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  1. Josh2010

    A1: OPEN

    Ihr müsst ihr manchmal über die Zeilen lesen da ich es von einem pdf kopiert habe! Opening a set and crossing the social hook point without conveying neediness Once you begin talking to a set of girls, the immediate goal is to reach the social acceptance, or hook, point. A moment comes when the set decides that they enjoy talking to you and that they want to continue talking to you. When this happens, you have successfully opened the set and finished A1. It's easy to tell when this happens because there will be indicators of interest. THE MEETING LOCATION Any location in which there is a high probability of meeting women is called a meeting location. While it is possible to meet a beautiful woman virtually anywhere, even on the street, it is more probable to meet her in a public gathering. Meeting locations are gatherings in which people self-organize into 1 small groups of usually two to five friends each. Examples: • Restaurants and busy cafes • Pubs, bars, and nightclubs • Busy stores, malls, and outdoor festivals • Parties and get-togethers The Unconscious Replication Agenda People often publicly assemble to drink, mingle, dance, shop, or eat. While some know they are out specifically to seek a mate, many are unaware that their unconscious mind has imposed a hidden replication agenda upon them. Even though women know these gatherings are chock-full of pestering nice guys, most are unconscious of the fact that, nonetheless, their emotional circuitry has a replication agenda compelling them to actively socialize, such as when women go out "just to dance." This is a perfect example of rationalization at world Attractive Women Are Found in Groups Seldom will you see women of beauty alone in such locations. Many have grown accustomed to the constant threat of nice guys who plague these gatherings. Women learn to band together with trusted friends to help protect them from these everyday public nuisances. A meeting location is said to be target rich if it offers multiple approach opportunities with attractive women in short succession, whereas a location with few such pportunities is said to be target poor. Target-rich environments not only improve your chances of finding and attracting a beautiful woman; they also substantially accelerate your learning curve by providing more chances to practice your social skills in less time. There's nothing about the Mystery Method that requires clubs or target-rich environments (it works just as well in the grocery store or the coffee shop), but they definitely make it easier to practice. For this reason, our boot camps (where we take a small number of guys out to teach them the Venusian arts and interact with beautiful women in the field) generally take place in lounges, clubs, and restaurants. Proactively go to four or five of the very best meeting locations in your city ahead of time. Go on an off night. Scope them out. Acclimate and desensitize yourself to the environment in which you will train and game. Public gatherings are the Venusian artist's dojo. PROXIMITY When you are in the field, a shy woman, reluctant even to make eye contact with you, may find you appealing and, at either a conscious or unconscious level, reveal her interest via proximity, or nearness. Typically, if a girl is giving off an IOI through proximity, she will stand five to eight feet away from you, facing away. Dynamic social homeostasis brings her within range to observe you and welcome your possible approach—but prevents her from coming too close. With proximity, if you open her, she will open receptively, Have you ever walked into a nightclub and found yourself standing near a woman you were attracted to, if only to be near her and check her out more? Maybe instead of approaching her, you ordered a drink at the bar right next to her. Have you ever been in a store shopping where it seemed that a woman you had seen earlier stood near you several times over a short period of time? Her repeated proximity indicates a potential interest. She may be putting herself near you on purpose, hoping you might start something, It's also quite possible that her replication circuitry is placing her near you, even though she is not consciously aware of what