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Alle erstellten Inhalte von DrLecter

  1. DrLecter

    Lairtreff Darmstadt

    Hallo, wo und wann treffen kann man euch am Samstag treffen? Wie kann man euch erkennen? MFG
  2. DrLecter

    Sarging Heute

    Hi guys, Is there a meeting tonight? if not who`s in for one? Cheers
  3. today is good, when where?
  4. DrLecter


    Hey guys, I have just landed in Darmstadt, and can't wait to go out sarging with you , I play all types of game: night, day, street, bars .. etc My level is middle, I have been playing the game before for 1.5 years. Whether in Dramstadt, Frankfurt, or anywher else just drop me an Email for the zero hour and place. "ich kann auch deutsch aber ich kann mich besser auf englisch ausdrucken" looking forward to hearing from you cheers,l DrLecter, ----------------------- Cannibals eat humans, Drlecter eats pussies