

Victor Malvado
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I came out of the music store and was ajusting my earphones. Not especially perpared for sarging or anything and I had my mind on something else. But... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh daaaaaaaamn! This blond hb10. I mean really. Miniskirt, cut off top.. I mean who the hell wasn't looking at her? And there she was strolling happily down the street towards me. I found myself magically in state and looking at her for someting to observe. She was accosted before she got too close. Some homeless guy tried to sell her tissues for a euro. Do they do that in all countries or just here? Anyway she comes out with "Blah di blah blah blah" in english. So I had my excuse. "Excuse me" I said. She looked at me and I thought a bit wary (which is understandable) "Excuse me... I have an intuition about you" She comes out with "What?" and I go on. "YOu.." dramatic pause "are english" "no Im not Im afraid" pause. "I'm Australian" I laugh. "Thats funny. I just had a conversation with two new Zealander who slammed the hell out of the Australians" She looks all shocked but with a kind of "typical Kiwis" look on her face. "What did they say¿" she asked. "they said you were all boring" came the reply. "Hey you dont believe it do you?" I added. "No I do not " she said a bit irate. Well that was the icebreaker. So of course we blah di blah for a while and I find my excuses to run some patterns on her. I give her a trust pattern and then asked her how well she managed to connect with the spanish people with her being a foreigner and all (and totally hot). She answered and I gave her "At first when you are here.. (pace) and you dont know the culture it can be hard (pace) to ... (pause) feel a.. REAL connection. Some people you just dont care about and then others. You meet them and you dont even care why.. but you just feel good". ETC.. I ran a bunch of other patterns on her and telphone closed her before walking on. I thought she looked a bit too comfortable so I said "Look I really gotta go(take away).. Lets finish this conversation another day." asked me where I was going and asked to walk along with me for a bit. i let her. Do you see how kind I am to girls? I then cut her off with a "Look I really do have to leave you now. I WILL call you ok?"I left her and urgently zoomed off- Got round the corner and slowed down to my sarging pace... Total talking time so far: 10 minutes max. Now two days later I call her and the first thing she does is say: "Hey I was thinking about htat conversation we were haveing the other day::" And guys I COULDNT REMEMBER. :wacko: "Ah" I said. "You know what it's like when you really feel deep level trust for a person.." Ah now I remember.. It was a trust pattern I ran on her. Easy as fuck as well. All you do is speak about another person as though they are the most trustworthy person in the entire universe.. I would have said something like this: "I was talking to my friend Jore this morning. You know what I love about THIS GUY (I point to myself).. I mean YOU JUST KNOW that THIS PERSON makes YOU FEEL SO GOOD, SO RELAXED, SO ...(pause) free... YOU DONT KNOW WHY AND YOU DONT CARE (i shake my head no and so does she. This is an indicator of rapport) All you know is YOU TRUST THIS PERSON AND WANT MORE (This time I point at my dick)..." Anyway I had said something like that. The Girl continues. "I think it's sooooo true...." and she starts going on about her friend... When I feel her to be truly in state I anchor it with a "mmmmmmmmm" noise which makes her laugh. I say "Come on let's meet. Where are you now?" Fortunately she was close and it took just half an hour to meet her. Total talking time so far: About 20 mins. :) We met in a crappy coffee bar. Starbucks or someting similar and it was empty. It was obvious that she was into me by now. Those hypnotic patterns have a very profound effect guys. sometimes you get the results immediately but other times you have to wait. This was really fast though. She was wearing the smallest miniskirt in the world... fantastic. We sat down and she started telling me about how she was going to live in Ibiza in two days and I thought "shit".. thinking that I wouldnt have time but looking at her it was clear. After talking for a minute about going to Ibiza it was obvious that she valued the idea of "adventure" so I started talking about my mate Richard. "He is the most romantic guy you could imagine.. You know what happened to him once..." I tell the story of Richard meeting agirl inthe street and how they went off and had a fuck in a toilet. And now he still writes her email adn talks of her as though she is an angel. "Such a short ADVENTURE but it can MAKE YOU SO VERY HAPPY" So I ran several patterns on her and kissed her over the table. She kissed me passionately. While she was still red hot I took a chance "Time for the bathroom" And I stood up. Notice one thing. I did not say "come on let's go to the bathroom" no. I was vague. "Time for the bathroom." I stood up and headed off down the stairs. She was behind me. I opened the door to the mens and looked into her eyes. She opened the door of the ladies and looked at me. That was enough. I grabbed her hand and went into the bathroom with her. "OH my god we cant" she said lifting up her miniskirt. THAT WAS GOOD. Now not all girls are as responsive as this one and also she more or less gave it to me very easy but I tell you something guys: You need to be able to take advantage of the right moment. If I had gone for it at another moment perhaps she would have resisted. After listening to the adventure stuff she was very very very ready. Also imagine you get IOI's like I was getting and then you dont have the balls to lead her to the bathroom and jump in with her. Perception and balls. Total conversation time to Fuck close 60 minutes.
