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Allgemeine Fragen zum sportlichen Training / Einstiegspost
tonyr antwortete auf King Koitus's Thema in Sport & Fitness
so einen Basic Zusammenfassung davon? Glaube nicht. -> mach halt einen Log und stell dort Fragen oder hier. oder hier so ein kleiner Basis Post über gesunde Ernährung (aber total übertrieben und nicht notwendig wenn nicht krank) Sry aber das ist zu einem bedenklich großen teil bullshit. Nur ein paar beispiele: - pastured bacon fat ist gesünder als olivenöl? - zimt ist gesünder als zwiebeln als gewürz?? (inwiefern bitte ist Zwiebel in irgendeiner Weise ungesund?) - weißer Reis ist gesünder als haferflocken? (klarerweise wenn dann das gegenteil) und das war nur alles was mir jetzt grad mal ins auge gestochen ist.. -
Hey Kal-EL, danke für die Information! Ich wäre gerne dabei, habe jedoch erst ab ca. 22h Zeit..ich schätze mal, dass es noch nicht sicher ist, wo ihr später unterwegs seid?
Die drei effektivsten Techniken im Arsenal eines Pickup Artists?
tonyr antwortete auf Roofblast's Thema in Strategien & Techniken
Was ist denn eine Rapport brechende Tonlage? Stellst du dich vor das Mädel und schreist ihr dein "Hiiiiiiii!!!"mit größtmöglicher Lautstärke ins Gesicht, oder wie darf ich mir das vorstellen? (Nicht böse gemeint) Für mich sind am wichtigsten eine gewisse Lockerheit, gute Laune und ein Schuss freches Verhalten, das man hier auch C&F nennt. -
Die drei effektivsten Techniken im Arsenal eines Pickup Artists?
tonyr antwortete auf Roofblast's Thema in Strategien & Techniken
1. Self-amusement (du fühlst dich super unabhängig von deiner Umwelt /Reaktion der Frau) 2. Laute Stimme 3. Rapport brechende Tonlage beim Approach -
Field Report - Sargen mit dem weltbesten PU Profi in der Disco !
tonyr antwortete auf Darth-Vader's Thema in Field Reports
Lol , supergeil, musste viel lachen danke für den Bericht ;) -
zwar kein lied direkt, aber sehr motivierend :
MM oder Ross Jeffries, das Böse! Was benützt ihr und wie?
tonyr antwortete auf atricky's Thema in Strategien & Techniken
lol das ist ein witzpost oder ich stimme Garrincha absolut zu. lol gut, was suchst du in einem PICKUPFORUM? -
weitermachen und ignorieren (erzähle dabei eine story, um den logischen teil ihres hirn zu beschäftigen)
Hallo Jungs! Werde kommendes WE in Innsbruck sein, falls jemand Lust auf Daygame am Samstag hat, kann er mir ne PM schreiben. Studiere eigentlich in Wien und mache regelmäßig Daygame. Mfg
MM oder Ross Jeffries, das Böse! Was benützt ihr und wie?
tonyr antwortete auf atricky's Thema in Strategien & Techniken
MM oder Ross Jeffries, das Böse! Was benützt ihr und wie?
tonyr antwortete auf atricky's Thema in Strategien & Techniken
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MM oder Ross Jeffries, das Böse! Was benützt ihr und wie?
tonyr antwortete auf atricky's Thema in Strategien & Techniken
lol das ist ein witzpost oder -
das einfache englisch kannst du nicht? lol
Absoluter Bullshit
suche direkte methode die funktioniert
tonyr antwortete auf alphabrain's Thema in Strategien & Techniken
Eine direkte, simple Methode für den Club gemacht für ONS : "The Physical Game" von Ozzie von RSD -
Hey, Das original ist im RSD Forum zu finden, da ich da hauptsächlich unterwegs bin, daher englisch ;) Eventuell ist es für den einen oder anderen interessant. Hey everyone, this is my first try to write down my experiences in the field. I am 23 years old, business/law student from Vienna. Sorry for my bad english, i really need to improve it. 14/5/2011 Tonight there was this big party at my university, so i decided to go there with my wing. First we met a few guys in a really cool australian pub and i got in state really fast (i asked 5 people on my way to the pub after directions) I love being in a group where i know only half of the people so i can use the other ones as easy warm up sets to get myself into state. My wing approaches two girls, a 6,5 and a 8 but after a few minutes he leaves. After this i go to them and open the 6,5 with that i don't like guiness (she was drinking one) but i see the 8 is leaving shortly after my approach, so i order my beer and talk to the 6,5 for a few minutes. She is from New York and very friendly and intelligent. I go back to the group and shortly after i go to the toilet. On my way there i see the 8 waiting in front of the toilet. F: Hi, i am Martin (big smile on my face) HB8: Hi, i am Alissa (very friendly) F: So you are from America like your friend? HB8: Haha, yeah you talked to my friend.. i saw.. F: Whats that (touching her arm wrist) thats cool HB8: Thanks, its a gift.. Then a girl comes out of the toilet and HB8 gets in, so i say bye and she says see you later..I don't want to wait for her so i go back to my group. On the way to my group i see another girl, a HB6 smiling at me, i smile back and touch her hair and pull her closer and smell on the hair. F: It smells good! HB6: Thanks F: See ya My state goes up even more, i feel like i can do anything i want and nothing will happen. Its like on drugs The only thing i hate with groups is there is always alcohol involved, but i try my best not to drink too much. So its something like 11: 30 pm and the group leaves because they have to catch a night train. But my wing and me we stay (many HBs there). So i talk to my wing about the next location when suddenly a drunk HB6 opens me with something i dont remember, she is clearly attracted and makes a lot of kino, but i decide i dont want to kiss her. Then she introduces me to her friend (HB 7), and my wing talks to her. I asked him what he wants to do, but he does not want to do anything. Then something funny happens. I remember reading a