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Alle erstellten Inhalte von marco_fr

  1. Hello all, I am back in this forum after some months of relationship with a girl that just ended. I am 26 and looking for a wingman in Heidelberg, mainly for bars, clubs, and studentpartys but also for some day game. Contact me directly if interested !
  2. Hallo, Diese mittwoch for der Feiertage mochte Ich hier gehen : http://www.halle02.d...pus-fusion.html Es ist eine grosse Party mit viele HBs ! Wer hat Lust mit mir zu gehen ? Marco
  3. Hi all, I am 25, french student living in Heidelberg and I am looking for a wing. I mainly go out in Heidelberg, but I am also going to Mannheim from time to time. My german is quite poor, so I usually game in English but the ladies seem to love it :) If you are looking for a motivated wingmen send me a message ! Marco
  4. Hey, My name is Marco, I am 25, French, and living in Heidelberg for one year now. My german is quite bad, I can handle basic conversations but I usually stick to english for pickup About my style, I started with the Mystery Method but I try to incorporate more and more elements of a more "natural" style in my game. My strength is definitely when I speak, it is quite easy to get attraction ... and about my weaknesses, I would say bodylangage, especially the fact that I sometimes forget to get things physical with the girl. And of course, I came on this forum because I am looking for motivated people in Heidelberg to go out in parties and sarge women I have a bunch of friends here, but some are not into pickup at all. Hope to go out with some of you soon ! Marco