FR: Falling in Love with an Angel

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"Stop! You have a gorgeous body."

This is how I approached her, whilst riding the train, after she had walked by my seat. Her: light blond hair, blue eyes whose edge were finished off with a dark grey ring (as part of the iris) making them miraculously lucent. Additionally, a very pretty face and a rocking body! She reminds me of an angel. In the terminology of pick up, a 7.5. At least.

She was a little taken aback and did not move until I asked to her to please have a seat. I had to get out at the next stop which was less than two minutes away. So I had to hurry. A little fluff talk together with high energy did the job: I got her number. "If you would like, you can give me your number" I said. Usually, I never ask her whether she wants to give it to me. But I knew that she had already decided. Even cuter when she pretended to think about this for a second: "Mmh… yes!"

#C within two minutes. Made my night.

A few days later, I decide to call her. I talk to her with a great smile on my face as if I was extremely enthusiastic which I actually was. (Telemarketers use the same approach as it is known that the mood is transported through your voice. Therefore, the other party notices.)

We talk about a lot of things. It is as if we were on the same wavelength. I enjoy every second with her. I try to build up rapport by talking about things that we have in common. I also tell her about very private issues. Make one step towards the girl and she will make one step towards you. Very soon, we talk as if we had been friends forever.

In-between, I am standing straight in order to have a sound and deep voice. I make sure I breath with my belly – taking in all the air in the upper part of your lungs builds up pressure on your voice and makes it seem somewhat fragile. I talk very slowly and very sexily:

"I think – when we finally meet, it will be a unique moment. You and I are probably gonna be sitting in some very comfortable lounge and we will talk and talk and forget everything around us. [Pause.] We will fall in some sort of trance where we will forget everything around us – And all the sudden we will check the time and notice that three hours have passed already." I am sure this moved something within her.

Towards the end of the call, I tell her how impressed I am by her. That I think she is very intelligent and a very cool person. I have noticed that things like that do come back one way or another at a later point. Compliance is the key word, I suppose.

The next morning she sends me a text message: "I have to write to you! I am surprised by your manner. I think you are a very cool person and I would love to get to know you!"

I respond: "Do you know the feeling that you know someone that you actually have never met but you still think that you have known each other for years?"

"I think I just experienced it for the first time. I cannot tell why but something connects me to you."

As both of us are very busy, we do not get a chance to meet. So we talk some more on the phone. I treat her as if she had been my girlfriend for quite some time. This is how I build a comfort zone for her. We also touch very sexual topics: We talk about threesomes, if we'd do it and with who…

Finally, we go out together. When I first see her, I notice that she is even prettier than I thought! She hugs me intensively and I do, too. We both felt a longing for the other one. Never have I felt something like that with another woman!

In the club, I would have liked to build up rapport right away again – this is one of my weaknesses. I know that, in her case, this was not really of importance as I felt that she has a crush on me. Half an hour of small talk later, I touch her face gently and kiss her. She kisses back immediately and passionately.

Again, I cannot believe how intense it got with this woman on the first date! We dance together and enjoy every second. It also feels to good to have social proof like that. Although, at this point, I did not really care.

Later that night, she takes me to her place, her parents' house. This night will be special. Usually, reports end here. But I think sexual mastery is important for every soon-to-be PUA. I would like to share with you the events of that night.

We lay on her bed making out. Her lips are silken and very soft. She is so attractive! And she smells like the odor of a rose. We cuddle very long and simply enjoy the togetherness. I touch very intimate places but I leave out her pussy, at least now. She is very horny, I can tell.

She says it is so strange with me, that she has never met anyone quite like me and that it is not normal to sleep with each other on the first night. Some may think that she said the latter in dependance on the "Madonna Whore Complex" but it is not that. She does not have to justify herself in front of me and she knows that. I tell her that one sometimes has to enjoy the moment and not care what society expects from us.

I do not want to fuck her this night. The time with her is too extraordinary. I once more notice that I am very fond of her. So does she. At five in the morning, we fall asleep.

