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  1. Hi!! Es gibt Leute, die Schwierigkeiten haben Shit Tests mit verbalen IODs (Indicators of Desinterest) zu unterscheiden. Ich möchte hier gern meinen Beitrag über das Thema, den ich in einem anderen Forum gepostet habe (auf Englisch), hier wiederposten, im Falle es jemandem weiterhilft: Ok, I hope this helps you: Shit tests: Every time you interact with someone you are projecting an identity and defining your value relative to the value of that person and to that of others When interacting with a girl she wants to know if you really are what you are projecting to be. And if you really are that high value guy she also (usually) wants to know if prince charming will stick around after banging her. Thus, shit tests are frame wars where she is testing how strong your frame is to test you for: -congruence -genuineness Some examples from out of my head: -"Do you have a girlfriend?" -"I don't like your hair cut" -"Was that a pickup line?" -"Are you one of those weird guys from the VH1 show?" -Making demands like "Take off your hat"," Stand up", "Wait here" to see how you react to them -Making fun or talking bad about your friends -Trying to make yourself qualify to her by asking you things like "Do you go to the gym?", "What car do you drive?" or "I hate liars.Do you lie?" -"You have got something on your back" -"Is that parfume?" -"Did you shower today?" -"Did you just fart?" -"Do you want a need it." -Any kind of verbal harsh IOD when calibrated nonverbally to make it friendlier/more positive (for example with a smile or kino or voice tone that sound joking) -Basically when she tries to tool you -Everytime she gives IOIs that don't seem genuine like "You are hot", "I like you", "I want to kiss you" "Do you want to make out with my friend?, she is hot." "Perhaps you get lucky tonight." "How many girlfriends have you had?" "Are you virgin?" "Are you seeing someone?" "Are you a player?" -Telling you a joke that isn't funny to see haow much you laugh -Purposely saying "I can't hear you" to make you lean in -Asking "What?" all the time to see if you will repeat everything to her Verbal IODs, on the contrary, happen either because of -Anti-Slut Defense (you escalating too fast or not smooth enough to be ready) -Because she isn't attracted to you (BT&A not high enough) to comply to your direction/compliance request Examples: -Everytime a girl tells you she wants to end the interaction in a genuine way like "I really reallly have to go back to my friends now" "I really don't want to talk to a guy right now." "I think your friends are missing you. You should go back to them." -When she replies with short sentences to try to end the conversation -Any shit test from above when accompained with other obvious nonverball IODs -Any kind of insult that isn't calibrated nonverbally to be either a joke or a shit test. ~ares~
  2. Also ich muss sagen der Glücksfaktor war bei der Lay ziemlich hoch. Zum einen , weil die Sarge auf Englisch war. Auf Englisch/Spanisch gehts mehr oder weniger, auf Deutsch gehts bei mir aber noch ziemlich schlechter. Ich vermute, weil ich hauptsächlich Deutsch in der Uni rede, so dass ich mich dann immer in einem "logischen" Mindset und nicht richtig in state bin. Ich hoffe dies gleicht sich bald aus. Zum anderen waren die Freunde überhaupt kein Problem, eher ein Vorteil, und ich kann zugestehen, dass die Schwedin vermutlich einen "gut englischredenden Südländer" diese Nacht abkriegen wollte. Ich hab auch bei der Lay mehrere Fehler gemacht, aber ich bin insgesammt sehr zufrieden weil ich noch relativ ein Anfänger bin. Das Buch ist das "Get the Girl" Buch. Ist hauptsächlich MM, nur halt ein etwas anders und gemixt mit anderen Sachen. Ich fands hilfreich, hängt natürlich auch ab was man schon hat usw. Ich geh jetzt in Ferien, ich hoffe bald mehr LRs zu schreiben.
  3. Ich wollte hier mal meine LR posten. Obwohl sie auf Englisch ist, denke ich dass sie einige von euch vielleicht was bringen könnte. Die Sarge war auch auf Englisch (obwohl in München). Zur LR: Meine LR ist als die neueste Newsletter von Mehow verschickt worden(!), was ich super cool finde. Mehow ist einer der weltbesten PUAs. Ich hab auch für euch die Kommentare von Mehow drin gelassen, wie sie in der Newsletter erscheinen: LR: Seducing a Swedish 10 I'm very excited to write this, it is my first FR. Mainly because it is the first worth mentioning and because I didn't drink any alcohol that day, so that I could remember the most important details about the sarge. --- Begin LR --- (mehow note: this is a textbook sarge, with very few errors, mad respect to him for applying my stuff so quickly. btw, we obtained the student's permission to repost) I went solo sarging (mehow note: solo sarging will make you far better, mix it with practicing with a wing) to a venue which is near to my place. There was an international party going on in there. Venue is good for sarging, because it has outdoor areas. I was pretty out of state at first, mainly because I hadn't talked to anyone in hours. I was totally in my head. I did two warm up sets (mostly groups of HB7s), opening