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1 Ergebnis gefunden

  1. Die Pickup Götter mögen es mir verzeihen aber ich hab mich auf RedPill/BlackPill Seiten rumgetrieben und einen Kommentar gefunden den ich sehr interessant fand. Der Schreiber kommentiert was für extreme Züge das Selfimprovement angenommen hat, welches Männer heutzutage betreiben nur um am Dating Markt zu bestehen. Looksmaxxing, Moneymaxing, Verbessern der Social Skills, der eigenen Bildung, des sozialen Status, Überwindung von persönlichen Ängsten, bis hin zu OP‘s um Mängel an Körper und Gesicht zu verbessern. Gleichzeitig kritisiert er die Qualität der modernen Frau. You know what the biggest black pill is? Knowing that even if you work at improving your looks, finances, and game to even the point where you look fit and handsome, you have a comfortable lifestyle, and you've developed all the charm and charisma you wanted, it won't guarantee you a quality woman. The quantity of women may increase. But not the quality of women. This is because no matter how much of a perfect man you are, you cannot improve the women in society. The issue with self improving just to get women is that it may feel good at first when you get a woman and enter a relationship. But because modern day western women are all so low quality in terms of their personality, she'll just end up dragging you down. All that self improvement will basically have just gotten you a crappy, miserable relationship where she'll bleed you dry of your finances, your mental wellbeing, and your physical health too. You may think being a so called high quality man will mean your woman will always stay loyal to you. But it guarantees you nothing. If the most handsome film stars, the fittest athletes, and the richest business men are all getting routinely screwed over in divorces by unfaithful women, what chance do you have? There's such an unnatural focus these days on getting men to self improve because the majority of us can't get girlfriends in this ridiculous, superficial, rigged modern dating market. But really, the need for self improvement needs to be put on women. How many women these days are virgins before they marry? Very few if none. How many even have a body count lower than 10 before they marry?.Very few if none. Just look at how many don't know how to, or are just simply unwilling to do even a basic gesture of kindness for a man like cook a meal for him. Even if a man holds such a basic expectation like that, look how women recoil in disgust and get bent out of shape about it. Look how many women these days are overweight and can't keep themselves in shape. Look at how many of them have deeply flawed personality issues, such as being narcissistic, manipulative, and disloyal. Look at how many of them are single mothers. And just look at how many cheat on their husbands. It's ridiculous making yourself into Mr superman just to wind up with a woman who will leave you as soon as she gets bored of you, or soon as she's taken what she wants from you. The quality of women has never been lower than it is now. And yet their expectations of you, the man, have never been higher. Does that sound like a fair system? I sure as hell don't think it is. Was ich mich nach dem Lesen tatsächlich gefragt habe: Ist die Qualität der Frauen tatsächlich so extrem gesunken oder ist das wieder mal das typische „Blackpill Rumgeheule“? Waren Frauen vor 30,40,50,60 Jahren tatsächlich besser erzogen? Haben sie Männer anders behandelt? Und wenn ja, ist der Feminismus der vergangenen Jahrzehnte mitschuld an diesem Wandel? Sind es Dating Apps? Viel Spaß beim diskutieren! Wäre schön eine gesittete Diskussion zu führen ohne Rumgetrolle!