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Über Skyisthelimit

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  1. Hey verehrte Pickupper, Ich hab einen kleinen Bericht über die Erlebnisse des gestrigen Tages geschrieben: Eingeladen wurde ich von Robert zum Sontagssarging, dort hab ich Daniel und noch einen Buddy kennengelernt, wir sind sofort mit zweiteren Pickuppen gegangen. Wir machten ein paar Approaches, hier und da, und das war auch okay so um reinzukommen. Wir waren erstmal fertig dann, und ich hatte ein bischen Zeit geblowt. Daniel meinte dann, dass es noch ein Lair Treffen gäbe, und ich meinte klar - ich bin dabei! Gesagt getan, waren wir danach um 18 Uhr am Starbucks an den Häckeschen Märkten. Dort hab ich dann Hans Berlin und Gaffar und noch 6 weitere Jungs kennengelernt. Es gab 3 Regeln: - Еs wird nicht geamogged - Еs werden die Maedchen nicht runtergemacht - Der der Set oeffnet, darf seine Bichj auswaehlens Es wurde nicht viel geschnackt, sondern es ging straight ans Pickuppen, wir teilten uns in 2er Wings auf, und wurden in nähere Umgebung losgeschickt, mit dem Hinweis, dass wir uns nach einer Stunde treffen um dann gegenseitig zu besprechen, wie wir an manchen Stellen hätten weiterkommen können in den sets. Ich ging mit meinen neugewonnen Homie Daniel los, der übrigen seinen ersten Tag hatte, und mit 4 Numbercloses wohl einen sehr gelungenen Start in die Pick Up Community hatte, und wohl das alleroriginellste magische Amulett aus Legosteinen hatte. Wir machten ein paar sets, yadiyada, es standen 3 Mädchen an einem Bank Automaten, etwas älter. Daniel merkte, ich checkte die eine aus, und meinte geh direkt. Bin ich auch reingegangen und das Set blowte, ich war dafür aber etwas mehr aus dem SkyyStiffled Mode raus, und so ging es weiter, ein, zwei Sets, Dann flüsterte mir Daniel zu ich solle die mit den weissen Hosen directen, während er selber zu einer anderen bichj ging, ich dachte sie wäre amerikanerin, war aber holländerin, war ein ganz hübsches mädchen, auf einmal waren nur Mama und Papa da und zogen sie sichtlich unerfreut mit einem Punk wie mir zu reden mit sich HAHA ;) Bei der Besprechung musste ich leider mein Netbook aufladen und meine Mitfahrgelegenheit nach Bremen einstellen, also bekamm ich nichts von mit. Auf dem Weg machten Hans und Gaffar ein Set und nahmen sie mit, was die ganze Gruppe beeindruckte, haben sie numbergeclosed? Wir teilten uns wieder auf, und ich ging mit Hans Freund aus dem Schwarzwald los. Er blowte ein Set, ich machte eins auf, yadi yada, dann machte SchwarzwaldHomie 2 Franzosinnen auf, die ganz hübsch waren. Sie meinte sofort, ihr könnt mit uns mitkommen, ich wusste nicht, wie Schwarzwald reagieren würde, ich meinte nur, sag einfach ja, was er auch machte und schon sassen wir am Tisch mit 8 Franzosinninen die auch ganz angenehm aussahen. Das Set war scheisse gegamed von mir, aber was solls, ich sollte ja auch ein paar positive Referenzerfahrungen nach meiner Halbjaehrigen, Pickupabstinenz aufbauen wollen, ohne polarisierend zu sein. Wir nahmen dann die Mädchen zu den anderen Jungs mit und nach einem kleinen Gespräch verblieben wir dabei, dass sie erstmal zu Mc**** gehen und uns eventuell später joinen. Die Mädchen waren weg, der Abend ging weiter - Und zwar im - einer sehr gelungenen orientalischen Shishabar mit überchilligem Vibe. Nachdem wir ein paar Köpfe getrunken und ein paar Cocktails geraucht hatten, [ ich nicht ], gingen wir zu einer Underground Disco. Dort gingen Gaffar, Hans, und die beiden anderen Homies richtig ab. Ich hatte immer diese Typen in der Disco gesehen, die reinkommen, einfach richtig abgehen und dann mit jedem Mädchen in Reichweite tanzen, jetzt war ich mit dabei. Gaffar und Hans hatten einfach so gute Stimmung, dass das auf mich selber übertragen wurde, und ich auch anfing, dass ich sehr unstifled tanzte ( kann mal bitte jemand ein deutschtes Wort für unstifled kreieren? Unstifled ist das Gegenteil von verklemmt, gehemmt im Sinne von wie man sich fühlt und gibt ), also deren Attitüde auf mich übertrug. Die Jungs waren so cool drauf, dass sie mit jedem Mädchen in dem Club tanzten und ich meine wirklich jedes Mädchen, und hatte ich schon gesagt, dass sie stocknüchtern waren? - Respekt. Ich tanzte den großteil der Zeit mit und verbuchte den Abend als erfolgreiche Referenzerfahrung einfach tanzen zu können und würde mich freuen mit Hans und Gaffar noch einige Male ausgehe zu können, ich