with "Heeyyy", high-fiving them and just vibing a bit with them to try to get me into state. This got me a little bit more in the moment and outside of my head. I then walked into the outdoor area, where the real action should start. Near the bar I spotted a 5 set: Very cute HB10 (tall, blond, good body,perfect face), a brunette HB8, a super hot 10 guy (he was a copy of David Beckham) and two other older dudes. I wasn't really totally in state at that point, but specially both girls seemed to have a friendly vibe going, so that I forced myself to get into an "i don't give shit" indifference frame and go in right away. I opened direct to group with my favourite opener: Me:"You guys seem fun, I had to come over and say hi!" The girls responded well to it with: "Hey,how are you!",or something similar. I didn't really notice how the guys responded, both girls responded to it more or less with the same enthusiasm. I teased my target (my target was the HB10) right away with one of mehow's love/heat teases. They laughed. The cute guy laughed the loudest (mehow note: this guys is a probably a natural, they do the 'laugh loud' trick to try to steal your frame alot). The other two dudes I noticed were totally ignoring me. I made sure to kino ping the two girls and the cute guy while delivering the FTC: "I have to go in a second, my friends are here." I quickly transitioned into a Future Projection (The Intergalactic Space Princess). My delivery was good, and I made sure to kino ping both girls casually while delivering it. (mehow note, Ares is pinging the guys and girls that are paying attention to him, but ignoring the guys the girls are ignoring, perfect) I ended the projection having both of the girls clawed by their waists. Up to this point everything was going fine, except for the other two dudes talking to each other, and totally ignoring me (mehow note, this is fine you are blowing them out, when the women ignore them you can ignore them too). HB10 asked me my name (IOI) and I introduced myself to the three, making sure to also kino the friendly guy casually. There was some vibing going on, and I continued asking them: "How do you guys know each other?" (mehow note, one subtle improvement would be to use the 'guess' technique I teach in Chapter 5 when she asked your name) At this point it was more than clear that the other two guys had opened the set and were losing it by the time I opened. Too bad for them. They were all exchange students and they knew themselves from college. My target's name was Karina, from Sweden, and I will refer to her by her name from now on. HB8 was French and the cute guy from Ireland. I continued with the 3-7 PureKino "Maybe you guys have psychic powers together." I did it pretty well, getting kino and compliance going. The hot guy and the french girl had the number 3, Karina had number 4. It is actually the first time for me that they didn't all have number 3, but I used this to my advantage by teasing Karina with: "Haha, you are a total dork" while hugging her. (mehow note, sweet opposed kino) What was cool is that the cute guy started talking with the French girl, so that I had mini isolation with Karina. I asked her a qualifying question that led into a funny FAP. She enjoyed it, I was in. I made sure to alternate touching her and letting go, and I ended the projection having my arm into hers (it is supposed to end like that). It was time to isolate, it was really time to lock in (I couldn't before, as there was nothing to lean against). I said the default: "I want to talk for you for a sec, lets sit down somewhere." (mehow note, the false time constraint on the move is deliberate on Ares part) Her:"Ok. I'm thirsty, I want to get something to drink there." I was somewhat surprised by the answer. I told her friends:"We'll be right back." They didn't seem to care too much. The bar was near, and she tried to order stuff. Her back was facing me (bad). There wasn't really place for both of us to be there, but I was afraid that things could go cold. I tried to not lose state, touched her shoulder and said: "Cool. Are you inviting me?", with a big smile (playful). (mehow note, this was a bit weak - it invited a mild shit test below. a better thing to do here would be to open another girl right there at the bar while your girl is getting you a drink. then when she is done at the bar and she re-opens you she will be jealous) She replied with something like: "I thought it was the guys that should invite." It was apparent that she wasn't being serious, either. I was lucky that some people were done ordering so that I could get into a comfortable position next to her. I didn't think it was actually a demand from her. Either way, I replied with: "Ok. You buy me a drink you think I like and I buy you a drink I think you like." (mehow note, nice textbook recovery) This turned out to be a good move, as we shared a few laughs with it. She got me a beer, I got her a cola. She ended up drinking the beer, I ended up drinking the cola. After getting the drinks I took her hand and led her to find some cool place to sit down and talk. I didn't notice her friends anymore, they