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Alle erstellten Inhalte von JosipRa

  1. Hey Guys, Jahrgang: 1997 Wohnort: Steglitz- Berlin Stand: Nightgame fortgeschrittener, Daygame anfanger Präferenz: Daygame, Nightgame, Clubs Kurze Vorstellung: Hello, I am 27 years old. I moved 8 month ago in Berlin, i had some fun in nightgame but i think daygame is a challange for me. I enjoy fitness and music. I am looking for a wingman to make daygame more fun and start regularly approaching.
  2. JosipRa

    Wingman gesucht in Berlin

    It would be great if we meet, drink coffee quick to get to know eachother and try to do it. We have to go into private messages to arrainge it but i am not allowed to do that, you?
  3. JosipRa

    Wingman gesucht in Berlin

    Hallo Jannik, my name is Josip, I come from Croatia, I am 27, athletic and have a bit of experience, not much, but we can do it if you want to, its easier with company 😉