WIe baut man einen sexuellen Frame auf? Wie kommt man zum Sexual Talk?

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Hi Community,

ich habe eine Frage bezüglich des von Fastlane schon öfters erklärten sexuellen Frames: wie kann ich möglichst schnell einen solchen erzeugen und ist es von Vorteil auf sexuelle Themen zu sprechen zu kommen? Wenn ja könntet ihr vielleicht 1-2 Ansätze verraten die in sexuelle Themen einleiten ohne creepy zu wirken?

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Sexuelles Auftreten ist auch noch meine Baustelle. Ich versuche daran zu arbeiten und habe etwas im Inet recherchiert, da mir hier im Forum auch zu oft die Tips fehlen, wie konkret ein sexueller Vibe erzeugt werden kann. Ich bin auf folgenden englischen Text von "The Asian Rake" gestoßen. Ich finde den Inhalt sehr hilfreich. Und tatsächlich mal wieder etwas Pickup-ish.


How to Project a Sexual Vibe

I’ve been getting email questions about how to project a sexual vibe from the get-go so girls won’t ever consider putting you in the friend zone and so you can get sexual really fast in an honest and open manner.

The old way of doing this (on the old Mystery Method or Neil Strauss “The Game” method) is to open, get attraction, qualify her, then spend 7 hours in “comfort” before extracting to a seduction location where you get hot and heavy.

Dude, who wants to wait 7 hours in the dreaded and boring purgatory of “comfort”? If you make your intentions clear from the start through the right kind of sexual vibe, she’ll never mistake your intentions or confine you to the platonic zone. Comfort can be established much faster through the right kind of Believability techniques (more on that in a later post).

For now, let’s talk about the sexual vibe.

Btw, shout out to YZ for being the precipitating cause of this post.

Before you consider sexual vibe, though, you have to be doing three other things very well:

a) Having fun

b) Being social and Making other people have fun

c) Making emotional connections with people and seeing if they meet your high standards.

When you are out, you must be having fun, being social, making other people have fun, and making connections to see if people meet your standards. If you’re not doing this yet, forget about sexual vibe, and focus on these things first.

On to sexual vibe.

There are three main ways that I convey sexual vibe and take things smoothly to the next level.

1) Sexual compliments and touch rewards

2) Sexual eye contact and tonality

3) Sexual state transference

1) When I got back into the game after taking a couple of months off in the summer, I found myself in a strange situation. I’d make girls laugh and all, but then when I went to escalate, things got awkward. It took me about a month to realize that I was playing it too safe. I had forgotten about the SOI (statement of interest). And more importantly, I wasn’t giving statements of interest that were sexual.

A lot of guys think that we’re not supposed to give compliments about girls’ physical traits. I believed that too for a while. So I did standard screening and qualifying on personality traits, like I’ll say, “Wow, you did XYZ. That’s so cool. I like that you’re so ABC.”

But if you’re a high value guy, which is the image you ought to be projecting if you’re doing the other things right, you still need more believability for most girls (unless we’re talking girls who are really really into themselves, in which case you would wait longer to pull out the sexual compliments and do them just to set up the touch reward).

You need to tell them (yes, tell them) that you find them attractive, sexy, pretty, whatever. You can do the classic Juggler line and sneak it in there: “Not only are you sexy, but you’re [X personality trait], too.”

I usually do variations on this: “Look, missy, just because you’re all sexy and sh-t doesn’t mean you can expect everyone to treat you like a queen.”

Or, “Oh, good. I thought you were just another pretty face who just likes shopping and watching TV.”

The degree of directness here should be calibrated to the girl.

With some girls, you might even have to just say, while looking deep into her eyes, “I think… you are … really… beautiful.” Btw, this works great as an opener, if you really mean it.

As the interaction goes further and further, I go into sexual state (more on that below), and start escalating touch and blaming it on her:

“Don’t look at me like that. You’re driving me crazy. Stop it.”

“You don’t know how hard I’m trying not to kiss you right now.”

Or even one I did in the club while dancing on Saturday night on a same-night full-close: “I want to do you really really hard” (in Chinese).

And “I am going to do you so hard you won’t even be able to walk in the morning” (in Chinese).

All of these sexual compliments should be accompanied by some kind of touch escalation. The degree and kind of touch you apply depends on the type of girl and where you’re at in the interaction. You can start off with a light tap on the outside elbow, to pulling her in for a big hug, to putting your arms around her, to pulling her face in for a kiss, to caressing the body part you’re compiimenting, etc.