kann gut vorraussehen, dass ich dann auch so den Club tanzend ownen könnte - und ich muss sagen, ich hab noch nie *irgendetwas* tanzend geownt ( okay bis auf 2 Ausnahmen: Mit meiner und wenn ich gerade den Club Pickupmaessig geowned habe, erst danach halte ich mich für den coolsten Typen und tanze cool, haha tolles Beispiel, von kontextuellen Selbstbewusstsein ;) )Ein Move war besonders cool, den ich nur bei einen Buddy damals auch in Berlin gesehen hatte. Hans, Gaffar und ein weiterer Homie sprachen sich kurz ab, und dann gingen Gaffar und der dritte zu 2 Typen und verbreiteten positiv dominante gute Stimmung, lenkten sie ab, während Hans das eine Mädchen zu sich zog, was der eine Macker schon geküsst hatte. Er tanzte kurz verführerisch mit ihr, und während Hans und Gaffar ihr bestes gaben die 2 anderen recht bulligen Typen abzulenken, schaffte es Hans das Mädchen in eine Ecke mit sich zu nehmen: Was er dann daraus machte, konnte ich nicht sehen ;) Die Jungs waren aufjeden Fall der Hammer und haben mich gemindfucked, wie sie einfach den Club absolut dominiert haben und wie ich Teil davon war. Ich machte selber noch ein Set, was ganz gut lief, meinte ihr dann sie sei das huebscheste Maedchen der Welt, dass ich je gesehen habe ( ich hoffe doch, das glaubt sie nicht HAHA ), sie meinte dann sie hat einen Freund und Schwarzwald wollte weiterziehen, sein mädchen war langweilig, also gingen wir weiter tanzen. Gegen 1,30 AM war dann auch schon der Abend vorbei, ich haute ab und lies mir noch einen Döner ausgeben , und ging dann pennen. Persönliches Fazit für mich: - Ich hab ein paar Sets gemacht und paar positive Referenzerfahrungen mit meiner neuen Vergangenheit in Sachen PU gemacht - Ich hab erstklassige positive Referenzerfahrungen in Sachen unstiffled Tanzen und den Club tanzed ownen gemacht - ich sollte unbedingt wieder etwas mehr pickuppen gehen, man kann gut Energie gewinnen und dass dann wieder in Business verwenden - vielleicht nennt man sowas Balance im Leben? Fazit über den Pickup Abend: - Die Jungs von Pickup Berlin geben so viel Value, wer das nicht mitmacht und was draus lernen könnte, ist selber zu doof, wen er in Berlin lebt, meine persönliche Meinung - Die Pickup Community in Berlin ist klasse, Robert die Leute vom Alex Sonntagssarging sind sehr angenehme Mitmenschen, genau wie alle anderen die ich beim Lairtreffen getroffen hatte Skyyisthelimitify
  2. Haha PuWinner - Lass UNBEDINGT was machen! :) Ich weiss noch unser erster Abend in der FunFactory, das war episch! :) Skyy
  3. Haha Bremen ist definitiv schlimmer als andere Staetde! War mit einem Buddy damals in Berlin und uns ist das sofort aufgefallen. Als ich von Norderney am HBF zurueckkamm, musste ich einmal laut lachen und schlucken, als ich die Bremer "Menschen" sah, und bin grade in Muenchen , und ich hab Gott dafuer gedankt, als eine Frau von sich aus offen und kommunikativ war als ich sie nach dem Weg fragte, und nicht ein Punk oder Hippie war HAHA, dass war etwas uebertrieben, aber wen man solange in Bremen ist, freut man sich tatsaechlich ueber einen normalen Menschen, der einem den Weg zeigt :) Bremen was in der Stadt rumlaeuft: Punk Assis, Assi-Assis, Gruftis, Normalo-Assis und ich hahha und ihr natuerlich auch alle :D Skyy
  4. Wow. Du hast ein hervorragendes negatives Weltbild ^^ . Ob du es glaubst oder nicht, aber es gibt tatsaechlich Pickupper die keine Nerds sind und ziemlich c00uule Menschen :P ( okay, in DTL sind viele "newbies" dabei ) Vorteile sind halt....positives Umfeld schaffen mit Fokus auf Pickup. Denke schon dass kann ordentlich was bewegen, siehe Project Hollywood, aus dem viele PU groessen und geskillte, erfolgreiche Leute entstanden sind. Muss aber auch dazu sagen, ich zieh jetzt wsh. in eine eigene Wohnung ein, da die da ja anscheinend doch nicht so teuer sind :) Will halt richtig ego bessesen an mir selbst arbeiten und keine potentiell negativen Aussen-Einfluesse an mich ranlassen Oh und in Wien hab ich einen Freund, er muesste mich ja darueber aufklaeren koennen ^^
  5. hehe temporaer vll ausserdem, sry aber was ist das fuer ein PU Project, dass nicht an einem guten wohnort stattfindet? ^^ Project Saarbruecken oder was hahaaha
  6. Hey Leute, wollte mich mal erkundingen ob sowas wie Project Hollywood hier in Deutlschand existiert oder eine Pick Up WG mit coolen leuten Hihi wer was weiss meldet sich ;P ^^
  7. Hey Leute, Ich mag Hamburg ganz gerne als Stadt...pu maessig usw. wollte mich mal informieren ob es hier eine PU WG gibt
