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336 Profilansichten
  1. Stouter

    [Wingsuche] Wien

    Hey ya, Since i'm quite "new" on this, by far I only tried MM on nightgame. As far as the daygame, I've been reading and trying to apply the London Daygame Model, specially following Tom Torero's advices and routines. See ya!
  2. Stouter

    [Wingsuche] Wien

    I think it's cause we don't have the minimum 10 messages required for sending DM's. You can contact me at my email, [email protected], I think it's better! See ya
  3. Stouter

    [Wingsuche] Wien

    Jahrgang: 1988 Wohnort: Wien Stand: Beginner Präferenz: Daygame / Nightgame Kurze Vorstellung: Hey ya, spanish guy here, moved here some months ago to start working here. I'm searching wingmans for some daygame, to go there and do some game and to analyze later the interactions with some beers. I'm also open to nightgame, cause I have some experience on that, but I want to take a further step and improve the daygame. Also I have quite experience with online game, and handling the dates after getting the numbers. I don't speak deutsch btw, just english! See ya guys!