bootcamp review with jeffy a few days ago where the guy fucked his girl on the toilet and so i decide i will go for it, because i have nothing to loose and because she is only a 6, maybe she will go for it. I verbalize my plans. At first she does not agree but then she says okay, and then we fuck on the toilet, but it was not worth because i did not find a good position haha, and me nor she did cum and it lasted only 15mins. On my way out a guy says something (don't remember) and i get introduced into a new group. I sit next to a cute girl (HB7), and after some talk i go for the kiss. But now i had to go, and she (!) asked for my number. Thats not happening so often to me. My wing was already on the way to the party, so i called him and we made plans to go first in another bar (Chelsea). As we arrive, we see there are not many people there, but i find one group with 5 girls and i immediately approach one of the girls. At this moment i have already approached more than 15 girls, fucked one (lol), kissed two, so i don't care about anything, i am fully outside my head and feeling good. The girl is really into me, i just introduce myself as this is my favorite opener when i am in state and i see she really likes me. I say i have to go now cause there are not many people and she says they will come later, i should stay. But my wing is already going out and i follow him. On the way out i see a really cute girl (HB7,5) and her friend (not cute, fat), i come from behind and hug the UG and say, i love you and we should go to vegas to marry ! (stole this from a bootcamp review) HB 7,5 giggles and UG is looking confused haha. So we go outside where my wing is waiting. Both girls are very high self esteem, especially the UG (this is uncommon), so its a funny interaction, i feel really good so i take out my phone and tell the HB7,5 to tipe in her number. She says no and smiles, i don't give a fuck, she is really cool, intelligent and talkative, i guess she wanted more investment from my part. I need to be not so arrogant sometimes lol. So my wing and me we say goodbye and go to the tube. its 1:20 am. In the tube my wing sees a cute girl (HB7), and i think i will try something i read on Alex's Blog a week ago. I say to her in a loud voice: Are you smart? (voice tonality going down, like a statement). The other people in the tube notice it because i was really loud. She smiles and turns her body in our direction, and says yes. So i bring a Badboy routine (actually the only routine i use). She giggles and we have some fun. As we leave my wing asked me why i did not take her number, and i realised how dumb i was. When i am in state i sometimes forget such things. So we arrive at the university, pay 10 euros and get in. We meet some friends (two girls), i talk to some other friends, my wing talks to some others, we have a lot of fun. As i go to the dancefloor with some friends of me a HB 7,5 is opening me and i realise thats a girl i had some oneitis feelings for in the past (Another story, very complicated). The first thing i do is makeout with her. (History: the last time we saw each other was on st. patricks day, where i tried to kiss her, but she was playing with me (she is a female player hardcore) and blocked my advances. Then i made a freeze out, did not contact her at all, and when she wrote me on facebook i said i am busy. But i never really forgot about her and still now i find myself thinking about her sometimes. This made my state go a little bit down, because even though i kissed her, she was playing again talking to some other dudes one second after kissing so i left and talked to some other girls. Later i made out with another cute girl. It was already late and my wing and me went home. Nice evening. What did i learn: I again realized that state is everything that matters so getting in state as fast as possible is my objective number one Staying in set longer (i should have waited in front of the toilet for HB8 to come out, and the HB 7,5 i should have talked longer before asking for the number) Your comments are welcomed
Angenommen, du würdest mit ihr zusammenkommen, am Ende würde dir das mehr schaden als helfen, das muss dir immer bewusst sein. Du denkst du kriegst keine andere Frau, die so gut aussieht? Wieviele Frauen sprichst du jeden Tag an? Meiner Meinung nach einer der besten Artikel, die jeder PUA lesen sollte zu diesem Thema : http://www.fastseduction.com/cgi-bin/searc...141677600300370 . Viel Glück!
Hallo, der Opener ist von TylerDurden, habe ihn im asf-Archiv gefunden: Findest du, ich sollte mir die Haare blond färben lassen? Habe ihn jetzt die letzten Nächte ca 5 mal probiert und lief ziemlich gut, Gespräch hat sich gut aufgebaut. Irgendwelche Ideen, wie ich eine weitere Story darauf aufbauen könnte? Irgendwelche Erfahrungen bezüglich dieses Openers? Danke!
Rausgehen, Mädchen kennenlernen und rausfinden ob es praxisbezogen ist?
Persönlich würde ich dir empfehlen, einfach auszuprobieren, was er so schreibt. Wer die Archive auf alt.seduction.fast gelesen hat (Mystery, TylerDurden, FrancoPUA, etc), wird erkennen, dass alles ja ziemlich ähnlich ist und sich in den wichtigen Punkten nicht unterscheidet.. zb das HSE/LSE/LD etc kommt ja nicht von EE..
Fieldtested an diesem WE: Freitag zwei KC und Samstag damit FC.. wobei ich immer spätestens nach einer Minute das Thema gewechselt habe, ist also praktisch nur um das Gespräch zu beginnen.. hier übrigens das Original: http://www.fastseduction.com/cgi-bin/searc...how%26dateto%3D
hm, jemand vlt mal den opener benutzt?
wieso hast du beim auto nicht eskaliert? war ein fehler.. aber ruf einfach die nächsten tage an, und dann aber eskalieren, sonst is vorbei ;)