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Über vale87

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714 Profilansichten
  1. Hello guys! I just landed in Germany and I would like to meet some PUA from here to go out for sarging. It would be great to meet some good wingman and having a group to go out. I live in Karlsruhe so I may come to Stuttgart for the weekends. Let me know if you are available! Best, Valerio
  2. Hello guys! I just landed in Germany and I would like to meet some PUA from here to go out for sarging. It would be great to meet some good wingman and having a group to go out. I live in Karlsruhe so I may come to Stuttgart for the weekends. Let me know if you are available! Best, Valerio
  3. Hello guys! I just landed in Germany and I would like to meet some PUA from here to go out for sarging. It would be great to meet some good wingman and having a group to go out. I live in Karlsruhe so I may come to Stuttgart for the weekends. Let me know if you are available! Best, Valerio
  4. Ciao Ragazzi! Ho Appena atterrato in Germania e mi piacerebbe Incontrare ALCUNI PUA da here for Andare fuori per sarging. Sarebbe bello Incontrare Qualche buon gregario e Avere un gruppo per Andare fuori. Io vivo una Karlsruhe Così Che io Possa Venire a Friburgo per il bene settimana. Fatemi sapere se si e disponibili! Best, Valerio
  5. vale87

    Wing Freiburg

    Hello guys! I just landed in Germany and I would like to meet some PUA from here to go out for sarging. It would be great to meet some good wingman and having a group to go out. I live in Karlsruhe so I may come to Freiburg for the weekends. Let me know if you are available! Best, Valerio
  6. Hello guys! I just landed in Germany and I would like to meet some PUA from here to go out for sarging. It would be great to meet some good wingman and having a group to go out. I live in Karlsruhe so I may come to Pforzheim for the weekends. Let me know if you are available! Best, Valerio
  7. vale87

    Wingsuche Freiburg

    Hello guys! I just landed in Germany and I would like to meet some PUA from here to go out for sarging. It would be great to meet some good wingman and having a group to go out. I live in Karlsruhe so I may come to Freiburg for the weekends. Let me know if you are available! Best, Valerio
  8. vale87

    Game Kalender

    Hi guys! I just arrived in Karlsruhe and I would like to meet some PUA from here to go out for sarging. It would be great to meet some good wingman and having a group to go out. Let me know if any of you is available!
  9. Hi guys! I just arrived in Karlsruhe and I would like to meet some PUA from here to go out for sarging. It would be great to meet some good wingman and having a group to go out. Let me know if any of you is available!