  8. hahahah nice deathinc ! :) Ich bin leider im ausland grade, nehm deswegen nicht ab. Wegen der Free tour mit Jeffy - Wenn Alex auch dabei ist dann komm ich aufjeden fall mit .. . ich weiss nicht so wirklich ob ich mir jeffy als vorbild nehmen will :)
  9. Hey kann irgendjemand aus Bremen/Umgebung mir Subwoofer/Boxen in mein Auto einbauen? Bezahl auch 75 Euro, vll auch bissl mehr dafuer!:) auch 100euro von mir aus :D
  10. Als ob die in diesem Forum die Möglichkeit dazu hätten :) Hahah genau DU wurdest doch enttarnt sowe ich weiss ?! ?! :P :D
  11. Hey Leute, Bin jetzt schon 1,5 Jahre dabei und ich hab auch mal fuer RSD Nation so ne kleine summary von total chode zu naja so ordentlich aufgeschrieben ;) Ich weiss nur, dass ich damals zu meiner Chodezeit so etwas sehr sehr geschaetzt haette und vielleicht koennen das ja hier ein paar der Juengeren gebrauchen so gesagt als kleines Dankeschoen back an die Community. Stehlt halt ziemlich detailliert meine ganze Entwicklung und essentielle Schritte drin um dahin zu kommen wo ich bin. Ist leider in Englisch, aber ich denke mal die Bremer hier koennen jawohl noch ein bischen Englisch lesen :P Enjoy it! """---------------------- Hey guys, I am writing this thread for you. I have used a lot of help throughout my journey and even though I have turned more selfish and started cutting my time down for anything that does not help me I always swore to myself that I will give back to the young guys when I "made" it. Made it is very subjective but this thread is for all the young guys starting out. For me it was insanely confusing even with the help of RSD and I'd love to have read a thread like this!:) Right now in terms of my own goals, I'd say I've made it 50%. My ambitions grew a lot higher throughout the journey and they probably will again, the journey never ends ;) I remember how my goal was first to just be accepted socially by some girls, then make out with them and finally get laid and when you have not done any of those things they are very overwhelming and seem far out of reality. After you did it, it all comes into perspective and it becomes like just "another time". To me: Im 19 year olds, I started this with 17, I did take a bootcamp. I started as a unkissed virgin with maybe 2 or 3 times in my life were I hung out with girls, as to say with practically no experience. Now I have had quite a lot kissing in my life and a few, not much, but a few times sex ;) Oh and my cold approach is handled really well. I can get numbers and pulling is not to far out of reality too. So yea as I said this thread is for young guys like me who dunno where the fuck to start and what the fuck to do, and who have nobody gone through this who they know. And I do think starting out as a virgin is harder than the other way for pu :P Here is my story :) ------------------------------------------------------- Before PU, school times :) Okay I had practically no experience with girls when I heard of PU for the first time. I guess I was around 16/17 when I read the game. At this point my only goal was to be "socially accepted" by the cool people and I had managed to hang out with some cool guys. Didn't help my game at all though ;) With 17 I went to the USA for half a year as an exchange student. This was a confidence booster definitely. There i was kinda "popular" but really by luck. It was cool and I had some experiences with girls, first "kinda date" oh and the first girl "I was talking too". Oh and one time I skipped school with some girls to watch a movie, pretty cool too :)Wow memories really are the best :) Okay some cool experiences but no kissing, and no real sexuality haha I have to say though, I had already read selfhelp material in the US and purelated stuff, and I did watch a journal and try to become more of a man and push myself! When I came back to germany is where my PU life started. I got advised from Sir Konstantine from some random pu forum to RSD for which I owe him a thousand times!!! Ill hope ill see him in real life someday!:) Well I came back from the USA pumped up, because of my little popularity and girls talking to me, but then it all vanished! My school was pretty chode, but I had quite a few problems with guys there, girls werent as open as in the USA and I kinda reverted back to my chodeness! I decided this is it fuck it, ill either take life by the hand and ill do