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06/16/2012 Presynced. For some reason this was really quiet tonight, certainly not as busy as on bootcamp night. I think I managed to do 13 sets tonight in a 3h period. I had one girl I was talking to fairly long, and made out with in the end. I opened her by saying “romance!”. She didn't understand. I told her “Just come here for a sec and we'll share some deep romance”. With that I got her to get up and we walked to the fire place. I started a major role-play of how we had a good time and if she liked the sunset and fire, and she pretty much snapped right into it. So we did that for somewhat 10 minutes when Radical showed up and started to sneak her away from me. As usual it was a little bit too much, but generally super fun for her. He's now done this so many times to my sets, that tonight, I finally felt like I wasn't just reacting. Anyway, after a while, I got her back to focus on me and shortly after started kissing her. At that point I actually knew nothing about her, not even her name, so I decided to take the role-play back a notch and properly introduced myself. She was not hot enough to fuck but cute enough to make out with, so I figured to just talk to her until we make out, and then drop her. She was a little shy at first, but I told her we've been through so much together and I want a proper goodbye make-out. So after some weak resistance on her part, we started making out. I then eject. Radical actually saw her again later and apparently she said she lost me and she wanted him to text me to get me to come. Another interesting set was a 55 year old woman who I just started talking to after I saw the bouncer running into her and nearly smashing her into the wall. I think this was really gold for practicing self-amusement and I had a quick fun chat with her.
06/15/2012 After waiting in line for 2h we finally get in around 12:30 and it's packed. So many hot girls. I randomly do a couple of sets, and end up talking to Charlotte. She's there with her friends but after a while Radical comes in and wings me on the friend. Soon we separate and I see them starting to make out against the wall. I was still talking to my girl but after a bit I start making out with her as well. I remembered my lesson from Tuesday night and pulled back two times to talk a little bit more serious and actually get to know her. After 10 minutes of this I decide that I should move her around a bit. I take her hand and tell her to come downstairs with me. She looks at her friend making out with Radical, I tell her we'll be back in 5 minutes (yeah right :P) and get her to come downstairs with me. Downstairs pretty much same routine, making out, talking, making out. She blocks any of my attempts to finger her. After a bit she receives a text message from her friend and tells me she has to find her. I tell her ok, I wanted to get some more reference experiences anyways. I take her number and move on. This one girl I walk up to and say utter nonsense in her ear, leaving her with a “wtf” expression and turned my back on her. Then she actually spilled her water in my neck which came as a shocking surprise to me since I just talked to her for like 20 sec. That incident snapped me out of state a little bit and I was the one walking around like wtf! Another set I would like to mention was a girl I accidentally ran into. I immediately became physical and started talking bullshit. I then told her that I'm really shy, and that she's the first girl that I talked to that night, but that I think she's the one. She calls me out on it and I just burst into laughter. Then she tells me she has a boyfriend. I tell her I never kissed a girl before. Her reaction was pretty funny. I tell her that I never lie. Right before she leaves, she kisses me hahaha. Anyway, I do a couple of more sets, but there's less and less people standing around, and most of them are on the dance floor. We decide to bounce and grab a cab back home. Just for fun I start texting Charlotte, and try to get her to come over to my place. I didn't really intend to fuck her, but bj would've been fine. She texts back she can't tonight.