her body is doing, She will still open receptively. These opportunities occur with more frequency than you may expect, especially if you are already working a set of girls. THE THREE-SECOND RULE Approaching a group of strangers can be uncomfortable in the short term, but the feeling that persists after you see a beautiful woman you could have approached but didn't lasts as long and is equally as uncomfortable. Know your opener ahead of time, even before you have entered the public gathering. Within three seconds of spotting a woman you are attracted to, you must open her set. The approach must be reactionary, and this is what the Venusian artist trains for. Decide now to train for this, and internalize the Three- Second Rule. Just walk right up to the set of people that you see and open them before your approach anxiety exceeds your desire to make her your girlfriend. At our live programs, we show you how to do this (in real situations, so you're doing it live) and blow away approach anxiety. For now, you're just going to have to force yourself through this, Keep in mind that no one else in the venue knows whom you already know and don't know. It certainly seems as if you know them— after all, you entered the venue and walked right up to them, and now they are enjoying a fun conversation with you. From the perspective of adjacent sets, it appears you must be a social guy with lots of friends! As you eventually move from one set to the next, this positive perception of you continues to grow. You are becoming socially proofed in the venue. Notice the ease with which sets open up to you when you have this level of social proof. For this reason, it is important not to be too selective in choosing your sets early in the night; better to be; in any set than to get picky and end up alone when you could have been working the room. You don't always have to have a legitimate target to enjoy interacting with people. This really adds a natural spontaneity to your approach. A woman can usually tell it a mile away when a man is working up the courage to approach her, which can lower his perceived value. If you follow the Three-Second Rule, she will feel like you just popped up out of nowhere. A very nice energy is added to the interaction when following this rule. THE THREE-MINUTE EXCEPTION What if you see a group, and the target you single out is talking to the waitress? Should you still open within three seconds? No. There are commonsense exceptions to every rule, and this is one of them. If a group of people comes into a restaurant and sits down, I'm not going to go in if I feel there will be an external interrupt coming within the first three minutes of opening the set. If I don't have three minutes to work, I can't lock myself into the set. Once I am locked in I can handle external interruptions like a waitress approaching, because I'll be locked in by then. However, if she comes when I'm a minute and a half into the set, it can completely disrupt things. The disruption can also be internal, or coming from Within the set. For example, if a target is standing in a line and I can tell she is not go* ing to stay there for more than a minute, I'm not going to go in at that point. Instead, I'll hold back and wait for her to sit down. Then I can go in with confidence that I won't have an interruption during the first three minutes of my approach. OPENERS An opener is a short story or statement used to get a group's attention and earn their acceptance of your presence. It is not a time to formally introduce yourself or hit on the hot girl in the set. Using a direct opener such as, "Wow, you are beautiful; my name is Glen," may convey confidence, but it also alienates your target's friends if present. Since women of beauty are rarely found alone, we must engage the entire group without hitting on the girl prematurely. For this reason Venusian artists make effective use of an indirect opener. Here is an indirect opener of mine that opened nearly every I mixed set I ran it on: Mystery: Oh my God. Did you guys see the girl fight outside? Girls: [Cut them off before they speak.] Mystery: They were fighting over this guy. I talked to him afterward. His name was Glen, That's a deal-breaker name. Glen. So they were pulling each other's hair and one of the girls' boobs