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Habs mir besorgt. weiß jetzt nicht wie alt dieser Thread ist, troztdem kann ich dieses Buch nur empfehlen. Weil das diese langweiligen Sprachmuster mit dem natürlichen spaßigen Spieltrieb des Menschen verbindet und so damit wirklich Spaß beim lernen entsteht.
Scheissframe der nur aus Lüge besteht ---> erbärmlich. Grüße, Bubba Probier es aus. Ich bin mir sicher Bubba hat schon so viel frauen klar gemacht, der weiß dass man das nicht macht. Vielleicht klappts bei dir :D Was ich mich nur frage ist: Wieso geht man nicht einfach zu einer Frau und sagt "Ich finde dich wunderschön"? Ich liebe es auch Frauen kennen zu lernen und BS zu reden , aber wenn du für den quick kill gehst...
Okay, hier mal ein Mysterien über "Mystery" SHOCKING revelations about Mystery’s VH1 show, the pickup artist Posted in: General, mainstream, pickup artists, seduction community, seduction gurus, the pickup artist vh1 "Up until now, most of the seduction community was displeased that mystery had been most publically exposed part of the community. What we got, was a personal development community aimed at enriching lives…. being mis-represented as a gathering of circus performers (with all those “phases”, peacocking and pre-rehearsed lines [e.g. the mystery method])… Ok, I’m being somewhat harsh, but there exists a wide consensus that some of the more shall we say “normal” dating coaches like Juggler, Brent, David Wygant or the RSD boys would be a much better representative of this movement. Despite all of this… Most of the community was genuinely happy for mystery and his show. It might not the best representation of this movement, but atleast it’s gonna get a lot men off their butts and into improving their life… better than nothing, right? Well, we were lead to think so, UNTIL we found THIS out: The whole thing was a scam from the start! First of all, the “J-Dog” we see on the show is actually J.D. Roth, a famous and successful TV producer for years. who oh btw is Married with 2 kids This isn’t too controversial, as it is possible, and likely that he used to be an AFC that mystery helped become good with with women… and later on he got married… But to have had time for that he needs to have been one of mystery’s earliest students (it takes time to find “the one” and make 2 kids) and that is somewhat… debatable. Some images of J.D. Roth (an emmy-award winning TV producer): J.D. Roth But, wait that’s not all: Alvaro Boy a.k.a. Cosmo happens to be a paid actor with quite diverse talents, as opposed to the “video game programmer” he was shown to be. I am extremely creative and I bring so much colors to every character. I love playing roles that really challenge me and make me dig deep down to pull those emotions and inner life that alot of actors are not able to do. I have just moved to Los Angeles and I just finished a Major Motion Picture to be Released all over Europe, called SHADOW BOXING 2. Source: http://www.sceneinteractive.com/talents/ALVARO/#headshot BRADY… Mr. “I can’t get laid, even despite my looks” is a male model: http://www.actionagencyla.com/bradysprunger.htm JOE W. is a Paid Model (any wonder he was playing a “gay” character on the show?): But, wait… now you’re thinking, “atleast that fat guy must have not been an actor/model, right?”: WRONG! Mr. Joe is also an actor: Source: http://www.j-doyle.com/photo_gallery.html His resume included: Training UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, B.A. Theatre Arts Acting One Elements Acting Two Characterizations Acting Three Audition Acting Four Voice Acting Five Styles Presence and Resistance *Seattle Children’s Theatre Acting Classes *Theatre at Cascadia Community College *Improvisational Training with Absolute Improv Dance Training *Tap Dance One at the University of Oregon *Modern Dance One at the University of Oregon *Advanced Street Hip Hop Two at the University of Oregon *Jazz and Tap Dance with Northwest Aerials Musical Experience *5 Years Choral Experience *Madrigal Singers, Seattle Chamber Choir *2000 Washington State Solo & Ensemble Kingco Division Champions (Men’s Ensemble) *4th Place in the 2000 Washington State Solo & Ensemble Competition (Men’s Ensemble) *1999 All State Choir *2000 Shoreline Community College Honor Choir *6 years of guitar performance *2 years of private voice coaching under Dennis Kruse *Disney’s Magic Music Days Workshops 1998 & 2000 So… Where does All Of This Leave Us at? Well… as we all know, the seduction community (alternatively: “the dating help for men movement”), has been for years maturing more and more to the point where it is very easy to see any average guy blossom into