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  1. Hey Humulu; They’re on mate… just check out page 3 and 7 … more than 70 hits for each pic, too but that's happened to me once, i mean the pic didn't get posted up... it was one I wanted to keep too ohh well… ne wayz… i'll try to make a habit of carrying a camera with me, it seems to lead to some fun times and memories...
  2. Thanks for posting this and organizing all Picasso Having this deadline will hopefully help me to get my game into gear… a little bit of pressure is a good motivator. Let the games begin!
  3. Hey guys, my first FR here… again I hope you don't mind English :) My game plan during the past week was to close a ‘target’, did not matter what type of close but I thought it would be really important for my game to have a target rather than go with anyone who just seemed interested… and of course close using the proper methods rather than getting a drunk, ugly or blind chick -I guess you know what I mean… my last success story using the game was less than a month old but she was not a target so I thought having a specific target and being focused on sets I am interested would improve the quality of my game… Anyways here is a run down of how the night evolved: The whole night started rather slow and took me a while to warm up -and sorry about frustrating you so much during the street game with my excuses humulu My game at the club started slow as well, but I was thinking of rather than running from one set to another, trying to be more collected and focused. So, took it easy and observed the room a bit from the lounge area (not from the wall LOL) while hanging out with the guys and after opening a set with Picasso, things started to look up, not because of any concrete success but my inner game started to pick up… I stuck with my plan and opened only the sets that I would be interested, rather than running around hectically… this seemed to work rather well, because the quality of the interactions was improving.. and each interesting interaction was making the next one easier… (I would still advocate to open as many sets as possible when getting back into the game after a long break or when just starting but I think running from one set to another was not doing any good to me after first few weeks, which I realize now…) Anyways, I have reopened the set I have opened with Picasso, on the dance floor, and got some lipstick marks … which I must admit helped me with the following approaches, I don’t know if the HBs I talked to later noticed them or not, I just assumed that they did LOL… Later into the night moved to the smoking lounge with (I think nickname is Shogun) there was an HB I have noticed before as a potential target which I was prepared to open, but she was an acquaintance of shogun (!) so I suggested to approach the set together… then it was easy to lock into my target, while he was working the obstacle (thanks for good winging)… I think the most important part of the game with this hb was the amount of shit tests she was feeding my way.. Here are some of them that I can recall… S-test 1 HB: I am lesbian. Cotter: Good for you. (Continue with another canned material…) S-test 2 HB: the only reason I am talking to you is you are his friend, Cotter: Feel free to join your friends I am just chilling out here… HB: you are cute (she starts kissing me…) (Now looking back I should have dodged her kiss and throw a hoop for her to jump through, maybe this would have helped better , this is sth I tried with a Canadian HB in Krakow and worked wonders, she was begging for it which led to an fclose) S-test 3 HB: I can’t take you home Cotter: I don’t need you to. (Continue with material) After the club: Cotter: I donno which way you need to head but I go up this way (while holding her hand and walking towards my direction) LOL A lot of teasing, spinning etc on the street… at the end of the night (we couldn’t find an open bar) Cotter: I will trust you this time and offer you a drink at my place, but I don’t want you to ruin this friendship HB: friendship ? Cotter: (ignoring her surprise which is an IOI from her).. we are building… (followed by kiss) you seem interesting, (kiss) so, I don’t want to risk our friendship.. build up push and pull as much as possible from there.. One last shit test before