pops out, Normally I'm all for seeing a ripe one, but this was a "saggy-baggy booby"... you know, from National Geographic. Go immediately into next routine, You may feel this dialogue won't miraculously make a woman fall for you, and you are right. It's not designed to. Sure, it's designed to be fun and appear spontaneous, but the power of this gambit comes from what it doesn't do. Unlike a typical direct opener, no IOIs are conveyed to the target. To do so at this time would surely compromise your chances of survival were you to hit on the married woman with her husband present. We must discover the group's relationship dynamics before giving IOIs. This approach will make you appear naturally confident and not insecurely bold. Notice there is no talk about the fact that you are presently speaking to them. It is designed to convey personality first. IN THE VENUE Bars and clubs are probably not the venues where you plan to find your future wife. Nevertheless, these are target-rich environments and thus are perfect for practicing the Game. Here are some tips: • Don't buy her a drink: As a general rule—but not a dogmatic one—don't offer to buy drinks for girls. If she asks you to buy her a drink, turn her down. Although you can break this rule, it's preferable to get your game so tight that she will be buying you drinks. • Be willing to crash and burn every set for the entire night. Do it for fun with your wing. • Give your wing two hundred dollars. Then he gives you twenty dollars every time you approach a set. This game is very effective, • Be willing to go out alone if you have to. • Don't hold your drink in front of your chest like a security blanket. Hold it low to your hip. Better yet, don't hold one at all. • Don't try to look "cool" or "tough." You will just look bored and boring. Instead, be comfortable and friendly. • Enthusiasm is contagious. • Smile as you walk around the venue. Guys who don't have success with women don't smile. • Once you open a set, stop smiling so much. You don't want to appear try-hard. • You ran your opener, but the set didn't hook? Run another one. Stack your material if for no other reason than to get practice. Stacking routines is a useful skill in and of itself. • It usually takes three warm-up approaches to really get in a talkative personality-conveying groove. • Avoid noisy areas. If you can't talk, you can't run game. Find the quietest areas of the club. And avoid the dance floor—it's a trap. • Arrive early and be friendly with the staff. At midnight, bounce to another club. This keeps the crowd fresh and gives you somewhere to take girls whom you've been gaming. • Don't drink or at least cut back. If you go out gaming without alcohol, you will really notice an improvement in your abilities. Alcohol is not a legitimate tool for handling your anticipatory anxiety. • Guys are just ugly girls: Yes, there are other guys at the venue, but they aren't competition. They don't smile, they don't surround themselves with people who are talking and laughing. Instead, they hold a beer to their chest and try to "look cool." These guys are not really competition. • Befriend the social guys and practice gaming them. One of the attraction switches in women is the leader-of-men switch. When you lead the men, the women will follow. • Be the observed: There are constantly little events going on in the field: A flash goes off as a group of people pose for a picture. A man teaches a woman a little dance move. A group of people busts up laughing. A girl gasps at an impressive and flashy routine, and people nearby look over to see what is going on. Are you the observer when these things happen or the observed? THE PROTECTION SHIELD Women use many strategies to protect themselves from men with a low perceived S-and-R value: • a ring • saying they have a boyfriend • surrounding themselves with friends • sitting in a place where it is hard to approach them • being bitchy, using insults • negative body language • no eye contact • lack of interest • being bubbly and wanting to dance • no sense of humor • being defensive Collectively, these strategies amount to a unique shield that each woman uses to protect herself. The components of the shields that women deploy can range from subtle and mild-mannered to inyour- face and cruel. Many