Hallo, In Jena habe ich eine Liste von selbstueberzeugung behandelt deren mann als PUA sich eigen machen und ausstrahlen sollte. Verschiedene PUAs habe mich gefragt diese mal aufs board zo posten. Also... //Sarge on! Artorius (Der grosste von die 3 Hollaender) Affirmations – Beliefs to project: Link to yourself: 1. This is me 2. I know what drives me and what hurts me 3. I know the strengths of my spirit, I know for what things I need to find solutions 4. I am here now and I am real 5. I am comfortable in my own skin in every situation 6. I put myself in my life first 7. I have, I create and I maintain a detailed map and image of what is going on in this world out there 8. I know where I am and I am indifferent to the outcome of singular events 9. I know my own standards and I comply to them 10. I am comfortable with my own views Link to others: 1. I am a strong and confident person and communicator 2. I use my powers for me, others should deserve it (I am not needy) 3. I am in control of my emotional self; I am stable in all outside events 4. Symbols and status impress needy people, not me 5. Me, my time and my property need to be respected by others 6. I am self-conscious; critique from others is weighed on its value and possibly thrown away 7. I am a cause in the world, not an effect: I make things happen 8. Welcome to my reality, you have a guest account Link to women: 1. Woman are fascinating creatures: every woman has a unique story and they deserve my curiosity 2. I deserve, can score and hold an exceptional woman 3. Woman use sexual power to manipulate and get privileges from frustrated men, not from me 4. Sex is plenty: unexpected opportunity to sex is nice but not more 5. Woman enjoy sex as much as men do, but need to conceal this sex drive 6. I understand the culture and the challenges of woman in respect to man 7. I can deal with any test a woman throws at me; it is cute they try to test me 8. I can hold back when I choose and delay gratification 9. I am the best thing that can happen to a woman in a long time