The next morning, we wake up quite soon and start making out again. She is so hot, I have to undress her! She does not interfere. I know that she wants me.

What I am about to elaborate seems unbelievable. But it is not. I want to thank JadeDrachen who advised me the eBook "The Tao of Sexual Mastery". It has changed my love life forever!

The girl is so horny. I fucked her during more than two hours. She has a huge sex drive! I still cannot believe it: she had between 20 and 25 orgasms (yes, I counted :angry: ). It feels good to hear that she had the best sex of her life. I did too. It was just crazy. I doubt that this would have been possible if there were not so many emotions involved.

A few side notes:

It is of importance that you are absolutely confident with your body. When I lost my virginity, I was very uptight and not self-assured at all. The girl was not able to open up and the sex – to be honst – sucked! Make her feel comfortable around you! Love your body!

Talking about emotions has triggered my game. Sometimes, the image appears that a real "alpha male" has always got to stay cool. He does not talk about emotions as it is a sign of weakness. But this is plain wrong! It is OK to tell your girl when something touches and moves you.

"Stop! You have a gorgeous body." This is what I said. I think if I had approached her in a club, she would have dismissed me. She is HSE and very direct to people. I think the reason why I was successful at first, is because I somewhat used her own "weapons".

I am glad to have met her. She said I cast a spell over her and that she has feelings for me. I had always been of the opinion that polygamy is what I want. Having met her might change everything. We are so alike! I have another LTR whose heart I might have to break if it works out with the angel.

I hope you guys were able to pick out some things in this report that can enrich your game. It is my way of saying thank you to the pick-up community.


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Ich möchte nicht, dass dieser FR publik wird. Deshalb habe ich ihn hier gepflanzt. Man möge mir verzeihen.

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- Was würdest Du dem Mädel geben, eine 10, etwa?

- Waren die Dialoge zwischen Euch von C&F geprägt, oder hast Du einfach nur so dahergeredet?

- Wie heißt das eBook auf Deutsch (wenn es das auf deutsch gibt)

- Der Opener auf Deutsch! Ich werde es beizeiten ausprobieren!

Du bist echt heftig!

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- Was würdest Du dem Mädel geben, eine 10, etwa?

Siehe zweiter Abschnitt: 7.5.

- Waren die Dialoge zwischen Euch von C&F geprägt, oder hast Du einfach nur so dahergeredet?

Beides! Ich habe viele Witzchen gemacht (teilweise auch arrogante), die sie zum Lachen brachten. Ein bisschen "shit talk" halt. Zwischendurch haben wir aber auch wieder über total ernste und "tiefsinnige" Themen gesprochen. Ich habe nie gross nachgedacht, worüber ich reden will. Einfach auf das Gegenüber konzentrieren und ein bisschen eintauchen. Spontan kommt dann immer was. Und wenn uns beiden nichts einfiel, dann kann man auch mal einfach nichts sagen und die Stille geniessen.

- Wie heißt das eBook auf Deutsch (wenn es das auf deutsch gibt)

Ich glaube es gibt keine Übersetzung. Das, was mir geholfen hat, war die Lehre multipler Orgasmen. Sie meinte nach einer Weile, dass sie ein schlechtes Gewissen wegen mir bekäme, weil sie die ganze Zeit kommt und ich nicht. Ich meinte dann, dass ich genauso wie sie meine Orgasmen hätte... Zum Thema multiple Orgasmen gibt es genug Material; da findest du bestimmt was! :)

- Der Opener auf Deutsch! Ich werde es beizeiten ausprobieren!

Wie hast du den FR verstanden, wenn du den Opener nicht übersetzen kannst? :blink::lol:

"Stopp! Du hast einen wunderschönen Körper."

Möchte dann einen kleinen FR mit dem Opener lesen! OK? Viel Erfolg!

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Möchte dann einen kleinen FR mit dem Opener lesen! OK? Viel Erfolg!

Verdammt, es ist tatsächlich so, wie ich es mir gedacht habe. Okay, eines tages, wenn meine Eier so hart wie Staht sind, werde ich das tun!

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