Yeah man I'm English. Pretty native. I'm afraid you are gonna get some "long ass posts" from me too. I'm totally addicted to this game. I wake up pissing myself laughing thinking about the mad walkups I did. If you remember allthat stuff about anchors then you will remember allthe anchors that we are setting every time we write in our journals. I am anchored to my journal and now all I have to do is think about some of the hilarious ways I haev tried and I laugh. I have laughing anchored to approach.. and sometimes to being blown off. Man I gotta go but I will beback with some funny examples. I will include some good blow offs too. See ya bro.
Story of a good blasen close Hi Guys. My german is not so good sorry. I am out of practise. But hell I like this forum so I will give you some of my sarging adventures. Happy reading guys. I have been busy. I am the bookshop master. I find the bookshop to be more or less the perfect place to sarge. going to the esoteric, poetry or psychology sectin has yeilded the best rewards. the great thing about it is that I then have a perfect excuse to start asking "deeper" types of questions. I will explain. Situation 1. A hb8 was reading a book about sex (woo!) and was standing right in the way of the tarot books... so... first contact was I asked her to move out of my way. She moved... I might add that I had performed an energy ritual before going out and I had slowed my breathing down and was keeping it in my abdomen. I start looking at the tarot cards and pull out a few.. browsing away. "Hey.. which do you prefer?" was my question. She participated nicely and contemplated the two choices I had offered her.. Zen Osho and an Egyptian pack. she tapped the Zen pack. "Yeah..." I said. "These are more...er... they are more.. er.." Now I was not stumbling over words but rather acting as though I couldnt find the word. The purpose of doing this was to provoke her to speak without having to ask her directly. Why do I do this? the reason is that I want the comment to be "her idea" and not just the answer to my question... This time it worked. "Oh but this one is just beautiful" I opened the box and the card on the top was "dreams".. the picture was a girl draming of her ideal lover.. talk about a gift from God. "Yeah I mean look at that"... she did.. "I think that when you look at these pictures, its impossible to not really feel something.. something.. someting that comes from you" again am not asking her anything.. I am illiciting a response but not asking. She ponts at the girl in the picture and says "This is me I think" "interesting... tell me why you say that" She smiled and avoided the answer.. it was a good smile. "you wanna read it?" I asked. Without waiting for the answer I flicked through the manual and found the page which refers to the card. God was with me "One enchanted nicht you will meet your twin soul... (This was with seductive tonality of course... you dont read someting like that in a flat tone) The perfect person who will... (pause) satisfy.. (pause) all your needs..."At this point my phone rang and it was a business call. I spoke to this person a minute and then hung up. the hb was hanging about and waiting for me to finish. This is good. I then took my chance to get out of there. "Look I have to go now My name is Malvado. Do you have an Email" "Yes.." (she looked nervous now ha ha ha) took out a pen , dropped it, picked it up and wrote her email.. "Put your phone number too" I added as an afterthought. "Maybe we could have coffee or something.." I said.. "You are paying of course" "Ok sure" she said instantly. (The you are paying of course is a break state.. if you are into NLP you will understand what a break state is.. My comment about e coffee is so similar to a "normal" dating behaviour that I dont want to evoke reflex trained responses.. so I broke it with a joke)"great to meet you" I said "see you soon" and I vanished out of the shop.. only to return a few seconds later.. "You dont really have to pay for the coffe.. that was a joke ok?" "Yeah I kinda figured you were joking" smile.. looked me right in the eyes "See you Malvado" She used my name. I dont have to mention that I got the ddb look now do I. So why did this work so well? 1. My energy was in the right place. 