The two types of seduction

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There are two types of seduction. When a man seduces a woman, he is aggressive. He tries in

every way, takes the initiative, sets a trap; he makes all the efforts that he can make. A woman

seduces in a totally different way. She does not take the initiative, she does not set any trap, she

does not go after the man; in fact, she pretends that she is not much interested. The man can fail,

but the woman never fails – that is the feminine seduction. Her trap is very subtle. You cannot get out

of it; it has no loopholes. And without chasing you, she chases you. She haunts you in your dreams

– never knocks on your door, but haunts you in your dreams; never shows any interest but becomes

the deepest fantasy in your being. That is the feminine trick.


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