wouldn't be a problem. On our way through the venue we saw a female acquaintance of mine. I didn't really want to talk to her, but it was a cool opportunity demonstrate what a cool social guy I am. Although in terms of looks she couldn't compete with my Swedish angel, I gave her all of my attention and I definitely noticed some jealousy building up. At one point, my acquaintance asked: "How do you know each other?" Me: "This is my dear cousin from Stockholm." At that point I couldn't come up with anything better to say. After that we finally found a comfortable place to sit. Good that the place was somewhat further away from were most people were, so that we had more intimacy. We sat quite close to each other and I started asking qualifying questions, which led to interleaved grounding stories. She always wanted to be a dentist from a very young age, and that's what she was studying for (weird,huh?). Most girls tell me they wanted to be either princesses or actresses. I kept the kino casual for now and tried to calibrate everything into "Chasing Cycles", as outlined in Mehow's book. Comfort was always a big sticking point for me, as I always used to lose the girls after qualifying them. I'm still trying to implement the cycles correctly, but for now they are already giving me more consistency, making me able to get more compliance and comfort faster, while keeping the attraction hot. I moved in closer and umped the kino a little bit. I made sure to keep her talking and talking. I then told some cool stories, with lots of embedded DHVs in them. My delivery was ok. When I was telling her one of my favourite stories about something that happened to me on the beach swimming naked at night, suddenly some dude appeared out of nowhere. Another exchange student, this one from Liverpool. Short younger guy, seemed to know her well. I really had to push myself to be emotionally unaffected by this interrupt, as I was really in the moment and enjoying myself with her. What was weird is that she actually moved away a little bit from me when the guy came. Even more weird is that he guy started to ask me rapport questions, like: "How long have you lived here?", "What are your favourite sports?",etc. The guy was ruining everything, as he was making me qualify myself to him. And I was revealing too much stuff that I wanted to tell her appropriately in private. I tried to keep my answers short, while trying to be cool with the guy, as she was cool with him. Fortunately, the guy ended up leaving, but when he left we sat like half a meter away from each other. (mehow note, ok calibration. him asking you questions was him beta-ing himself to you. you blew him out by being non reactive. a better way to handle this would be to use the 'new person enters set' handler when he came in, then dominate the frame, then move the girl to another location. with the improved way i'm suggesting you would have more control. if this guy had any game you would be in trouble. fortunately for us, they hardly ever do.) I stacked into completely another thread, not going back to the previous one (I learned the benefits of this the hard way), about some stories when I was exchange student myself etc. When her BT&A was higher again I told her: "Come here". She came closer again, I put my arm around her for just a few seconds, then I let go. This got me proximity kino again. After some vibing she told me she was going to visit another city in a few days (exchange students travel a lot). I was going on vacation a week after that. This was not cool at all, as she was really cool and I was starting to admire her. Luckily, I hadn't gone for a number close before (which I normally do around that time). I was going to have to go for it that same night. She then began talking about sports, and how she does karate (quite advanced actually). I noticed to myself that cavemanning her could be dangerous indeed. I asked her about her competitions, and I sneaked in Mystery's "You are feisty. I love you, come here!" and hugged her. I love that line and always have to throw it in somehow. No mentionable shit tests up to this point. She asked once about my friends (I had mentioned them in my FTC), I just told her they had met some people from their school and that they wouldn't be missing me. I wouldn't even describe this as being a shit test. After some more vibing, I complimented her on her energy and on her positive outlook, making sure to calibrate everything correctly into the cycles. And I also made sure to totally blow off one of her qualifications. She's into hip hop music, and I'm totally not into it. I busted her balls a bit about this. I took her hand to escalate mini kino, but she suddenly took her hand away(IOD). Ouch! I stopped the kino, while looking away a bit and continuing talking as if nothing had happened (this is actually easier said than done). (mehow note - Ares, this is perfect handling btw) I then went into my vulnerability story, which was a good move to make. She complied to the hand holding the next time I tried while I was telling the story. I moved her hand a bit for five seconds, then let go. Rapport deepened