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Egal wie schlecht meine Laune ist, ich guck mir das an und brech jedes Mal wieder voll ab :rofl:

Hä? Nie Drummer im Bekanntenkreis gehabt? Glaub mir das ist noch normal :d

Zieh dir mal das rein:

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Aldous kennste das mit Jerry Lewis?

Abgesehen davon, kann man nicht oft genug Bodo Wartke erwähnen, auf dass ihr nicht umsonst gelebt habt, selten so einen geilen Liedermacher gehört:

bearbeitet von Balduin_Bienlein

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Gast sader

Da wir gerade bei Drummern sind:

Das Drumsolo von Joey Jordison auf Slipknots Disasterpieces DVD finde ich richtig geil.

Er in seinem Recaro, die Drehung, die Beleuchtung, der Beat, der Mittelfinger zum Schluss. Das passt. Schade, dass er gegangen wurde.

bearbeitet von sader

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Der Typ ist geil keine Frage, aber ich mag eher die alten "melodischeren" groovigen Drummer als die "Schießbudendrescher"

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Und der entscheidende Drummer:

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There are two guys playing golf, and they both hit their balls way into the rough. They agree to go find their balls and meet on the fairway later.

The first guy is pretty sure he hit his into the big patch of buttercups, so he goes over and starts beating the hell out of the buttercups with his club looking for his ball.

All of a sudden, an angel comes down from heaven and tells him that he can NEVER have any butter again for ruining one of Gods creations in such a manner.

The guy doesnt care and goes back to the fairway to tell his friend what happened. He told him and then his friend says, You think thats bad? I hit my ball into the pussywillows!

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You Cant Do That

An old man was sitting on his front porch down in Louisiana watching the sun rise. He sees the neighbors kid walk by carrying something big under his arm. He yells out Hey boy, whatcha got there?

Boy yells back Roll of chicken wire.

Old man says What you gonna do with that?

Boy says Gonna catch some chickens.

Old man yells You damn fool, you cant catch chickens with chicken wire!

Boy just laughs and keeps walking.

That evening at sunset the boy comes walking by and to the old mans surprise he is dragging behind him the chicken wire with about 30 chickens caught in it.

Same time next morning the old man is out watching the sun rise and he sees the boy walk by carrying something kind of round in his hand.

Old man yells out Hey boy, whatcha got there?

Boy yells back Roll of duck tape.

Old man says What you gonna do with that?

Boy says back Gonna catch me some ducks.

Old man yells back, You damn fool, you cant catch ducks with duck tape!

Boy just laughs and keeps walking.

That night around sunset the boy walks by coming home and to the old mans amazement he is trailing behind him the unrolled roll of duck tape with about 35 ducks caught in it.

Same time next morning the old man sees the boy walking by carrying what looks like a long reed with something fuzzy on the end. Old man says Hey boy, whatcha got there?

Boy says Its a pussy willow.

Old man says Wait up. Ill get my hat.

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Fuck her right in the pussy :-D

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