" and instantly realized that it was far from what one would imagine from a beach party. It was a fairly small room with a DJ and is about as identical from any other club parties in Munich as you can possibly get. As soon as we walked in however, a guy I opened at another club a couple days ago (AFCchubby) instantly recognized me and started chatting me up. I noticed that he was with a HB6 so I signaled the rest of the guys to move in while I chatted up AFCchubby, who turned to be at the club with his own group of friends (consisted for 3 girls and 2 guys including himself, but the friend I kissed closed the other night wasn't there so I wasn't too interested). Our AFC buddy started chatting the girl AFCchubby was with and they moved on to the dance floor so my job there was done there and I move on. As I'm trying to motivate the rest of the guys to follow the lead of our AFC buddy, I spot a 5 set involving a solid HB8 (HBblonde), 3 of her friends (HB6-7) and some dude that seems to be with one of her HB7 friends. I moved into the set by first negging the party saying how it's nothing like a beach party, and my target and her friends immediately starts explaining that it actually wasn't a beach party but was sponsored by the local surf shop and is promoted by some trendy magazine. After making fun of the idea of a surf shop in Munich for a bit (if you know your geography, you wouldn't have been able to resist this urge either) I started moving into comfort with HB8 because she was clearly interested in me. We talked for about 15 minutes, moved further into comfort, she started telling me about what she was doing next year (babysitting in London as an exchange student) and how she really enjoys traveling, likes kids... bla bla bla, I saw every indication that we were in comfort because 1: I've essentially had her in my arms since I got to the club because the music was loud, 2: She kept leaning in whenever she wanted to say something or I said something, 3: I've been holding her hand since I moved into the set. But when I started negging her about how she's only coming to clubs to stand rather than dance, and moved my hands down to try to guide her hips to dance, I felt that she was a little uncomfortable. She didn't retreat or anything, but she just wasn't responding in a comfortable manner. I picked up on this, and almost immediately lost my interest for her and told her that she's not enough of a party animal for me so I had to go meet up with my friends now and if she so happens to be partying like an animal by the time I see her again, I might stop by and talk to her again, and on that note I exited the set after a 15 minute isolated chat. SO guys, if you have any advice as to what I should/could have done to improve the situation, feel free to holler.

Anyway, for the rest of the night, I walked around the club opening everyone that makes eye contact with me with a quick word and a handshake. Saw a 5 set of girls dancing together and a ring of guys around them so I tried getting our PUAno0b buddy to go on in, but he claimed he didn't know how so I just walked into the center with my hands in the air, danced for two seconds, and told the group that men, in general, are intimidated by beautiful girls that dance exclusively in close proximities and if they wanted more approaches, they should instead face outwards in their ring or dance apart. They laughed and started bantering me by saying if that were true, how come I'm not shy... bla bla bla they were interested so we talked for a couple minutes but talking to 5 German girls is like trying to command the attention of a tank of ferrets with ADD so I soon exited the set and walked on. After about 45 minutes in the club, I've opened roughly 35 people so just about everywhere we walked there was someone within earshot that I've already opened so I started high-fiving these guys and got a lot of curious eye contacts from the people around them so I opened them too.

Now, at this point, I feel that I should mention the club was HOT AS SHIT. None of the windows were opened so the place was essentially a steam room powered by 150-200 sweating bodies. Thus the decision to maximize my comfort was quickly reached and we moved the posse outside to get some air. As soon as we got outside, the bouncer followed me out and asked me if I called him a nigger in a rather threatening manner. I thought he was kidding, but apparently not so I had to re-frame him and guided him to the conclusion that I'm a friend of his people, and explained that I was from America and that I am a minority myself so it is illogical that I would make such derogatory comments. He was rapidly neutralized, chatted me up for a bit and I patted him on the back before walking on.

Outside the club, we came across another blond and her friends that "Twitchy" and I opened two days back at another club and the blond made some comment about my hat and told me she brought with her a couple friends and they're really nice so I should talk to them and be nice to them...hmm... and to my buddy Twitchy, she told him that the other friend (that was originally Twitchy's target at the other club) was also here, but we didn't see her all night.

