Hi Leute, entschuldigt, dass ich auf Englisch poste, aber ich habe es zuerst einem Kumpel geschrieben, der nur Englisch kann und gehe davon aus, dass ihr es auch so versteht. Das ist mein erster FR, den ich in ein Forum stelle. Ich will vorher noch erwähnen, dass ich wenig Technology verwende, sondern um einige Grundregeln herum improvisiere. I went to the poetry slam yesterday. Besides enjoying the show I had in mind to pick up a girl. There were some 40 female students. But as you know, most people are stupid, boring or ugly. Very often all the three coincide in one person. Therefore, there were only three potential targets. In the 15 minutes break I walked over to one of them (HB7) who was standing at the bar waiting for her friend (female). I stood there a bit awkwardly for a minute and asked her then if she waited for the bartender who was at the other side of the bar. She said no with a face that was not too friendly and open. I asked her then if she in the last performance learned something about men. The poet talked about his obsession with women and that he couldn't think of anything else. No, she said, nothing I hadn't known before. Are women the same? Do they also think of men all the time? I asked. No. So, why there is the difference? It went on like this for a while. Very slowly she opened up but after all there weren't any IOI (indicators of interest). Then here friend returned and I left my first target alone and started to talk to the other one who was equally attractive. She was much more responsive. I asked both of them if they know the fear of approaching someone. They said yes, they are shy too. It's not only men that have that problem. We dwelled on that for a while, I admitted my shyness and that it took me courage to approach them. Somehow I turned the discussion to traveling and they told me to have traveled together to India and Thailand. We talked a bit about that and the second girl was more into it than the first one. She: We were in India I: Do you remember those shop-keepers? She: Yes. I: They would grab your arm like this and pull you into her shop. Saying this I laid both of my hands on her naked forearm and pulled her gently towards me. She asked for my name and where I am from and where I have traveled to. All IOIs. The break was over and I said that I would have liked to tell her my adventures in Costa Rica. After the show was over I went to her and said we didn't have the chance to talk about our journeys. Perhaps we should meet again. She agreed and I said how do we do it? I can give you my number she suggested. Good idea I replied getting my cell phone ready. I number-closed The last thing I said was I'll call you Saturday 9 pm, bye. Afterwards I felt great and miserable at the same time. The first feeling is easy to understand but the second is something I have to explore. It is the same feeling that I oftentimes have when dealing with women. Fear of commitment seems not to be the only explanation. My psychoanalyst says that I have to learn to really feel my feelings. I only perceive bodily sensations that I don't understand. She also says that I am afraid of losing control and want to decide only with the head. Feelings scare me because they are hard to predict. That's why I repress them. Well, there is some work to do. Anyway I bet I am gonna call her, date her, flirt with her and kiss and even sleep with her if she wants. Although it feels wrong somehow. Soweit der FR. Ich habe sie tatsächlich zur angekündigten Zeit angerufen, aber nur den AB erreicht. "Hi, hier ist Kandid. Kannst ja zurückrufen, wenn du Lust hast. Ciao." Bis jetzt keine Antwort. Kann sehr gut sein, dass sie ihre Meinung geändert hat. Möglichweise hat ihre Freundin ihr gesagt, dass ich zuerst sie angegraben hätte und dass ich wahllos sei und daher keine guten Absichten hege. Aber es ist ja eine Regel für das Inner Game: Girls flake. Irgendwelche Kommentare? Bin gespannt. Kandid