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Hey, hab gestern ne HB kennengelernt und heute ein wenig mit ihr gechattet. Mir geht es darum wie ich das gespräch hätte ein wenig aufpeppen können vllt könnt ihr mir mal ein paar Tips geben wo ich vllt das Thema wechseln konnte und ein mehr C&F, da das Gespräch relativ 0815 war. Danke vorab für die Mühe!!

Hiven: Hey by the way how long ya stay in (unsere aktuelle stadt)?

HB: Hey! I will stay till the end of February! and u?

Hiven: I think i also will stay untill end of February, maybe a bit longer if i find a intership here. Then you go back to (ihr Land)?

HB: Yes, I will! I would like to stay here for the whole year but I need to go back home, finish my exams and (hopefully!) graduate

Hiven: Already graduate? Thats quick i though you have a couple years ahead of you. Are you going to cook for tomorrow? (wurde von ner Freundin zum weinachts essen eingeladen HB wird auch dort sein)

HB: Yep, I'm on my third year I have 5 exams to do and then prepare my maybe next year, at this time, I will be about to graduate (let's say again hopefully ). yes, I will cook something this evening and the rest tomorrow morning aren't you coming back home for Christmas?

Hiven: 5 exams?? That sucks.. so glad i dont have to write any! Yeah sadly i have to stay here, im writing my dissartation right now and have no time to go back, it will be the first time without my friends for Christmas and new year. And remember for tomorrow please, no Peanuts!! (hatten gestern ne ein gespräch über allergie etc.) we just met would be strange if ya try to kill me

HB: yes, 5 exams! (one of them is Russian, btw XD when I come back home, I have to study hard to prepare that exam, which is half written, half oral (worry) ).

it's the same with me...first time without my family and friends...but it's okay, as my family came here a week ago and in 2 weeks my friends will come

ahahah don't worry, no, will you be at the lunch too?

Hiven: nice you are lucky i still hope that at least maybe one my friend surprises me, cause they were asking me for my adress and phone number. Will be the oral part recorded i really would like to hear it Yeah i will also join tomorrow didnt have a good meal for month how good can you cook?

HB: ahahah no, fortunately it's not recorded XD It will be terrible...I have to talk about some fairy tales O.O ...don't want to think about it! ...Cool! Well, I think I'm a quite good cook but I like cooking main courses... For tomorrow my task is cooking starters!

Hiven: Fairy tales.. wtf?? damn im hungry now... i think i have to get out of bet ya have any favourite dish where ya an expert?

HB: ahahah yes, fairy tales! and among them there's also Little Red Riding Hood...... !! ahahah, it's gonna be great fun listening to me talking about LRRH in Russian XD ...mmh, well.. I don't know I can cook pretty well lots of things... I like to invent sauces for pasta, which is of course an Italian must be XD

Hiven: yeah im also a great cook for pasta, especially to boil the water ,im a master in it!! damn i really would like to hear the story, you should present it to me so i can say if you are going to pass or not

i have to get now and hunt some breakfast see ya mabe lateron here or tomorrow

HB: ahahah XD I have it on my laptop, together with all the other ones.. You should translate them for me *-* so that half of the work would be done! It would be a very nice Christmas present ahah ...Okay, I will go as well..see ya

Hiven: yeah sure im going to translate it, do you have other whishes which i can do for you, like cleaning


if you are going to cook like 5 meals and they are reaaalllllyyyyy nice i meight consider to help you a bit

halt alles ziehmlich standart, wie kann mans aufpeppen?

HB: ahahah yes, cleaning would be a good idea ;-) ahahah com'on, don't be mean! It's Christmas :-D

bearbeitet von hiven

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