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Über Joe24

  • Rang
  • Geburtstag 04/01/1995


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  • Teilnahme im zukünftigen Wingmen-Suche Modul

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403 Profilansichten
  1. Joe24

    Suche Wing: Raum W/WU

    Hi Rookie (rtzfgh) and others, i am looking for a wingman too and I am 28 y.o. and have a lot of experience with pick up in day game and also night game especially from Czech Republic. I live in Vienna too and I have a lot of wingmans in Brno, Czech Republic and every time a i meet them it is a lot of fun. I can also speak German. If you are interested, just text me here to discussion or private message. Joe
  2. Joe24

    Wien streetgame wings

    Hi guys! Im from Czech republic and this month i move to the Wien from Brno. I will be here 3 month, maybe i stay here for a long time. Im a member of czech pick up comunnity named I have a lot of experience in pick up game. But everytime i spoken in czech language. So now is it for me a chalenge to pick up some girl in english or deutsch language. Fluently i speak only english now. I will be very hapy if i find there new wings. I dont know if i this theme post to a right cathegory, if i not, please text me. Thanks