06/13/2012 Yesterday we ended up going to a strip club, since they didn't charge any cover that night. It was very interesting to see everything reversed. We got approached by the girls, and they tried to lure us into giving us a dance. I noticed that all of them used physical leading and that it was hard to resist to go with them. The also have a very strong frame as they always want to give you a dance (obviously that's their work and they wanna make money of off you). So it's really hard to get a dent into her reality. Eventually we tried the double penetration technique, which is both of us yelling random shit in each of her ear to pump buying temperature and get a dent in her wall of politeness. The first stripper didn't really know how to react and I think we got at least a scratch on the surface, the second one tho blocked completely and said we were giving her a headache hahaha. Lots of fun. Hawthorn. Like every Tuesday. This place is probably one of my favorite places here in Melbourne now. We arrived 10:30, knowing that the window of opportunity is only 1:30h. It takes me a little bit to start approaching as I'm standing outside and most people are inside. Eventually tho I get started and do a couple of sets. What I can take from tonight, is being a little bit more real. At the moment my biggest focus is on being self-amused as I truly believe that it holds the key to putting a lot of RSD concepts into practice. Today I realized that I should've taken it a little bit more easy with one girl I was talking to close to the end which was pretty hot. But even tho I talked to her for 5-10 minutes, I couldn't write anything down about her but her name and age. I also believe I could've done more push as opposed to being too neutral throughout the conversation. This whole self-amusement thing is really interesting as a lot of times when I think something is absurd or funny and I don't need her to laugh at it, the girl will laugh so bad and have so much fun, that it puts me in danger of needing her to laugh because obviously, when both of us are laughing, we're just having more and more fun and who doesn't want that to continue. I also noticed today that if she's laughing so hard (and I mean like literally laughing her ass off) it leads to not being pushy enough which makes establishing the buyer frame more complicated.
06/11/2012 Tonight all over the place. I can't remember how many sets I did, but there were two interesting ones. First one was a girl that I didn't knew from before. She was with two friends, which I pretty much ignored. Her body was not as lean as I would've liked but her face was really cute so I figured for reference experiences sake I should go for the make-out. So I hit her up with all the shit in my head and she is just loving it and fully reacting to me. After a bit of that I danced slowly with her and told her that we're an 80 year old couple who's having their last dance before they die. Then I tell her to give me the last kiss. She tells me she's not that kind of girl. I try. She doesn't let me. Good, different angle. I pull back slightly and pretend I'm getting something out of my pocket. Then I tell her to close her eyes as it is a surprise. She hesitates, then actually closes her eyes. I kiss her, pull back and laugh about it. But I want the make-out, so I pull back again and tell her that this was shitty. Again, she doesn't let me kiss her. I tell her how about a 4th grade kiss, close my eyes and pucker my lips. We do the little kiss but not more. I can't think of any other angles to try so I let her go. One thing Julien used a lot in the hot seat was “it doesn't count as sex”. Next time. The other set was a drunk girl that I facebook closed like 5 months ago and never really followed up on. She was with a friend and two guys. As soon as I go to her booth and she sees me, she frantically calls me and tries to get to me. Good reaction, but soon I realize she's at that point of drunk where her attention span is even less than a second and she's just all over the place. Very hard to keep her RAS focused on me. I don't really wanna try too hard either. She yells something about getting a drink with her (unattractive) friend at the bar so I let her leave and wait for a bit for her to come back. Bam, she's gone. I search the venue but can't find her so I take off. Lesson learned, next time I take her number sooner so I can at least text her. Now, sitting at home, I actually saw that she messaged me on facebook like an hour ago saying that she came back to look for me but I was gone. Well, maybe another time. Today was really good in terms of freedom from outcome. Self-amusement is so important for that. Can't stress it enough. Still, I can't let myself get too comfortable with what I'm doing or where I'm at...