pu or ill die ( metaphorically ;) ). Start of the PU times, Pre Bootcamp, First Numbers, First KC Okay my first day of PU I decided to go streeting and do at least 10 sets. Haha funny enough my mentor/good friend I didnt know he would be, advised me to only do 5 for my first day which was smart. Well I went into the city and did about 2 maybe 3 sets asking for the time or something like that. Massive socially uncomfortable!:) Well, I think this was the only day I ever lied to myself I did more sets than I said but haha I was young :) Well, the next times I went out with Lairguys . My fantasy of "pickupgurus" was immediately destroyed. The first persons I had contact with were further behind in the material than me. My 3rd time I think I went out though with a guy who had some balls and together we pushed me in my first "real sets". I used the who lies more opener - so stereotypical ^^:D :D. This was already a huge success for me. Then it was time for my first clubsarging. It was cool, I really pushed myself and even got a msn adress and chatted with the girl-Cool!:) I had a first coaching with my upcoming mentor/goodpufriend which helped me a lot. I did 5 good sets that day and managed to get 2 numbers from young girls. The 5th was a blowout but for the first time of my life, after going direct [ streetgame that is ;) ] I saw the raw attraction in a girls eyes. It was a blowout but that was the first time my beast showed through to in a girls eye which was a great motivator :) I kept streeting, with some harder days. One day I did 7 sets, no outcome, kinda blowouts. It felt shit, I was pissed. In the club onetime it was "really on" with a girl for the first time. I dealt with a shittest from the bouncer, she saw it, I was Nimbussing :) for the first time, I lead her to the dancefloor not knowing what I was doing, danced with her, even had the urge to kiss her. Later we sat down. She kinda let me smell her boobies/neck haha nice. She gave me phonenumber and really wanted to talk to me. Great success. I was very nervous on the phone later cause of no experience and blew it but its okay:) Oh by the way I was also working out and working on my style meanwhile and my centeredness. never routines. this is why i think I succeded more thanothers in this game also:)common sense huh :D a Well, one night, I got my first kissclose in a club. It was actually a relatively hot ( especially for myself then ) 21 or so year old blonde. My friend opened acting as if he spoke english, I came in, just chilled out. Gamed her up a bit, she wanted to drink, we went to drink sth. Then I (!) lead on the dancefloor. Dancing with her, and then JUST DID IT. And it worked - me making out. I laughed, I wasnt really turned on, but I had the greatest nimbus ever because of my success!!! :) I even made out with her fat friend and it was kinda a makeout orgy lol [ first makeout hahaha :D :D :) ] I had decided I would do bootcamp with Alex!. It was scheduled for Geneva but I really wanted it so we went there. Before Bootcamp I did a 7 day challenge due to me having more time in vacations. I had some cool success, facebook closed ( later nced ) a pretty hot girl, id even like to fuck today, but im working unsuccesfully on it :) And I meet a very cute girl who was very cool and we connected. We were in the set, my friend was leading. I got bored cause she was unreceptive. Then my friend wanted to go on the top of a building, I didnt want to cause I was ego hurt by the non attention of the girls! The one girl took my arm though and pulled me with them:) My friend called and said, try to isolate and kc her! Cool idea, I did it. No kC but ridiculous attraction. Had a crush on the girl afterwards and she on me too:) but after my vacations we never saw each other again ! Bootcamp with Alex, Geneva, June 2010 omg there really should be save tab for the posts in here. I lost the part of this post, Ill just post the link to my testimonial, Don't feel like writing this again sry -.