mein erster beitrag hier im forum. vor wenigen stunden gehört das lied (da ist es mir auch das erste mal aufgefallen) absolut perfekt! Frank Turner - Reasons not to be an idiot ein kurzer auszug aus dem text: "You're not as messed up as you think you are Your self-absorption makes you messier Just settle down and you will feel a whole lot better Deep down you're just like everybody else She's not as pretty as she thinks she is Just picture her after she's had kids I bet she sits at home and listens to The Smiths Deep down she's just like everybody else So why are you sat at home? You're not designed to be alone You just got used to saying "no" So get up and get down and get outside Cos it's a lovely sunny day But you hide yourself away You've only got yourself to blame Get up and get down and get outside..."