2. I had peformed my visualisations and affirmations. (see early Ross Jeffries) 3. I came to her asking and valuing her opinion. $. I evoked responses rather than demanding them. 5. I used humour... with great confidence and security. 6. I left early. i withdrew myself. Made myself scarce. 7. I read her well. 8. Great rapport. 9. I look like Brad Pitt. 10. I dont really look like Brad Pitt. Now for part two: She was Argentinian. Only 24. I had observed from the start that she was reading a slightly esoteric type of sex book. I had also noticed that she responded very well to esoteric style conversations and get well into the idea of me being a hypnotist. she reacted very well to "The star of Bishop" which I was writing out in Spanish while I was waiting for her.. She couldnt resist the question: "What were you writing back there?" My answer was that I was doing a creative writing course and that it was an exercise for homework. I then had it very easy. I asked her about what she liked reading. she mentioned a few books I hadnt heard of... sh*t. so I asked her about them.. she said blah di blah until she hit a book that she had loved.. I was home dry.. or home wet if you like. It was then simplicity itself to start talking about what was it about that book that had given her so much. She then softened and talked about the feelings that the book gave her.. about he wonderful.. SENSE OF CONNECTION with the author and a feeling that he understood THE REAL ME as she said several times. Her tonality slowed down and she got into it. Her voice softened and I knew then the tonality i should use and the words I should lean on. Out came my version of Bishops Journal. (star of bishop) "That is .. just amazing" I said as if to be moved by what she had said.. "What?" came the reply. "It's just amazing... I'm going to read you that poem I was writing" If you dont have star of Bishop then I am horrified.. never fails.. It uses very heavy conectionpatterns and is very arousing.. The great thing about poetry is that you can use your tonality (her tonality) and then after... you let it sink in.. "That was wonderful" Ha ha ha. She went all gooey. I used the connection gestures. Obviously I thought but she either didnt pick up on it or didnt care. She was getting closer. By now we were in a costa cafe and I then had it all set up to do a "see who is really into each other pattern" Do you know it? You say "Let's analyse everyone (playfully).. look at all the couples.. and say.."now who do you think is really into each other?".. (gesture between you) and who do you think is together because of habit.. social pressure.. convenience.. (gesture away). Eye contact.. she points round the room. I ask her how she can tell.. and she's off again. Heres a good one "You know the singer Prince?" she says "yeah" and you then use a quoes pattern.. here it is... "Well Prince says that real kisses.. (pause.. look at her lips) (observe.. does she lick her lips) are like tears..." She is bound to say "why".. keep her in suspense for a few seconds as though you are trying to remember how the quote goes.. "They are like tears.. because the only real ones.. are the ones that you cant stop." I either go for it now or if I want I lay on another layer... here it is.. "Its funny.. that moment just before that first kiss.. Its like there is a line of energy that go from his lips to hers.. (point to her and you).. like fine cord.. (pause) (observe her lips) (Are you getting the DDB look? Oh come on you must be by now) "And its almost as if a person could simple pull that cord.. "(hook the cord with your hand and give it the lightest of little pulls .. now is the golden moment to lock her gaze... godamit you know the look of excitement.. lean in and kiss. Kiss close. After talking to her for an hour. Turns out she ws going back to argentina in two days. sh*t. somy job ws to rapid close and take it to the next level. We ended up (mysteriously) in the park and in a secluded zone.. how odd. I got into the four levels of the mind (More Ross Jefries) which liberates her mind to do what she really wants without having to worry aout social approval and it was clear that this girl valued her own judgement and