Hi everyone, I come from Italy and I've just registered here because I have a concern about how girls are viewed in Germany and the relationiships with them from a German point of view.
I would love if you guys could write in english if you know it. Hopefully this is the right place to post the thread on.
In Italy girls and women have lot of mental stupid stuff, preconceptions about men and they usually act like princesses, since they know they could potentially have many men under their belt.
I'm talking about relationships and love, but also in the average "pick up" situation, where a man likes a woman. A little bit of culture, a little bit of strict religion, and their brains here are fucked.
Also, I was talking to a person that I know and he thinks that girls are like that in Italy because men don't have access to sex like in Germany, or in Switzerland, so italian guys kind of "beg" for sex and women really hate it, of course. Whereas in Germany, since they know that men have free access to sex, women are more open minded and they don't act like that way.
This kind of popular in my country.
Of course, if you meet them in a club or especially if you say that you are from another country, you will always be welcomed.
I'm asking to know if it's true the idea that that guy has about relationships with women in a country where sex is liberal, and if you can really love them, and what you guys talk in your country regarding women.
Thank you.