But make sure that your touch escalation are rewards. That is, she should feel like she’s won that physical touch for the reasons you state in your compliment.

And of course, to set up the compliment, you need to have solid Believability tech. But that’s for another post.

2) There’s not that much that I can convey through words about this, except to say that a great example of the right kind of eye contact and tonality (whether sexual or not) is from Tom Cruise in Top Gun. There are 3-4 scenes that are key: in the bar and ladies’ bathroom, in the classroom when she asks him for dinner, in her house, in the elevator. I’ve watched those countless times.

I also like the Hungarian guy in Eyes Wide Shut for tonality.

For tonality, close your eyes and imagine the most relaxing place in the world for you. Then imagine you are right there, right now. Only then speak… slowly… sensually.

Sometimes in high comprehension settings (relatively quiet and well-lit), eye contact and tonality alone are enough.

3) Along with all of these things, you can do sexual state transference. Basically, to go into sexual state, you imagine yourself doing that girl you’re talking to. Yes, indulge your fantasy right there and then while looking deeply into her eyes. You can triangular gaze too. This is all very powerful.

Btw, there is a scientific reason why this works: Emotional Contagion. See Daniel Goleman’s fascinating book, Social Intelligence, for a good intro to this concept.

I would recommend that you wait until you are further along in the interaction before doing this. This is a huge reward for her, and she really has to earn it. When you do it at the right time, it’s very powerful and should lead right into heavy touch escalation.

Having said that, however, I should mention that I’ve used this occasionally on the approach. There was a girl back in the States I did this on when I first started practicing it. She was walking by, talking to one of my friends. I looked her straight in the eyes and imagined taking her right there and then. She stopped mid-sentence and mid-stride, stood there, and returned my eye contact. After a few seconds, she smiled and gave that doggy dinner bowl look. That’s when I was convinced of the power of this technique. But still, wait until you’ve dropped a few sexual compliments before launching into sexual state.

So there it is. Simple, isn’t it?

Sexual compliments and kino rewards, sexual eye contact and tonality, and sexual state transference.

First, have fun, be social, make emotional connections, drop in a few sexual compliments and reward her with touch, turn on the sexual eye contact and tonality, and go into sexual state.

Happy playin’, The Asian Rake.

Vielleicht hilft Dir das ja auch.

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  Am 3.9.2012 um 21:10 , Paian schrieb:

Sexuelles Auftreten ist auch noch meine Baustelle. Ich versuche daran zu arbeiten und habe etwas im Inet recherchiert, da mir hier im Forum auch zu oft die Tips fehlen, wie konkret ein sexueller Vibe erzeugt werden kann. Ich bin auf folgenden englischen Text von "The Asian Rake" gestoßen. Ich finde den Inhalt sehr hilfreich. Und tatsächlich mal wieder etwas Pickup-ish.


How to Project a Sexual Vibe

I’ve been getting email questions about how to project a sexual vibe from the get-go so girls won’t ever consider putting you in the friend zone and so you can get sexual really fast in an honest and open manner.

The old way of doing this (on the old Mystery Method or Neil Strauss “The Game” method) is to open, get attraction, qualify her, then spend 7 hours in “comfort” before extracting to a seduction location where you get hot and heavy.

Dude, who wants to wait 7 hours in the dreaded and boring purgatory of “comfort”? If you make your intentions clear from the start through the right kind of sexual vibe, she’ll never mistake your intentions or confine you to the platonic zone. Comfort can be established much faster through the right kind of Believability techniques (more on that in a later post).

For now, let’s talk about the sexual vibe.

Btw, shout out to YZ for being the precipitating cause of this post.

Before you consider sexual vibe, though, you have to be doing three other things very well:

a) Having fun

b) Being social and Making other people have fun

c) Making emotional connections with people and seeing if they meet your high standards.

When you are out, you must be having fun, being social, making other people have fun, and making connections to see if people meet your standards. If you’re not doing this yet, forget about sexual vibe, and focus on these things first.

On to sexual vibe.

There are three main ways that I convey sexual vibe and take things smoothly to the next level.