and she started telling me some deep stuff about her relationship with her friends and family and so on. She seemed to trust me a lot at this point. The next time I held her hand I transitioned into palm reading. I find palmistry interesting, so that I look quite interested while doing it, which I think is key. I got a little bit distracted though, as touching her hand was actually turning me on. Every now and then it was even difficult for me to keep good eye contact with her. Not ever having had a girl of that beauty so near to me made it more difficult for me to relax and be completely chill than usual. She was totally fascinated by the palm read. I always think that women should be tired of guys doing palm reads to them by now, but to my surprise every girl tells me it is the first time a guy does it to them. After the palm read I did the soul gazing routine on her. She asked me how I knew about this, I told her I'm into Tantra stuff. I was now officially the coolest guy she had ever met. From now on it was just vibing about I don't remember what. Kino was escalating fast and I kissed her on her cheek a few times (one of which was semi on the lips). At one point when we were very very close to each other we just started making out. As far as I can remember, it was her who started the move, but I'm not quite sure. I know that kissing in clubs is not ideal, but I had to close the deal that night (mehow note, if you are doing a 'same night pull' then the makeout is good). I forced myself to be the one ending the makeout (this was a very hard thing to do). The makeout lasted about 30s. It was getting late. Shortly after that I eventually had the balls to finally tell her to come home with me: "I want you to come home with me. I want to show you my fish". (I had already told her about my fish). She complied. We quickly left the venue. Her friends had long disappeared, my place was 5min away. Logistics were perfect this time. I didn't know what to talk about. We just vibed a little bit more. None of us was very talkative at this point. I was afraid of things going cold, although I had my hand on her waist and she had her hand on mine. It turned out to be the calm before the storm. When we got home she told me she had to go to the bathroom. She literally spent 5 minutes in the bathroom! The longest 5 minutes of my life. I didn't know what to do and was a little bit worried about potential LMR. I tried to keep my cool. When she came out she checked out the fish, which is close to my bed. She told me how cute the fish is (the fish is actually very ugly). I was horny, and I just came to her from behind, holding her with my hands firmly. I started to kiss her neck, and what came next is history:). She was pretty good in bed. It was like banging a model. I was so afraid of coming too fast that I lasted pretty long. We spent the whole next day together in my place, like a happy couple. We cooked for lunch together, watched a few DVDs and enjoyed putting my Kamasutra book into practice. It was a very cool experience. It's sad that she has to go back to Sweden, as she was a very cool potential LTR. (mehow note, game her on the phone, no reason not to see her again, perfect MLTR due to the logistics) I'm confident that one day I will be able to be in a relationship with such a cool girl. In the meantime, I will just have fun trying to find her. I made sure to get her MSN so we will keep being in contact. That was my first FR (mehow, your first FR was actually a LR!!). I'm going on holiday and I hope I will be able to post more LRs soon. I hope you enjoyed it. Keys to the lay: -Being in the moment and having a positive vibe -Opening direct to group, making sure my energy was a bit higher than theirs -Giving attitude -Not appearing needy or attached to the outcome -Doing kino pinging -Doing a PureKino routine and future projections -Being happy but chill at the same time, not moving around too much -Being emotionally unreactive (or at least trying to be) to contingencies -Stacking into a different thread after interrupts kept my value high -Being chill and having decent tonality in comfort -Vibing and being cool and normal -Using interleaved grounding stories, other DHV stories and a vulnerability story -Always having proximity kino and escalating mini kino non stop -Calibrating everything into Chasing Cycles, amplifying BT&A high in comfort -Palm reading and soul gazing routines -And most importantly, enjoying myself all the time (mehow note: this is textbook game. this is not a fluke. I was thrilled to see this LR because Ares went through and applied everything in the book nearly perfectly. at some point I'll take some of the LRs we're getting and do a breakdown by chapter. it took me years to figure this stuff out but once I got it then this sort of thing was my daily reality. it's been the daily reality of my bootcamp students for a year now. it was awesome to see a new student apply the GTG! book so quickly - he had it for a week and change and then went out and this happened. respect to Ares and I'm 100% sure we will see more LRs from him. Ares Got the Girl!). --- End LR --- -Ares-