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Die Wahrheit über den Entenpenis:

Das erinnert mich doch an was …

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> Dear John, What a beginning, eh? Without great ignorance, I've just

>begun a relationship with a beautiful, young Sumerian girl and would love

>to show some devotion to her heritage. I wished to make a prose in her

>native language (I, obviously have no idea of the Sumerian tongue) and

>ventured into your site. I (honestly) was looking for a quick fix, but am

>willing to make the grade. Without getting into ancient texts, is there

>any such poetry I may find upon the net or in the local library, which

>will include beautiful prose? I ask this in all humble nature.

She is putting you on.

There have been no Sumerians for almost 4,000 years.



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"Bitches be like Hannah Montana in front of their parents, but Miley Cyrus on Facebook & Instagram."

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