-' After Bootcamp Times, More Makeouts More Success I was on vacations after bootcamp. I told my buddy about PU and my bootcamp and it was very frightening and scary for me because of fear of rejection but it was worth it and he still was friend with me haha. On my vacations at the beach I had pretty insane nimbussing going on. I had 5 make outs and 2 more simple kcs in 3 days haha one was a girl I liked, I loved that I liked and got her, and anothere one a 23 year old not bad looking blonde ;) I only got positive experiences at that time with girls, lots of facebooks :) Some more dates:) Back To Germany, Hard Times, More successes, Back In germany I was after bootcamp and one month sarging on a whole nother level. I got all the girls at my school attracted including the one girl that was my dreamgirl haha. She was gaming me hard, my reality was fucked in a positive way. Guys tried to tool me that time. Imagine the girls love you, guys tool you at the same time, for a young guy. I crumbled under this, lost my frame, my initiative. I wish I could go back now and kill those guys, but it is what it is and I had to learn. Make a mistake one time, never again! :/:( Over the next months I started "loosing" the girls at my school. I did not manage honestly to get one date/nc out of this, because I was so apologetic and afraid of rejection at school. Actually ridiculous, but hey, I didn't know better that time. Also my dreamgirl forgot about me. I had hard times again, when I realised I was loosing in school again. Identity crisis, wtf is happening. Why are the guys treating me like that. I should have known they were jealous and non abundanced tools and I should have just done my thing,........but it's okay......My game got better meanwhile, did more nightgame sarging. I started having regular contact with my first mentor then friend PA. I learned the unapologetic S and A game from him, he learned the crazy Alex talk BS shit from me. One night in Hamburg it was insane. We had the best night ever, I directed a very hot blonde, 19yearsold. She was acting, she was all over me, said she would fall in love with me, if she hadnt had a boyfriend. I pushed it to the max, tried kc, denied her number haha. Nimbussing :) On facebook later I burned it but still great reference. On FB she couldnt believe i added her:) great for my selfesteem!:) I planned 2 weeks Berlin with my Mentor. We had so much stuff set up against us, our driver flaked us, we had only problems. We had to sleep with our baggage at the central station and then get up again and find a way to get there. We made it. The first day was hard, my mentor didn't like were we slept, it was small and the guy, well, it was a little wierd ^^ We had problems and problems again but one time at the day a friend called us and said we could sleep at his house. From there on it was insane. Gaming times in Berlin, my blueprint for how pickup should look like. beasting, amazing clubs, 24/7 pickup, heaven :) We had like the most fun of our lives, at least for me it felt like that. Freedom....Adventures..... Back to sucked. I hated it. My friend too. I dunno, maybe we should have moved out at that time and done pu 24/7. But the chance is over now, I thinkt hat would have been one of the coolest turning points in my life, but it is what it is... Germany well, worse again....dunno what happened between Berlin and winter, but if I dont remember I guess not much. My grades were getting worse and I spent more time for school. life sucked haha. One day a girl i facebook closed and tried to meet up, wrote me on fb. we meet up and this time for real!:) I was so excited, my first girl pulled. I was nervous as hell, what now, how to escalate, sex wtf, how experienced is she?!? A real manning up day for me. I did it and it was a great experience. Lead her to my place, we chilled smooked hookah, tried to kiss her, resistance, haha I tired again, smoking hookah to her mouth ( sneaky sneaky ;) ) and it worked out. Haha got to her boobs/ass ( amazing woop woop ^^ ) even to her pussy. I saw for the first time of my life how a girl moaned lol. I was amazed at the potential haha Shit turned worse then. I was insecure. Talking about getting my dick out bla, but not doing it. She got insecure and defensive. I got annoyed. She went away, on facebook we dissed each other, she said very mean things and my ego got very bruised :D. From this point I decided, I will get the sex thing handled and own this even more:) Getting devirginised- ;) I knew it was only a matter of time for me to pull again. As Brad said, once you have done sth, trust you can do it again ;) Well, I hated that I was unexperienced in sex but talking to very hot girls. My cold approach got ofc better throughout the time from bootcamp!!! I practised most of the time 2-4 times a week, also more clubs now. One night I talked to this