years ago I had a girl literally scream at me to fuck off as I tried to open her set. If it ever happens to you, move on, and don't take it personally. Sometimes women are just having a very bad day. The opening phase is the time that it takes you to get past the shield and reach the acceptance point. You might try pushing through the shield with persistence, even though the woman is treating you poorly (albeit not screaming at you to fuck off, I hope), but this short-sighted tactic diminishes your value. Instead, what if you can trick her into lowering her shield? This means making the woman believe you are not here to steal her eggs. She must think that you aren't even considering seducing her. You may enter her set with a pawn. A pawn is a girl whom you have gamed previously for the express purpose of bringing her into your next set, so that it will open more easily The use of pawns has been known to lower protection shields. Other ways to get through the shield include usage of uninterested body language and false time constraints. These techniques are described in detail in this chapter. Notice that all of these tactics have one thing in common: They convey lack of interest. In other words, women aren't so shielded against men who have a willingness to walk. Women feel safe around those men. Whatever happens, it's crucial that you not be affected by a woman's shielding behavior, no matter how unacceptable such behavior may be. If she is able to shake your internal sense of reality, your value will drop in her eyes. Never get angry—just stay in a good mood and be unaffected. It's no big deal. As you demonstrate value and an utter lack of neediness, she will start to open up to you. How will you know that you have disarmed her shield? • When she laughs at your jokes—even the bad ones • When she turns to face you, makes eye contact, and is responsive to you • When she touches you—usually a soft grab of your arm, leg, necklace, or hair • When she asks you your name Das oben ist ein Zitat aus dem von Mystery geschriebenem Ebook und das Zitat handelt von A1 dem Approachen. Ich hoffe ihr könnt alle Englisch und wenn interesse steht schreibt mich einfach an wenn ihr noch weitere Teile des Buches haben wollt ;) Love Josh TwentyTen
  2. Wenn dich wer Fragt sagst du einfach dass ihr die Beziehung einvernehmlich beendet habt, da es zu viele unstimmigkeiten gab. Du willst attraction behalten/aufbauen? Du kannst nix halten, was gefehlt hat... vergiss sie und leb dein Leben mit anderen Frauen weiter! Und mach dir erst recht keine Gedanken über irgendeinen dummen Schaal, oder was deine Ex irgendworüber denkt! Du musst klare Prinzipien haben lg
  3. Josh2010

    Essen Lair

    Ja, das Lair existiert noch immer... Treffen Dienstags 18:00 und Samstags 15:00... allerdings wenn man neu ist zu diesen Treffen lieber anmelden, da sie meistens umverlegt werden, wenn wir wissen, dass wir eh die eingespielte truppe sind. lg
  4. Wenn du jetzt nicht speziell mit den Ruhrpott jungs dahin willst, kann ich dir noch empfehlen das ins "Bochum Lair" zu posten
  5. Ich frag mal die Jungs vom Essener Lair ob wir unser treffen nicht auf Düsseldorf verschieben wollen ;) ok bin mit martin und pascal zumindest da, vielleicht noch mit 1-2
  6. kauf dir "Der Aufreisser: So kriegt Mann jede Frau rum" von Neil Strauss und mach alle Sachen die da drin stehen... Wenn du in 30 Tagen noch immer Probleme mit deiner Stimme etc. hast, poste nochmal ;) lg Der King
  7. Guck lieber im Bereich Online Game ;) Ich hoffe ich kann dir mit dem Folgenden Link weiterhelfen: Wenn deine frage ist, wie du weitermachst, guck dir einfach ein bisschen bei 4) Fieldreports gezogen auf OG ab lg Josh2010
  8. ich weiß nicht wieso aber irgendwie denk ich grad an Erdmännchen :D:D
  9. Auf jeden Fall!! Wenn aber jemand einen Spaß über dich macht, ist es ungemein wichtig ihm sofort die Grenzen aufzuzeigen und Konsequenzen zu ziehen. Vorzugsweise indem du ihm die Fresse polierst. Wenn das nicht geht weil er dir körperlich überlegen ist, dann werde bitte wenigstens wütend und schrei ihn richtig an. Betone dabei unbdedingt, dass du der Alpha in der Gruppe bist. Danach schließt du einen solchen "Witzbold" aus der Gruppe aus, indem du allen verbietest Kontakt zu ihm zu haben. Schließlich hast du das sagen in der Gruppe, und als Alpha kannst du anderen vorschreiben was sie zu tun haben. Wenn sie nicht hören, dann verfahre genauso wie mit "Witzbolden". So solltest du ganz schnell die Spitze der Gruppenhierarchie erklimmen. Grüße, KingCartman P.S. Dann such mal, z.B. mit der Suchfunktion. Göttlich :D:D Ich hab letztens noch irgendeinen Komödianten gesehen, der den gleichen Sinn von Humor hatte... find ich gut :P