arriving home was that hb is pms, just made a joke about the whole thing and treated it as normal and ok because not planning to go that far, right (which turned out to be bullsh*t anyway just like her being lesbian) LOL Anyway the rest is history… the important thing here for me was that I have remembered (some are repeatedly told everywhere, so nothing too new but important to put into action) - how important it was to control my frame, - and used on/off, push/pull…. - aaand words do not need to match your actions … what comes out of you mouth is only distractions while the moves are where you are really going with the night - have a game plan before the night starts, that way I can measure my success at the end of the night - I remember a quote from Style that this whole game especially when you are getting a lot of shit tests is like a sword fight… I think what counts is that you dodge their attack/advance, and make you own move, and not get drawn into her tests and always assume that she is a playette.. Have a good week and happy Easter to you all… see you in a fortnight
  4. Hey guys... Firstly sorry about posting in English, but you know my level of German (I have included a Google translated copy of this post in German at the bottom for which I claim no accuracy ) ( BTW, If you think this post should be in another topic feel free to move it across ... ) I had this idea when I was watching VH1’s PUA.. and also under the delusion created by the lack of sleep and too much caffeine... I already told some of you guys about the show... I dig it and who cares if it is fake or what... it is relevant and entertaining LOL... During the number close contestants (!) invite the target to an intriguing event like a pool party or a barbeque party whatever... nevertheless it is something exciting and proves that you are a social and fun dude... Now you can of course get the digits without that but how about if we all went out and collected some digits and invited them all (or just the ones you want to invite) to a party we are organizing... before you diss the idea I have some convincing points... I think it would be cool to invite her to a more specific event like “Hey we are having this awesome ‘whatever’ (pool party/barbeque/masquerade/orgy) on the weekend I might get your name on the guest list”... If you agree to participate... The challenges are: 1. Getting the contact details 2. Getting her to participate 3. Agreeing on an event (type/date) 4. Organizing the event.. Now based on my involvement with KA Lair so far, I believe everyone I have met can 1 target and possibly 2 spares (i.e. not an immediate target) to the event... I guess the real challenge for us will be the last two... My suggestion for those is that there is never ever a best time for all, and let me remind you with the spring coming, days are getting longer and hormones of every single HB are going crazy... there has never been a better time... And regarding the event type, let us keep it simple and sweet first, we can book a section or so at most of the clubs free of charge ... (by the way a by product of this move will be that we will get to know some of the owners and/or workers like the bouncers/bartenders at the clubs, i.e. good social proof if the bouncer lifts the chains and lets you through without waiting at the queue, or the bartender gives this bimbo’s turn to you, right!) and for the date I propose April 24 (Fri) or 25 (Sat). if the idea works we can turn it to a regular thing … when we conclude the date and theme issues and we all go and get some more digits and invite 'em all to the same party, I think it would be better to get the details of any HB we approach and invite them… remember “one man’s trash is another one’s treasure” (it goes without saying, that you should check with your fellow PUA who has invited her, if this HB is a target or not...) So, maybe she is a platinum blonde, gym junkie and you only date brunettes: invite her anyway… maybe she is an HB9 but won’t convert to scientology for you: invite her anyway… maybe she is a bisexual HB9 who insists that if you don’t have a threesome with her HB8 best friend you have no chance and you are not into that kinda thing: invite her anyway.... well.. anywayz u get the drill… I am personally planning to approach and get as many