06/10/2012 Tonight chapel st. I don't remember how many sets I did tonight, but I got quiet a few new reference experiences. One set stood out though. It would probably be the closest I could get to “Julien-game” so far. The girl was hot, awesome body and I was buying. When I opened her she was with a guy next to her. I can't actually remember what I used to open her, but my very next move was the hand of god. The guy stopped talking to her, probably thinking that she's gonna blow me off in a second. Chode hahaha. Anyway, after a while he disappears and sits down with some of her friends. All throughout that I was talking nonsense to her and practiced self-amusement. Things like her: where are you from? You have an accent? Me: the ocean her: what? Me: (serious) Yeah, the ocean, before I hit puberty I was actually able to breath under water...my parents are sharks. her: wtf?! (in a good way) Just shit like that, which was super hilarious to me. In between I would say stuff like “I think you're the one”, “I love you”, “I hate you”, just to get her reacting to me. Now while I was saying this romantic shit, I was always close to her, holding her waist and touching her, always keeping good eye contact. After a while the dude rocks up and I immediately try to befriend him to which he simply replied “don't touch me”. He was way to aggressive and was asking the girl whether she was ok, but at that point I already had her hooked and she was defending me. “No it's ok, I'm fine. No really, he's really nice. Yes, I'm good, I'm ok”, which was pretty cool. After that she asked me for my facebook but I wanted to take her number instead so I told her “give me your number on the side, so your friends can't see”. She actually told me she would like to kiss me but she can't because of her friends. I told her I wanted to talk to her a little bit more, cause she seems like a really cool person, but was aware that I couldn't just drag her away, as the guy was always watching us from the couch. Like literally, I was keeping an eye on him with my peripheral vision at all times and saw him consistently turning his head towards us. Now after talking to the chick a little bit longer, even to a chode like him it must have been clear that she was super into me. I told her, I'm gonna leave, and she should just wait 2 minutes and then follow me and meet me at the other side of the room, so her friends won't notice, but she just told me “yeah”, but if she can't make it “I have her number and should call her”. I tried to persist and get her to commit to following me, but before I could try yet another angle, the guy rolled up and dragged her away. I should've acted faster to get her to meet me in front of the bathroom. If logistics would have been good for her, I would've pulled her right then and there but I didn't think that they guy was gonna freak out like that. Fun times though
Friday, June 8, 2012 So. A lot happened. I pretty much didn't go out 2011 and traveled and worked instead. Then in November, I moved to Melbourne, Australia. After the RSD free tour, me and Radical started going out 3-4 nights per week to get back into it. And it wasn't so bad. Got some make-outs, some numbers, but no lays. I was pretty much back to where I was after my 3 months of going at it in Vancouver. It got a little better, but then it got worse. During January, I did less and less approaches. It wasn't so much of a approach anxiety, but more of a approach lazyness and rejection anxiety. I was getting comfortable with my results and built an ego around that. Of course I didn't wanna disappoint my ego, so slowly regressed my approaches. When you're not approaching, pick up isn't fun most of the time, so going down this horrible spiral, going out actually became more and more a chore to me, until I stopped almost completely going out for February and March. I got laid in between once, but that was a fluke and I wouldn't actually call it a proper pick up. Things then changed again mid April when I watched an RSD video about fine tuning momentum. The idea of momentum was always present in my mind, yet I never really applied it. Same thing with pulling. I knew that at some point in the interaction I had to go for the pull/lead more, yet it took 4 months for me to actually do it. So me and my roommate started going out again 4 nights per week and focused on the basics again, approaching and building momentum, which made going out fun again. So 6 weeks in I get a call from a good friend of mine, who was an RSD intern last year. He told me that Julien was coming to Melbourne for bootcamp and hot seat, and that he still needed a place to crash. After a few exchanges with RSD the deal was set. He was staying at our place for 10 days and we were getting a discount on bootcamp and hot seat. Sweet. He left two days ago and my game is pretty much turned around 180 degrees now. I thought my sticking point was pulling, but I had no idea what I was actually doing wrong all the time. It helps tremendously to actually see someone good at this live in field. Combined with the hot seat this whole thing was an amazing experience. I can't even begin to describe how solid this guy is, and probably the biggest things I took away from the 10 days were self-amusement, getting the girl reacting to you, becoming the buyer, trying different angles and not looking at external results but at how many quality reference experiences you can gather. Now it's time to densify these beliefs. Currently on a 30 day challenge, but will probably go 60 days till I leave Melbourne and go back to Germany.
Hier das Interview von Ben Affleck und Anne-Marie Losique, enjoy!
weil mein Sandwichmaker heute kaputt gegangen ist...