Walked around outside a bit to cool off, a couple of the sets that I've opened inside started coming out for air as well so I got re-opened by 2 or 3 sets and started talking with those guys. Couple wave of girls walked by and probably saw me opening sets inside the club so they also stopped by to chat us up, and some random people on the streets that were just drinking outside the club saw me chatting up just about every set that were outside so they started chatting me up too. Withing 10 minutes of being outside, all 7 or 8 sets that were outside making drinking/smoking/passing by got opened so as soon as another group of people came outside, the first thing they saw was a funny looking Asian kid with a Bavarian peacocked hat talking to everybody so naturally they walked towards the direction of the conversation and either talked with the set I was in or a set I've already opened so talking to them was incredibly easy.

Went back inside the club, now roughly 80% of the club has either been opened by me or has been in close enough proximity to me opening a set that they heard my conversations so random guys started coming up to cheering me with their drinks or for a handshake and the girls were probably wondering why is everyone talking to this funny looking Asian kid, and the ones that I've opened didn't even hesitate when it came to walking over and chatting me up so I just kept walking around the club and was essentially talking none stop.

Unfortunately, I didn't really see anyone that was particularly interesting, or that I devoted too much energy to opening the club up as a whole so I couldn't find anyone I personally wanted to target and take home. The rest of the night consisted of walking around, getting opened by random sets, having girls play with my hat and telling me I really pull off the bavarian hat look, getting my picture taken by the club photographer and me randomly grabbing the nearest girl to be in the picture with me and what not. Overall, I'd say the night was pretty solid, but since I'm really new to the whole club game(or PUA thing in gneral), I didn't know what was the best thing to do, so I just kept doing what seemed entertaining, and that was just talking to everybody and creating desire for people to come talk to me. Next step on my agenda is isolation and escalation with a specific target though, so I think that's going to be my goal for next week: Pick any girl in the club and kiss close her.


I didn't get a call from HBfashion, the HB8 PUAsurfer and I opened on the street two days ago that showed great promise in wanting to club with me tonight, but screw that, I got an entire club rocking my vibes.



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Damn !! :angry: Other aspiring PUAs have to deal with AA, lack of confidence and stuff like that at the beginning and you just get out and rule the whole club... that´s fucking awesome!! Have you already been like that in the US or is it a change initiated by PU? Anyway, it´s for sure that you´re a very gifted natural!! Go on like that and I will soon engage you as my teacher. :angry:

What do you do in Germany? Are you a college student, do you work here or are you just a tourist?

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Actually, I've been pretty shy all my life. To my close friends that I open up to, I have no problem dominating conversations and making myself entertaining, but I tend to be very closed off to strangers. Because of that, I realized that although I go out every weekend in the U.S, I never really have any fun. When my buddy "Twitchy" told me about The Game I simply thought it'd be an interesting read and picked it up. That's when I decided what you guys do as PUA is a lot of fun and thought I'd try it out too. This is my first week sarging, and I'm loving it. The crowds are all super receptive and barring the occasional stuck up girls that don't speak English or are not confident enough of their abilities, I have received nothing but positive encounters. Out of the 100(rough estimate) people I opened this week, only 2 at most 3 refused to talk to me. The change was definitely initiated by the PU community. So far, I'm just chilling here in Munich for the month before my final year of college starts in September so I'm going out just about every night and I've made it a habit to eye contact everybody facing me and open them if I find them attractive. It's actually surprisingly easy.

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As is can see, you made a big step from Friday to Saturday!

Friday you didnt know how to game in clubs and Saturday you're dominating a whole Club.

Good Job!

By the Way: did you see Pretzelgirl again?


Ape / Alex

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No, but I might just say fuck it and lay close her in the Hofbrauhause bathroom next time I see her, ionno they do have a lot of securities there... You back in Munich? I think we're going out starting from 9ish tonight if you want to join us

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No, but I might just say fuck it and lay close her in the Hofbrauhause bathroom next time I see her, ionno they do have a lot of securities there... You back in Munich? I think we're going out starting from 9ish tonight if you want to join us

sorry, im in Ingolstadt and staying there ;)

gotta work!

but gl & hf sarging!

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