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Hello, first I want to apolgize as I speak and write German very badly! I am moving to Kaiserslautern from america and was wondering what the PUAs on the forum thought of the city? Is there alot of hot girls and a good night life? Thanks!! Danke!
I am 27 and want to move to Germany to experience Germany and see all of the EU. I would live in the city center of Ktown probably. I was hoping to find a job in a bigger city in Germany but this is all I have found so far and I am worried the town is overrun by Americans so I will get annoyed with the all soldiers running around. and be bored with nothing to do... lol
why do you dislike ktown? the only thing that i am worried about is living in a small city in ktown versus a big city, like where i live currently... i hope i am not very bored and unhappy about being in the city... thats why i hope there are alot of girls for me to chase around :)
cool! why do you say Ktown is funny? I am so curious what it is like, I have to decide if I am going to visit very soon! I am from Washington DC... but I live in Miami right now... can you guys tell me more about the city and how you like it?
thanks OudeK! that sounds cool, once I get to germany I would love to go out with you! In General, do you find that ktown has alot of girls? I am coming from a big city in the USA which has tons of girls so it will be different but do you like it? Also, how do you like living in the town? is there fun things to do?