1) Sexual compliments and touch rewards

2) Sexual eye contact and tonality

3) Sexual state transference

1) When I got back into the game after taking a couple of months off in the summer, I found myself in a strange situation. I’d make girls laugh and all, but then when I went to escalate, things got awkward. It took me about a month to realize that I was playing it too safe. I had forgotten about the SOI (statement of interest). And more importantly, I wasn’t giving statements of interest that were sexual.

A lot of guys think that we’re not supposed to give compliments about girls’ physical traits. I believed that too for a while. So I did standard screening and qualifying on personality traits, like I’ll say, “Wow, you did XYZ. That’s so cool. I like that you’re so ABC.”

But if you’re a high value guy, which is the image you ought to be projecting if you’re doing the other things right, you still need more believability for most girls (unless we’re talking girls who are really really into themselves, in which case you would wait longer to pull out the sexual compliments and do them just to set up the touch reward).

You need to tell them (yes, tell them) that you find them attractive, sexy, pretty, whatever. You can do the classic Juggler line and sneak it in there: “Not only are you sexy, but you’re [X personality trait], too.”

I usually do variations on this: “Look, missy, just because you’re all sexy and sh-t doesn’t mean you can expect everyone to treat you like a queen.”

Or, “Oh, good. I thought you were just another pretty face who just likes shopping and watching TV.”

The degree of directness here should be calibrated to the girl.

With some girls, you might even have to just say, while looking deep into her eyes, “I think… you are … really… beautiful.” Btw, this works great as an opener, if you really mean it.

As the interaction goes further and further, I go into sexual state (more on that below), and start escalating touch and blaming it on her:

“Don’t look at me like that. You’re driving me crazy. Stop it.”

“You don’t know how hard I’m trying not to kiss you right now.”

Or even one I did in the club while dancing on Saturday night on a same-night full-close: “I want to do you really really hard” (in Chinese).

And “I am going to do you so hard you won’t even be able to walk in the morning” (in Chinese).

All of these sexual compliments should be accompanied by some kind of touch escalation. The degree and kind of touch you apply depends on the type of girl and where you’re at in the interaction. You can start off with a light tap on the outside elbow, to pulling her in for a big hug, to putting your arms around her, to pulling her face in for a kiss, to caressing the body part you’re compiimenting, etc.

But make sure that your touch escalation are rewards. That is, she should feel like she’s won that physical touch for the reasons you state in your compliment.

And of course, to set up the compliment, you need to have solid Believability tech. But that’s for another post.

2) There’s not that much that I can convey through words about this, except to say that a great example of the right kind of eye contact and tonality (whether sexual or not) is from Tom Cruise in Top Gun. There are 3-4 scenes that are key: in the bar and ladies’ bathroom, in the classroom when she asks him for dinner, in her house, in the elevator. I’ve watched those countless times.

I also like the Hungarian guy in Eyes Wide Shut for tonality.

For tonality, close your eyes and imagine the most relaxing place in the world for you. Then imagine you are right there, right now. Only then speak… slowly… sensually.

Sometimes in high comprehension settings (relatively quiet and well-lit), eye contact and tonality alone are enough.

3) Along with all of these things, you can do sexual state transference. Basically, to go into sexual state, you imagine yourself doing that girl you’re talking to. Yes, indulge your fantasy right there and then while looking deeply into her eyes. You can triangular gaze too. This is all very powerful.

Btw, there is a scientific reason why this works: Emotional Contagion. See Daniel Goleman’s fascinating book, Social Intelligence, for a good intro to this concept.

I would recommend that you wait until you are further along in the interaction before doing this. This is a huge reward for her, and she really has to earn it. When you do it at the right time, it’s very powerful and should lead right into heavy touch escalation.

Having said that, however, I should mention that I’ve used this occasionally on the approach. There was a girl back in the States I did this on when I first started practicing it. She was walking by, talking to one of my friends. I looked her straight in the eyes and imagined taking her right there and then. She stopped mid-sentence and mid-stride, stood there, and returned my eye contact. After a few seconds, she smiled and gave that doggy dinner bowl look. That’s when I was convinced of the power of this technique. But still, wait until you’ve dropped a few sexual compliments before launching into sexual state.

So there it is. Simple, isn’t it?

Sexual compliments and kino rewards, sexual eye contact and tonality, and sexual state transference.

First, have fun, be social, make emotional connections, drop in a few sexual compliments and reward her with touch, turn on the sexual eye contact and tonality, and go into sexual state.

Happy playin’, The Asian Rake.