a full-blown mature man who is making the most out of his potential in any area of life. One of the largest problems it had encountered though was the fact that most of the general male population is unaware that it’s actually possible to reach such a transformation… which restricted a lot of men in ever taking upon this journey. But then, alas, there came a show, a show with circus (mystery) freaks, but a major TV-network show nonetheless that managed to show what was actually possible. It showed the world just how easy and do-able this stuff is. Men no longer needed to feel shackled by feeling of being born “unlucky”… they now saw how easy it was to transform. Most of them would start with mystery, which is far from an ideal start to this journey, but it’s better than nothing, and hey everyone outgrows “the mystery method” phase once they mature a little bit anyway. But THEN we see THIS information about faking the entire thing, from A to Z. WHY?! Was there any need for this? Why didn’t they just get some genuine-ass AFCs on the show and do the same? It’s just as easy and we see much larger transformations taking place all — the—- time. Why was there a need to FAKE it? This has ruined what has perhaps been one of the best opportunities at empowering the general male population… and I want answers why. Feel free to comment below." Quelle: http://seductioncommunity.novicedating.com/ Ich verstehs nicht. Mystery hat sich irgendwie verändert. Alleine sein neues DVD Set ist genauso ein Skandal wie seine Show. Hier mal eine Review von seiner DVD: "Okay, a friend of mine dropped $2,500 on this and he's really dissapointed and so am I after watching it. He fell for Mike Long's marketing hype (there are always those that do). Now here's my rundown on what I've seen: We skipped the "Video Brain Transplant" (9 DVD's) because it looked like it was just a recycled video taping of one of his seminars, which my buddy has already been to. I didn't get much new out of the "Social Cybernetics" (5 DVD's). In my opinion, 95% of the information can be gleaned from Mystery's first 5 DVD set and by watching the extra's from VH1's The Pickup Artist. As usual, Mystery did a great job of conveying the finer points of the Mystery Method (or whatever its called now); however, I was disappointed with Matador's speech on Microcalibration. It was clearly un-rehearsed and he seemed to, at times, stumble through it by constantly repeating himself. In the end, I was a bit confused as to whether you should micro-calibrate a IOI with an IOI and IOD with an IOD, or the other way around... The whole Social Cybernetics series seemed to be quite unprofessional, almost as if filmed on a whim with little or no time taken for editing. The last part we watched was the "Holy Grail" (1 DVD), which is the one DVD devoted to Mystery infield with cameras. I was very much looking forward to this one, after hearing Matador & Mystery talk about advanced topics such as rolling off, micro-calibration and forward/backward merging. Unfortunately, you won't see much, if any, of those things in the infield video. It starts off in a club with Mystery being following around by a bunch of cameramen. He tells lovedrop he doesnt want to open the set behind him cause he wants really hot girls. He explains he's going to start by getting some social proof and then open some hot girls. So, a few seconds later, a girl (HB6chubby) opens him and asks him about the cameramen following him around. He locks in (good job) but then it goes downhill from there. His routines are nothing new (but that doesnt bother me)... but what happens next is most surprising... The girls friends show up, an HB7 and HB8 and two guys. The guys start chatting with Mystery, and apparently one (or both) of them know he's a PUA cause they start talking about game. Mystery tries to neg the HB8, but it is to no avail, the HB7 and HB8 start to lose interest and they leave, and Mystery can't keep them. So he's left chatting with two guys, even the HB6chubby is no longer paying attention to him at this point and starts chatting with someone on her left. One of the guys starts to kind of AMOG Mystery by poking fun of his hat and scarf. He then grabs Mysterys' scarf and says he needs it. So Mystery ends up giving it to him. To Mystery's credit, it really wasn't an AMOG, and he did defuse, but why did he waste so much time with these guys and lose all the girls? Then the guys leave, and Mystery is left sitting there, kinda looking around with nobody to talk to, cause the HB6chubby is chatting with her other friend. Lovedrop quickly runs in (as he should) to chat with Mystery to prevent him from losing more