  10. Hey Gefola91 Du willst eine Frau kennen lernen um Frauen kennen zu lernen? :D Ich weiß nicht ob ich die situation richtig einschätze aber ich empfehle dir vielleicht erst mit PU zu starten, dadurch verändert sich deine Persönlichkeit (ob dus willst oder nicht) und es passiert am Anfang (ohne das es Absicht ist) eh vielen, dass die Frau sie "nur" als "Freund" abspeichern... Ich rate dir: Versucher es mit PU und du wirst (und darauf würde ich wetten) nach kurzer Zeit gute weibliche Freunde haben... Vielleicht helf ich dir auch nicht, da ich dir grade nur beschreibe, wie du weibliche Freunde kriegst, eine beste Freundin, mit der du alles Teilen kannst und die dir hilft kriegt man nicht innerhalb von einer woche... lg PS: geh mal auf ein Lairtreffen und lass dir da von einem erfahrenerem PUAler erklären, wie du dein Game noch verbessern kannst... meistens hilft das sowieso mehr, als eine Frau zu fragen :D
  11. Ich glaube nicht, dass es Sinn macht, bei 0 sofort einen erfahreneren PUAler anzufordern... Wie itsmagic schon sagt würde ich erstmal zu einem Lairtreffen gehen und die ersten Schritte alleine zu machen... Ein lanjähriges Mitglied hier kann dir erst helfen, wenn du Misserfolge hast... Nichts kann man einfach nicht verbessern und darum mein Tipp: Suche niemanden, der dich "als Schützling aufnimmt" sondern Gleichgesinnte um erstmal deine ersten eigene Schritte zu machen ;) und dazu, dass noch Fragen aufkommen werden: Lass die Fragen erstmal aufkommen und dann werden mit Sicherheit Viele schon viel hilfsbereiter sein :) Nach einem Tag infield brauchst du keinen PUA ;D
  12. sind morgen schon etwas früher als üblich in Essen... 15:15 vor McDonalds ;)
  13. Ein kollege und ich sind am Samstag ab 14:15 in Essen unterwegs (vllt ziehn wir später noch weiter) wenn jemand lust hat mitzukommen - schreibt mir ne PN ;)
  14. sry wollt dir ne nachricht schicken und hab ausversehn gepostet :D war aber wieder n guter tag ;)
  15. Dann treff ich mich mit 2 Typen in Essen, wenn noch wer mitkommen will pn an mich
  16. Falls es dich tröstet: Das Problem hatte und hab ich auch öfters... Es ist richtig unangenehm weil man danach dann ewig auf der Toilette hockt und das Gefühl nichts rauslassen zu können fast schmerzlich ist. Ich kann mir irgendwie aber auch nicht vorstellen, dass das von Mutter Natur so gewollt ist :/
  17. wär gern dabei gewesen^^ arbeit nervt ;)
  18. Josh2010


    danke an Lebowski, und hinzu zufügen ist noch, dass das damit nichts zu tun hat, wie lange man hier ist und was man so tut etc. Du weißt ja nicht, was für ein Typ ich bin und vllt ist es auch so, wenn ich das Lair starte, dass keiner kommt. Mach es, oder lass es oder halte ausschau nach einem anderen Lair ;) Gruß, Ich wollte dich in keinster weise irgendwie angreifen ;) Dacht nur dass du das besser könntest als ein "Neuling" ich beschwer mich auch nicht über die aktuellen Standarte^^ Bin eh kein sehr aktives Mitglied hier (ich mach das nur alle 1-2 Monate zum ausgleich hätte aber auch leider keine Zeit sowas aktiv zu betreiben) also musst du mich auch nicht kennen^^ Nochmal sry wenn du oder Lebowski sich durch sowas aktiv angegriffen fühlen ;) LG Josh2010 lg
  19. Josh2010


    @ Liebespessimist Ich glaub da könntest du lieber was starten ;) du bist seit 2006 dabei und ich denk dass du da einer der erfahreneren bist^^ lg
  20. wow... solche threads findet man hier selten! Find ich super ;) Wird wahrscheinlich meine ganze PU-Einstellung ändern^^ Körbe sammeln-geile idee :D
  21. Ich bin heut spontan in Essen und Dortmund, wenn jemand mitkommen will schreibt mir einfach ne PN ;) Ich freu mich über Gesellschaft lg JoshTwentyTen edit: bin bis 20:00 wahrscheinlich da!
  22. 237 seiten schwachsinn... wow! wieso interessiert euch das? geht doch raus und macht das beste aus euch! Is doch egal ob über oder untergewicht schöner ist... geht allesamt ins fitnessstudio und werdet muskulös...