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  1. sag mal gibt es viel lesbisch frauen dort? ich habe zu viel frauen mit traditional kleidung kussen gesehen. sind sie wirklich lesbisch oder gehen auch mit manner?
  2. Jefet

    New in Berlin

    ich bin nicht immer in berlin ich bin auslander und wegen ich mochte ausbildung und arbeit untersuchen, ich nehme eine lange urlaub in deutschland von 14 july bis 18 august. ich sprache nur ein bisschen deutsch weil ich habe das vergessen. was machst du in berlin? hast du schon wingmen gefinden?
  3. Jefet

    New in Berlin

    wir sind immer da
  4. Jefet

    Hello, who speaks english?

    i am a 23 years old pua trainer. i know it is to early to talk about it but im going to be in berlin at july-august. i would like to make some contact with pua trainers in berlin(facebook or whatever...). i dont know what about you guys but i have read enough theoretical stuff(mystery method, ross jeffries...etc), so i am more interested in finding the most popular places for pickup in berlin including steerts, bars and clubs. is someone here practice in a high frequency and constancy? groups? teams? i want to practice a lot because i am not living in an ideal place for pickup thanks!
  5. Jefet

    New in Berlin

    hey! im from israel and i cant wait to be in berlin. you can leave here a cellphone or whatever you want. that will be nice. we can organize a group and practice a lot even daily if you want. talking about pickup im impressed that the pickup in my country is much more difficult, so i assume that pickup in europe will be piece of cake, but that ill need to figure out by myself for me its too exotic a polite girl like germans, not mentioning the fact that they have beautiful real blond hair ! see you!
  6. Jefet

    New in Berlin

    How can i contact with you? Actually i will come only on july, but meanwhile i would like to hear whats going on there.... I began with the pick up 1 year ago