one girl I mentioned I nced 6 months ago. We talked, she loved me, would be easy to pull but I didnt know shit about sex, and felt insecure. Hated it :... I read the sexgod method then and decided fuck it GO ALL IN. I went all in with this girl I talked about. Had some girls on the line. Pulled that girl home, after I "flaked" her haha. Back at mine, we watch TV. It's hot in here, makeout ensues :) I do pushpull, makeout a little, back off, chill makeout again, escalating more to boobs ass :) Then the moment of glory comes: I MAN THE FUCK UP, tell her to get up, and then lead her to my bed. Shes like nono to soon but we can do a handjob [ LOL ;) ] and that is the time I got my first handjob! Liked it!:) Girl was a good fuck [ handjob aehhh i mean :D ] too. I saw her during the next couple of times, got my first blowjob ( now that was amazing, the other girl who blew me just sucked, thanks god for that girl, that was just fkkkkkkkiiiignngngngnng goood :) ). Guess what happened? I thought, wow this girl looks amazing, way better than I thought my first girl would look like, she is really chill to hang around, well....I got lazy and oneitis :) Guess what happened: I get flaked 3 times in a The girl really liked me though we kept long contact and she felt bad, but mygame was not pimp, it was bitch and so ... contact broke off :) Meanwhile my game got better, I got in the hang of pulling. Pulled more girls, but I regressed. Pulled a girl, I now know is a virgin. She was fucking insecure and didnt want to kc. That made me insecure and lead to slower escalation, i thought i was to agressive. Fcken bitch, shge should have told me she was unexperienced as shit, I lost probably 2-3 girls because of that "WRONG" reference.....stupid whore, fuck I hate her now, I just realised iTS ALL EHR FUKCING FAULT omg hahaha.....nahh...shit happens and you gotta deal with it...but fuck that girl made me not escalate hard, and I lost girls because of her....really...fuck that bitch....Im seeing her right now too, wow the next time I see her that virgin is getting rapefucked! I pulled like 4 girls back home, but because I thought I was too agressive, because that girl wasn't complying to my kc-attempt, I only kced them no further escalation :/ suks...but ahh......more girls to come I guess :/ Well I had a Alex Freetour which was great for motivating me and he gave me great advice :) I tried to get 1on1 phone coaching with him and was excited cause he complied, but didnt work out in the end :/ Ill really try to intern one day with those guys, would be fken cool :) [ AHHHH I REALLY JUST REALISE NOW, THAT I PULLED SOME HOT GIRLS AND ONLY KCED BECAUSE THAT VIRGIN BITCH MADE ME THINK MY ESCALATION WAS TO) FATS I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE I JUST FUCKING HATE HER THAT BITCH IS S O GETTING RAPE FUCKED OMG ] My game was pretty cool now, some real hotties nced, one kclosed, a estonian girl, yacht style ala Brad, just leading the shit out of cool to see progress :) Then it was owning times: Vacations - saved up for 1 week in amsterdam. I got sick the last 3 days due to not good living standards plus 4 days STREETING and NIGHTGAME fucking beasting. Well Amsterdam I pushed myself a lot. Did lots of sets, i was ON MY OWN the first days and pushed through it. some hottie ncs, cool stuff. Then it happened: I was out with my local rsd wing Mauro.....We had great fun/success, including instant date with HOT german girls woo woo :) and he actually kced a girl with a gf.....well we both pulled them to their 5 star parkhotel ( nice :) ) and well, fucked them there....Haha thats like the night in a nutshell, actually it was a lot more fucked up and crazy than this but yea thats the nice version :) Well first! I was no virgin anymore. Actually I never had those typical problems of fucking up during sex or whatever. The girl blew awfully though ahah but iwas very enjoyable :) Well also what happened that night again made me question humanity again, just fucked up things happening. Actually me getting devirginised was very emotional for me aftyer all that struggle. I was going back to my hostel at 8 AM, walking alone, getting sick and at one point I just cried cause my reality was so fucked....Well.....This stuff really hardens one up.... In amsterdam I was sick. A little of beasting but nothing great anymore, cause I was sick. We had a great friend there, he was the best person ever and took us to all the clubs :) Back to germany....Well times had changed. no virgin anymore:) Now I wanted to get serious. I think I even pulled a hottie back, but didnt fuck her or anything? dont ask me why, that amsterdam night I waas rly drunk and the girl wanted to fuck me hard, I think I had lost touch of my innerbeast AFTER THAT FUCKING VIRGIN BEAST MADE ME THINK ESCALATION WAS WIER D FUCK HER....sry. i just realise i hate that bitch now.....O.....M.....F..