digits as possible during the week leading to the event … (maybe the email addresses of the ones I am not interested so can write a blanket email and BCC it to ‘em all - being a bit ambitious LOL) This idea might need some fine tuning so looking forward to your feedback Hope to see you all on Friday! Cheers >> drum roll. . . . here comes the German translation: Erstens über die Entsendung leider in Englisch, aber man weiß, dass meine Ebene der deutschen (ich habe eine Google übersetzt Kopie dieser Nachricht in Deutsch an der Unterseite, für die ich nicht genau:)) Ich hatte diese Idee, als ich sah VH1's PUA .. und auch unter der Illusion, die durch den Mangel an Schlaf und zu viel Koffein ... Ich habe bereits gesagt, einige von euch über die Show ... I dig it und wer kümmert sich, wenn sie falsche oder was ... Es ist relevant und unterhaltsam LOL ... Während die Anzahl der Nähe Teilnehmer (!) Laden Sie das Ziel auf eine interessante Veranstaltung wie eine Pool-Party oder eine Grillparty, was ... Trotzdem ist es etwas spannend und beweist, dass Sie sich eine soziale und Spaß dude ... Jetzt können Sie natürlich bekommen sie Ziffern ohne dass aber wie wäre es, wenn wir alle gegangen und ein paar Ziffern und forderte sie alle (oder nur die, die Sie einladen möchten), um eine Partei wir organisieren ... Nun, bevor Sie die Idee, Diss. Ich habe einige überzeugende Punkte ... Ich denke, es wäre cool, um sie zu einer besonderen Veranstaltung, wie "Hey, wir sind mit dieser awesome", was "(Pool-Party / Grill / Masquerade / Orgie) am Wochenende möchte ich Sie Ihren Namen auf der Gästeliste" .. . Wenn Sie damit einverstanden, zur Teilnahme ... Die Herausforderungen sind: 1. Den Angaben 2. Erste ihr zum Mitmachen 3. Einigung über ein Ereignis (Art / Datum) 4. Organisation der Veranstaltung .. Basiert jetzt auf meine Beteiligung mit KA Lair so weit, ich glaube, ich habe alle CAN 1 Ziel und möglicherweise 2 Ersatzteile (dh keine unmittelbare Ziel) zu der Veranstaltung ... Ich denke, die eigentliche Herausforderung für uns werden die letzten zwei ... Mein Vorschlag für die ist, dass es nie eine beste Zeit für alle, und ich möchte Sie daran erinnern, mit dem kommenden Frühjahr sind die Tage immer länger und Hormone jedes einzelnen HB going crazy ... es hat nie eine bessere Zeit ... : -) Und über die Art der Veranstaltung, wir halten es einfach und süß ersten, wir können ein Abschnitt oder so bei den meisten Clubs kostenlos ... (durch die Art und Weise ein Produkt von diesem Schritt wird sein, dass wir kennen einige der Eigentümer und / oder den Arbeitnehmern wie den Türstehern / Barkeeper an die Vereine, also gut, wenn der Nachweis der sozialen bouncer hebt die Ketten und lässt Sie durch, ohne Warten auf die Warteschlange, oder der Barkeeper gibt dieser bimbo an der Reihe, um Sie mit der rechten!) Für den Tag Ich schlage vor, der 24. April (Fr) oder 25 (Sa)? wenn die Idee funktioniert können wir ihn in eine reguläre Sache ... wenn wir zu dem Schluss, das Datum und Thema und wir alle gehen und holen Sie sich mehr Stellen und laden alle HBs der gleichen Partei, ich denke, es wäre besser, die Einzelheiten aller HB wir uns und laden sie erinnern ... "Ein-Mann - 's ist ein anderes Papierkorb's Treasure " (Es versteht sich von selbst, dass sollten Sie mit Ihren Kollegen, die PUA hat sie, wenn diese HP ist ein Ziel oder nicht ...) Also, vielleicht ist sie eine Platin blond, Fitnessstudio-Junkie, und Sie nur brunettes Datum: laden sie trotzdem ... vielleicht ist sie HB9 aber nicht zu Scientology konvertieren für Sie: Laden Sie sie trotzdem ... vielleicht ist sie eine bisexuelle HB9, die betont, dass, wenn Sie haben nicht zu dritt mit ihrem besten Freund HB8 Sie haben keine Chance, und Sie werden nicht in diese Sache irgendwie: laden sie trotzdem .. anywayz und die Bohrmaschine ... Ich persönlich bin der Planung an und erhalten Sie so viele Stellen wie möglich während der Woche zu der Veranstaltung ... (vielleicht auch die E-Mail-Adressen von denen ich mich nicht interessiert, so kann eine Decke und BCC E-Mail an 'em all - ein bisschen ehrgeizige LOL) Übrigens, Wenn Sie denken, dass diese Stelle sollte in einem anderen Thema fühlen sich frei zu bewegen, sei es innerhalb der ... Diese Idee könnte müssen einige Feinabstimmung, so freuen uns auf Ihr Feedback Wir hoffen, Sie alle am Freitag