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solange es läuft lasse ich alles erstmal so. ist ja nicht nur gefühl, ich weiß auch ohne feste vorgaben ungefähr was ich tue :) 60 minuten intensiver sport 1616 kcal Fett 45g Kohlenhydrate 152,4g Protein 165g + bier
gleiches thema: http://mennohenselmans.com/workout-nutrition-is-a-scam/
danke, bisher mangelte es an der kontinuität im cut, dieses mal hoffentlich nicht. heute: 30minuten leichter sport 1605 kcal Fett 59,2 g Kohlenhydrate 123,7 g Protein 143,2 g etwas zu wenig eiweiß heute, hatte aber kaum zeit mehr zu essen. keine spur von hunger.
bankdrücken: 80kg x 8; 80kg x 8, 80kg x 8 klimmzüge ug: bw x 10; bw x 8; bw x 7 floorpress: 80kg x 10; 90kg x 7 lh-rudern ug: 70kg x 10; 70kg x 9; 70kg x 7 dips: bw x 10; +10kg x 8; +20kg x 8; +30kg x 6; +40kg x 5 klimmzüge og: bw x 8; bw x 6 nicht am limit, bankdrücken gewollt leicht, trotzdem insgesamt anstrengend.
tag 1 1h sehr leichter sport
hatte auch mal bei ihm wegen eines coachings angefragt, alleine schon weil ich mal erleben wollte wie er arbeitet. leider verlangt er eine ziemlich üppige vergütung :)
if nach berkhan ist definitiv simpler. was hältst du von borge's biorythm diet, amazingsmile? bin inwischen ein fan von borge, vor allem seit von berkhan nicht mehr viel mit substanz kommt, aber sein konzept scheint auch überwiegend spekulativ zu sein.
Hunger is temporary, glory is eternal. Winter/spring cutting crew
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175cm 80kg IF all the way 8% ende februar come at me bro -
wenn man nur 80kg hebt sollte man auch nicht armdrücken
Dangery & Joy 4000 kcal/h CBL to the Max
knoxxelig antwortete auf Joy's Thema in Trainingslogs, Tagebücher & Beratung
do you even lift? -
Mein eigener Thread! - Dangery
knoxxelig antwortete auf ein Thema in Trainingslogs, Tagebücher & Beratung
kreatin vorrat für 2 jahre, nicht schlecht. natron woher? -
Allgemeine Fragen zum sportlichen Training / Einstiegspost
knoxxelig antwortete auf King Koitus's Thema in Sport & Fitness
To read the rest of this article and unlock the REAL secrets to burning fat and muscle gain, share it on Facebook or Twitter now no thanks jeff -
eher ocd und so. come at me bro
Wie war euer Training?
knoxxelig antwortete auf Montageprofi's Thema in Trainingslogs, Tagebücher & Beratung
pls aware me -
Wie weiter vorgehen?
knoxxelig antwortete auf Talmut's Thema in Trainingslogs, Tagebücher & Beratung
kontext -
was sagt kiefer eigentlich dazu, dass auch proteine für eine signifikante insulinausschüttung sorgen können?
sieht sehr gut aus, respekt
tut borge das?
lyle selbst schreibt doch gar nichts!? hätte mich auch gewundert, kiefer bannt kritiker schließlich lieber gleich weg.
Mein eigener Thread! - Dangery
knoxxelig antwortete auf ein Thema in Trainingslogs, Tagebücher & Beratung
A class action lawsuit claims Driven Sports is selling a diet supplement called “Craze” that contains amphetamine, despite labeling claims that it is “safe” and can be used by students for studying. According to the Craze class action lawsuit, the "diet supplement" actually contains amphetamine, “a dangerous ingredient which is regulated as a controlled substance and a dangerous stimulant in California and thus cannot be lawfully included in a dietary supplement.” The Craze website says the supplement will give you “endless energy” and that it “helps put you in a fantastic mood and enhance your focus.” Nowhere on the product’s label or website does it mention that amphetamine is an ingredient, the lawsuit says. "Defendant makes representations regarding the efficacy, safety and legality of the product which are false, misleading and deceptive," the class action lawsuit says. "Plaintiff and members of the Class relied on defendant's misrepresentations and would not have paid as much, if at all, for the products but for defendant's misrepresentations. As a result, defendant has wrongfully taken millions of dollars from California consumers. Plaintiff brings this lawsuit to enjoin the ongoing defrauding of thousands of California consumers by defendant, and to recover the money taken by its illegal practices." http://www.courthousenews.com/2012/03/21/Craze.pdf ist dir bekannt!? -
er meint dies: Børge A. Fagerli Intermittent Fasting (IF) is a very convenient lifestyle-oriented way of eating with many benefits, and getting lean seems to be a lot easier. However, I always thought it gave sort of a "flat" look to the physique even if the proponents claimed no muscle loss. Recently, Layne Norton confirmed my suspicions: "One problem with IF for people who are looking to optimize muscle mass is that fasting decreases protein synthesis significantly and you cannot simply make up for a lack of protein throughout the day by overconsuming it at a few others. There is a cap on the effective dose of protein to stimulate muscle anabolism and above that you are really getting no added benefit. One of the experiments we did for my PhD thesis (which we are currently in the process of attempting to publish) actually examined protein distribution and found exactly what we suspected… that eating low protein early in the day could not be made up for by eating a very large protein meal later in the day. After 11 weeks the subjects eating unevenly distributed protein intake actually had smaller muscles than subjects fed relatively equal doses of protein. I personally believe that many of the fat loss benefits of IF can be had consuming protein only meals throughout the day and then just bolusing intermittent carb intake rather than just all out fasting." kann diesen hype um "cbl" kaum nachvollziehen, so wird doch im prinzip schon seit jahren vorgegangen