so this was a valuable anchor. I knew what I was after. Fluff talk.. wasnt really fluff talk. I told her about a hypnosis client who was obsessed with eating chocolate.. The story is about a woman who constantly stuffed her face with chocolate becasue she ws repressing what she really wanted to do. I imitated this woman.. "This is how she talks about chocolate.." And I started.."Mmm I see it and it looks sooooooooooooo (tonality with heavy sexuality) good. Mmmm I want it in my mouth.. I want to feel it on my tongue.." well I made it obvious and asked the girl to speculate as to what this woman really wanted. She picked up on it.. " a sex obsession" I explained that she loved to give blow jobs but that when she ws young she had heard her friends talking about a girl who did it and they were calling her a slut.. She did it one time with a guy she hardly knew.. she said she did it because the man made her feel good and that she had loved it.. problem she couldnt forget the comments of her friends and she ws suffering from guilt about wanting to give a blow job" Well she swallowed it.. (oh excuse the pun) I mean she got right into the story and was on this womans side.. "I hate it when girls judge other girls like that.. I think (the best thing that she said) that ALL GIRLS LOVE GIVING BLOW JOBS". she was defending this poor girl and condemning people who judge for these things. Five minutes later splurged her a good wet shot on her face. (blasen close) Not a bad date at all.
Yeah I started with Ross Jeffries. Ross Jeffries is excellent. Totally excellent. I dont know if I attracted her ONLY with NLP. I also come out with strong ALPHA behaviour. Inner game is not just NLP. Right? The other thing of course is balls. The fact that I approach a lot of girls is also beyond the realm of just NLP. When you are fearless and see the whole thing as a game.. a fucking fun game then you are having fun and are relaxed if you use NLP or not man. By the way I dont know what you mean by "It wouldnt be me". NLP wasnt me either until I learned it. I learned Wing Tsun kung fu as well. That wasnt me either until I learned it. Man what specifically do you mean by that? B)
Yeah man it's NLP. :) ...and yeah I could start writing in German. Anyone wanna give me German classes? Hmm until that day I will just have to keep writing in English eh guys. B)
Yeah it's easy to talk to them. You just have to come in really low key. Talk about something non thretening at first. Even if you are coming on strong your internal state should be low key... chilled out... so relaxed. You will automatically transmit this feeling to the women.
"Cool, how do you heard about storyteller? Maybe thundercats site or asf board? Yes you are very right, i think he is best german pua. He write very good posts, they help me very much. Hope you can understand Victor, sorry my english sux" Your english is better than my german eh bro. I was sent a link to his stuff on this site. I like his style. B)
Yeah obviously I do understand some german man but I dont feel like i can really express myself in german. The feild reports will be of much better quality if I do them in English. I have a million sarges to talk about. I love pick up I tell you I really love it. Thanks to Don Arturo for the comments. I have read some of your stuff actually. Nice technique. I have been following storyteller here and I enjoy him a lot. I just think it is time that I permit my journal to be seen. I sarge every day. EVERY DAY. EVERY DAY. Oh and Don Arturo... to answer your question: I am a practitioner of NLP and a psychologist. I have been doing pick up for about ten years and for the last three I have been using NLP in pick up. I got the Ross Jeffries course and have had to develop it in spanish. Lots of the stuff doesnt work in Spanish so I had to develop it. I know most of you will be using this stuf in german so I will be explaining how to use it in german as well. My version of NLP seductin is to be used in any language. Man this is play... But boys... we have to play seriously. Remember that no matter how hard you study for the goal of endless fuck closes... the whole thing is fun. When you see it as fun then you couldnt imagine how many closes you start getting.