Vielleicht hilft Dir das ja auch.

Wenn es das noch auf Deutsch gibt ja, mein english ist drum a little bad

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mach Shock and Awe hat mir mega geholfen...

Ansonsten einfach emotional und bilderreich beschreiben was du alles geiles mit ihr anstellen willst/würdest... nicht einfach "geiler arsch"

sondern das mehr ausschmücken... und z.B. ins Ohr flüstern blabla

Sei einfach direkt offen was du geil findest und beobachte die Reaktionen ^^ bzw. nimm Frauen als die "Perverslinge" wahr die sie sind, und verbalisier es auch.

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Sexueller Frame entsteht aus der Gewissheit, aus der unerschütterlichen Kernüberzeugung, dass Du für einen Fick nicht betteln musst, sondern ihn mit deinem Target bereits imaginär durchführst. Dann verändert sich jede deine einzelne Zelle zu einem befriedigenden Schwanz, und du brauchst manchmal nicht ein Wort sagen um zu wissen, Du Fickst Heute Noch. Sie weiss es, du weisst es, es ist in Stein gemeisselt.

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Gast DonHannibal

Wenn du beim Treffen sexuelle Themen einleiten willst, dann zeige von Anfang an deine lockere Einstellung zu sowas durch sexuell anspielendes C&F und sexuelle Zweideutigkeiten. Lasse durchblicken, dass es für dich selbstverständlich ist.

Wenn du 2 Stunde über Uni redest und plötzlich fragst ob Sie schon Analsex hatte, wirkt das komisch. Sie wird dicht machen.

Oder leite Themen ein, die unmittelbar damit zusammenhängen, Fickbeziehungen auf der Arbeit etc....

Oder zieh dir Feuchtgebiete und/oder den anderen Roman von Senoritaa Roche rein bring das zur Sprache. Du bist plötzlich mitten im Thema, weil Sie das Buch gelesen haben wird. Von den Schilderungen im Buch ist es nicht schwieirg zu eigenen Erfahrungen und Vorlieben zu kommen.

Oder, oder, oder....es gibt zig Möglichkeiten sowas einzuleiten, nur mach es einfach und hab keine Angst davor. Die Frau wird dir dankbar sein, sich über spannende Sachen auszutauschen.

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Wenn du Fastlanes Beiträge dazu (richtig?) gelesen hast, dann müsstest du zumindest die Richtung kennen.

Der sexuelle Frame, ebenfalls meine Baustelle, ist mehr als nur wirr vom Vögeln zu schwafeln, wenn du mit einer Frau unterwegs bist. Du benutzt den Frame auch nicht nur hin und wieder mal wenn du eine Frau triffst, sondern im Optimalfall lebst du danach - es gehört einfach zu dir. Wenn du sowas faken willst, geht es früher oder später schief. Glaube mir.

Wie gesagt, dazu gehört mehr als einfach nur sexuelle Themen auf Lager zu haben. Grundvorraussetzung ist immer, dass du dich selber in deiner eigenen Haut wohl fühlst. Bist du zufrieden, fühlst du dich nach Sex und strahlst Sex aus. Automatisch. Ist es nicht so, dann ist der logische Schritt, etwas daran zu ändern. Jeder kennt seine eigenen Baustellen am Besten. (Du siehst, zum sexuellen Frame gehören automatisch Werte wie Zufriedenheit, Selbstwert und Selbstvertrauen)

Das nächste ist dann, was die Vorposter treffend genannt hatten. Die Überzeugung, dass du dich nicht des Vögelns schämen musst. Und nicht darum betteln musst (Wieder der Selbstwert und dazu eine Prise Risiko, du hast ja Alternativen). Es gehört ganz natürlich zu dir. Und das äußert sich dann ganz natürlich in deinen Gesprächen, in denen du immer mal wieder locker und gechillt sexuelle Themen ansprichst und dich den gängigen Werkzeugen bedienst.

bearbeitet von #Casanova#
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  Am 3.9.2012 um 20:47 , tamino12345 schrieb:

Wenn ja könntet ihr vielleicht 1-2 Ansätze verraten die in sexuelle Themen einleiten ohne creepy zu wirken?

"Wie lang ist deine letzte beziehung her?"

ist eine gute Möglichkeit.

Wenn sie dann antwortet "2 Jahre"

"waas. 2 jahre .... heißt das auch dass ....."

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