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Alle erstellten Inhalte von RockAndRollah

  1. I am definitely going to be there this weekend. Could someone who is going either message me with your handy #, or message me to set a meet up before the meet up.
  2. I won't be able to make it next week either, but the week after next for sure. What a bummer! Well, we'll meet next week again, so just join us then ;) I won't be there next week but I wish you guys good hunting :D Ta
  3. Well I think I missed all of you. I was there waiting around and I saw lots of groups of people but you European men are all so well dressed it was hard to figure out which group where you. I am sure you saw me with my fedora with the bandana and pins though. If any of you are still at home, but planning on going out later today or even tonight, send me a pm within the hour with your handy number and I'll get back with you.
  4. First off I used Yahoo Babelfish, but yeah it still sucked, Being in the military is also a DHV for German girls, and I know being a medic is a DHV everywhere. Even the hippy vegetarian girl I met in Berlin on Silvester thought it was cool that I was at least helping people instead of killing them. How peacocked do you guys go for your streetgame? I might wanna drag a friend along if that is cool? He's been talking about wanting to meet girls and so I kinda wanna show him what the PUA thing is about with people who have more experience than me .
  5. Ich bin neugierig, möchte ich meinen Gefährten PUAs treffen und an meinem Game mit den ganzen Sie arbeiten, aber ich bin ein gebürtiger englischer Sprecher mit nur einer kleinen Reichweite der deutschen Sprache. Würde ich begrüßt, um an Ihren Ereignissen teilzunehmen?