29/12/2010 Parktheater. Komisches Gefuehl nachso langer Zeit nicht weggehen mal wieder richtig in guter alter Manier unter die Leute zu kommen. Schlange wie gewohnt Mittwochs super lang, allerdings waren wir rechtzeitig da (nicht so wie letzte Woche ha!) und deswegen auch kein Problem reinzukommen. Die erste Stunde hab ich mich dann erstmal mit Leuten unterhalten die ich schon n paar Monate lang nicht mehr gesehen habe...Es gab n paar Maedels von der Sorte man hat sich schon 4-5 mal gesehen und kennt sich auch bei Namen, aber man hat sich nie richtig miteinander unterhalten. Also hab ich mir gedacht na das sind natuerlich super warm-up sets um wieder reinzukommen. Das witzige war das ich eigentlich nicht aus war mit einer von denen rumzumachen (persoenliche Gruende) aber ich die Ganze Zeit irgenwie das Gefuehl der Ueberlegenheit hatte. Ich konnt irgendwie die ganze Zeit waehrend ich mich so unterhalten hab nur dran denken wie es so waere sie zu voegeln, und ich denk mal das war dann auch das was der Unterhaltung dann nen ganz anderen Vibe gegeben hat.. Ich wusste ehrlich gesagt eh nicht so recht was ich von heute Nacht erwarten sollte. Das erste mal gamen auf Deutsch...hab ja schon ab und an mal Deutsche Maedels in Kanada gesehen, aber da war das dann immer ein wenig komisch weil ich versucht hab die englischen lines auf Deutsch zu uebersetzten, was natuerlich sich kacke dann angehoert hat. Ich muss sagen mir kommt bisher game in englisch einfach n bisschen mehr smooth vor. Einfach so sachen wie “Hey you have cute hair”, sowas kann man einfach nicht so gut im Deutschen sagen mit der gleichen Bedeutung “du hast suesses Haar” ? Wohl kaum... aber auch du hast schoenes oder sonstiges Haar passt einfach nicht wirklich. Naja, vlt. Liegt das aber auch nur daran dass ich wohl noch nicht so wirklich warm bin mit deutschem game. Ich war dann allerdings doch froh festzustellen dass ich eigentlich nicht so wirklich approach anxiety hatte...gut, so viel hab ich dann auch wieder nicht gemacht den Abend aber hier und da n paar Komplimente zum aufwaehrmen verteilt, das erwaehnenswerteste waer wohl eine gewesen die mich gefragt hat ob ich schwul waer, und diese Gelegenheit liebe ich immer, die hab ich dann gleich umarmt und gesagt “ja wieso”. Sie hat dann noch irgendwas geantwortet aber ich hab sie einfach weg von ihren Freunden richtung Tanzflaeche gedraengt und die ganze Zeit gesagt, es ist okay, es ist okay, Ich bin schwul, mach dir keine Sorgen...waehrenddessen aber dann mehr und mehr Kino (an Arsch gefasst etc.). Hab dann kurz mit ihr getanzt bis sie dann aber wirklich iwi zu Ihren Freunden zurueckwollte, beim naechsten mal muss ich einfach hartnaeckiger sein, ich hab ja gesehen dass es ihr gefallen hat, je hartnaeckiger man dann ist umso besser, dann haben Sie gleich ne Ausrede gegenueber Ihren Freunden “ja aber er hat mich doch nicht gelassen”. Ansonsten wurd ich noch spaeter auf der Tanzflaeche von einer geopened die ich vorher selber schon aus der Ferne non-verbally geopened habe, sie hat sich dann allerdings als doch nicht so heiss herausgestellt. Alles in allem lustiger Abend.
gut gut gut, sehr unterhaltsamer FR.
haha awesome! geiler FR, hat bock gemacht den zu lesen...
Wenn ich nen Studienplatz krieg naechstes Jahr in Wien werd ich hier definitiv nochmal reinschauen und gucken ob Zimmer frei sind...ansonsten gutes Gelingen mit Projekt Wien!
Irgendwer naeher am Bodensee der mal weggehen will pm an mich...