>>>>>G escalation is the holy grail, its nhever ever to slow hahaha. Well I set myself the goal to be able to pull day2s from streetgame and I got really good at streetgame, like getting the number, talking to girl, getting her back to my place. Also proud of me having figured that out!:) Well pulled a girl, due to me thinking beastmode sucks ( OMG I wish I was never social conditioned, HEIL BEASTMODE :) ) it took me 3 nights and getting drunk to fuck and devirginise that bitch ( this time her devirginise haha )...I gotta admit that girl is on my lower scale and wtihout being drunk she would have not turned me on that much....But hey, something has to give, especially when I am a pussy and don;'t fuck the hotties at my place lol cause of thinking, to take it slow...I had pretty hot girls in my room haha ^^ Well....Thats it now....I said I am only 50 % there. I want the 5 star, model girls. I want the girls which just make your mouth fall off, nothing less. And that is a different journey. But Im having success, 2 very very high quality girls, didnt pull them but meet up with them. They always seem to have a boyfriend, but it is alright, does not matter, I ahd to figure out. Reality is very fucked up also, it is very fucked up what attracts those girls. I would say younger and good 4 star looking girls are different than "stunner girls". You kinda have to be fucking shocking to get the very high quality girls. But the cool thing is they have selfesteem and are not insecure , the flipside is I have to get used to that selfesteem, sometimes my reality crumbles :) Well this leads to me being my mission experiencing more and more and learning to get those stunners with my upcoming gangsta game which will be more serious, more beast and more radically honest. For the other girls I think Alex having a lot of fun selfamusing works just great, better than gangsta game even maybe :) Im excited for my reality getting fucked soon again to get those stunners. Also it gets more lonely on the top. You really have to endure shocking stuff and replace beliefs and it gets lonely because most people don't believe the same stuff as you anymore, you have to think without other people....All girls are really though clueless on what is going on, they just get a lot of social validation and everybdy buys into it. The journey goes on for me. I really hope some young guys are going to read this article, maybe virgins, and I sincerely hope, this can act as a reallife example and as a motvation and guidemap for those guys. The only thing that matters is do decide that you don't quit. That's it, you swear this one time to yourself, then the game is already over ;) I would really apreciate if those guys would post a comment if this was cool for them, just to see if I did not waste my time hihi ;P Cheers and remember Sky Is the limit ;) ---------------- Vielen Dank an Der Stelle An Phil der mir immer ein treuer Wing war und so einiges mit mir durchgemacht hat!:) An Zephyros der mich, als ich juenger war erfolgreich gecoacht hat!:) An PA mit dem ich sehr..."amuesante" Herbstferien verbracht hab und der mir allgemein mein Leben sehr bereichert hat!:) ( auch pumaessig:) ) Auch an alle anderen PU-persoenlichkeiten die mir mein PU leben erfolgriech bereichert haben wie Ziod, Vit90, Alexj, Mannish, Hanni, Christian, hihi und neuerdings auch christoph:) hoffe hab niemanden vergessen achso und Darkwarrior natuerlich!:) Und zu aller letzt vielen Dank an die ganzen HBs! Ohne euch waere ich immer noch ein Chode!:)
  12. Was ist eigentlich mit Datedoc passiert? ^^ Kann man den nicht als Moderator die IP ermitteln und schauen welcher aehnliche account das ist? haha
  13. Ich fande nicht wenn man sich das Kochvideo genau anguckt kann man auch einige Metaphern zu Pickup finden. Besonders die richtigen Zutaten usw kann man auch aufs game/character uebertragen...aber ihr wisst schon, ne ;)... aber guter beitrag (Y) :D cheers
  14. Nice wehe du ziehst das nicht durch!