value.. A few moments later, Mystery reopens the HB6chubby and lovedrop vanishes. They chat for a while, all the while there is no kino escalation whatsoever from mystery. He does some vanishing straw magic trick and keeps talking about how he wants to introduce her to his friends, and then the girl tells him he should try some "slutty red head" drink. Mystery says something to the effect "ok, you get the first round". He tells her to go get him a drink and she refuses to go w/o him. So he takes her by the arm and they go to the bar to buy a drink.... AND THEN... the most amazing thing happens.... Mystery ends up paying for the drinks!!!! The camera cut out for a bit, so I can't tell what happened, but she probably told him she didnt have any money or soemthing. He can be seen paying for the drinks and then saying "ok, you get the next ones". He then takes her back to his friends and introduces her. A few moments later, she annouces she'll be back and leaves... and then the video fades to black. I doubt Mystery ever got a drink from her. The 2nd infield video was a little better, but not much. It starts with some dude talking to a 2-set. Matador shows up and is introduced. He starts stacking routines like a used car salesman! First the best friends test, then the esp routine, then the c smile..... I didn't notice much (if any) microcalibration... and there were no roll-offs! (He spent 40 minutes talking about roll offs in Social Cyberdynamics and then doesn't demonstrate!). Well, to make a long story short, they end up bringing them back to their friends in the VIP area.... but a bit later, the girls friends interrupt (external interrupt), and then the video fades to black. presumably cause they lost the set. By this point, I was dissapointed to see two infield videos of Mystery, and no number close, no kiss close, not even any kino escalation! Then the 3rd video started. This is the one that was in the Marketing for Mind of Mystery (the Magnum Opus) sent out by mike long. The white party video.. So no need to comment on this one... by this time, it was getting late, and I had to leave, so I didn't finish the videos, but I'll swing by my friends place later and finish this review (hopefully it doesnt get deleted). In all, I was quite dissapointed. For $2,500, in my opinion, your money is better spent elsewhere. I've done sets that turned out the same or better than in Mystery's infield videos. Its not like they were really bad, but he has a reputation as a Pick-up Guru, and what I saw was equivalent to someone who's been practicing game for about 6 months. Nothing spectacular at all... or... perhaps he wants to show what a typical set will look like. In my experience, nobody I have met will kiss/number close every set every time. Perhaps the PickUp Gurus are more human than we thought.... Hope this review helps you guys. Ok... my friend dropped off the Infield DVD, and i just finished watching the 3rd video (White Party).. You guys have already seen it on youtube and in the marketing stuff that mike long sent out. In this video, Mystery definately does everything right. He builds attraction and gets alot of compliance from a girl who is getting married. Unfortunately, her fiance was there so Mystery did not try to go any further (props to him for that)... Her interest really peaked after he did a magic trick where he moved her straw. She admitted to him after that, that she is into Energy and new age shit.. The 4th video was also better... Mystery ends up kiss closing a 50 yr old lady.. ugh.. Have to give it to him, he had alot of social proof in the room, especially with all those camera's following him. Girls would just go up to him and open asking "why is everyone filming you tonight?" Wonder how well he would do w/o all the cameras. Out! - Guru" Alle die Intresse haben, können sich das mal durch lesen und ihr Statement abgeben.
Art Williams - Do it http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5...25283&hl=en --- Or, as Derren Brown wrote in his book Tricks of the Mind "Self-help techniques can be enormously rewarding for some people, and self-evident for others. Gurus such as Tony Robbins make fortunes from motivational courses that are both amazing and sinister, but which boil down to an age-old and obvious adage: just get on with it. It's about do or don't do. In social life we are defined by our actions, not by our motives: our thoughts or intentions mean very little unless they lead to action. It's how we behave, or even sometimes how much we make the effort to be nice, that makes the difference. An obvious but much-missed point." --- Heck! Even Nike tells it like it is: Just do it.
Mehow's "Hypnotica" Infield Insider April 2008 preview
The One hat ein Thema erstellt in Kreativraum
HIER Hypnotica, der motherfucker -
Mehow's "Hypnotica" Infield Insider April 2008 preview
The One antwortete auf The One's Thema in Kreativraum
Ja, mehow war mal ein "schüler" von Mystery und macht jetzt sein eigenes Ding. Such einfach mal bei google so z.b. http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=Me...Suche&meta= -
[Musik] Lieder, die einen PUA motivieren :)
The One antwortete auf Locolo's Thema in PickUp Produkte
Ammerriiccaaannn Dad, ganz vergessen . Das guck ich gleich. Bei den anderen ( Das Geheimnis der Partnerwahl) würde ich ja einschlafen, leute übertreibts nicht mit den Theorie Müll.
cooler, verrückter & lockerer Wing gesucht
The One antwortete auf conpidence's Thema in Karlsruhe - Archiv
Hört sich nach Spaß an, leider wohne ich da nicht. Ich frag mich nur was du unter verückt verstehst. Für mich ist "bisschen verrückt", dass: -
Ich finde diesen Post hier, muss man mehr beachtung schenken. Einfach das obrige befolgen und es wird klappen.
[Musik] Lieder, die einen PUA motivieren :)
The One antwortete auf Locolo's Thema in PickUp Produkte
Flyleaf - Im so sick bei youtube suchen -
7 Worte ? Ich checks net, Suchfunktion ist ein Wort und hat 12 Buchstaben. Na egal, guck dir dass hier an: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAh6uoeLxm0
Ist das aussehen wichtig ? Nein, aber es hilft. Ein Mann der am Tag von 100 Menschen gesagt bekommt, dass er gut aussieht ist auch überzeugter, als ein Mann der dieses Feedback nicht bekommt. Ich denke ( Hypothese ), dass Frauen wenn sie gut aussehende Männer sehen, auch auf ein gutes Selbstwertgefühl schließen, weil diese ja durch das Feedback das sie bekommen, sich höheren Wert zu schreiben. In wie fern ist das relevant für MICH? Wenn ihr euch so akzeptiert und euch diese Limiting Beliefs nicht blockieren ( dass ihr hässlich seit und weniger gut aussehend ), dann behaltet diese.
Jürgen Vogel! Kann dir da nur absolut zustimmen. Irgendwie hat mich seine Rolle auch fasziniert. Hier ne kurze Zusammenfassung vom Film: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6Nfv42p-dE
Was habt ihr alle mit diesem Alpha Shit!? Übernimmt Verantwortung für euer Leben/ Hobbys und andere Menschen und ihr seid auf dem richtigen Weg.
Alter, dass hier ist heftig ;) http://www.zeitgeist-aktuell.de/Wie_sicher...me_wirklich.pdf Dachte immer ich wäre sicher mit Kondom, denkste. Je öfter du eine Frau knallst, die HIV hat, desto höher die ansteckungsgefahr. Für einige vielleicht interessant.
Ganz genau, die Fragen sind doch: Was ist ALPHA? Wann merkst du, dass du Alpha bist? Was fühlst du, hörst du und siehst du, wenn du Alpha bist? Was ist der wahre Grund, warum du Alpha sein willst? Was wirst du verlieren oder gewinnen, wenn du dass Alpha dasein erreichst hast?...
Guck dir den BBC Bericht an, der hier im Forum gepostet wurde.
[Video] BBC Dokumentation über die Pick Up Community
The One antwortete auf Hirtec's Thema in PickUp Produkte
Iam the future ist ja voll, dass opfer geworden. Ich meine er hat viel geschafft, aber es ist irgendwie nicht mehr schön alle Frauen haben zu können, aber kein leben. Bringt ein irgendwie zum nachdenken... -
Das ist nur hilfreich, wenn du schreibst was du getan hast, um diesen "Erfolg" zu fühlen.
Wenn du mir jetzt noch sagst, was "normal" ist, versteh ich deinen Post. Meine Def. für normal ist sicherlich eine andere als deine, trotzdem würde ich gerne wissen, was du als normal erachtest.
Ich denke du hast recht. Keine Frau wünscht sich, dass der "Traummann", dass stellst du ja da, pornos mitbringt. Das wirkt so als könntest du sie nicht genug anheizen. Erzähl, ob es geklappt hat. lg
Das ist nicht wahr. Es gibt kein NO-GO ;), jeder Mensch ( Frau ) hat einen anderen Geschmack. Manche werden es mögen, manche nicht. Richte dich nach deiner Meinung. Wenn andere Tipps haben hör ihn zu, aber am Ende entscheidest immer nur du. Das halte ich für ein Gerücht/ Vorurteil.